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Economic Hardships


May 17, 2008
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Everyone is suffering in the recent economic downturn, even our beloved leader of the free socialist world.

Obama: Our finances have suffered, too
Obama says the first couple is "not that far removed from what most Americans are going through."

Its tough survive on a meager $5.5 million AGI. So hard in fact that you have to cut back to only 4 vacations in a month, and have to settle to send the wife and kids to Spain, at a 5 Star resort and occupy 30 rooms. All courtesy of the American taxpayer who could only wish they had such financial difficulties.

It is so tough in fact that...President Obama said in an ABC interview that Malia and Sasha get an allowance and "they're starting to get old enough where they may be able earn some money baby-sitting"

Babysitting? Seriously? How stupid does he think the American tax payer is?

Still it will be rough for him when he leaves office (in 2012 or sooner) Obama, unlike many Americans, he will receive a staggering pittance of a pension. Under the Former Presidents Act passed in 1958, the pension was $191,300 in 2008. Oh the horror.
Its time Federal salaries were dumbed down to the plebes status....Screw the ruling class, they are no better than any of us.
Fed salaries outclass the private sector and to reduce them in line with the surf class would reduce government costs ala taxes....anyone support this?