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Former Presidents cost to tax payers

So the republicans arent to blame?

Are you an Ostrich?

And I will post anywhere I want, when you own the message board then you can make the rules.

Hate to tell you the house is responsible and it as been under the right control for the past several years.
I guess you'll need to since 1) your numbers don't add up to your first post and 2) I provided a link, which you summarily dismissed, yet failed to provide a link to a source to substantiate your claims. Even in the Faux news story, when addressing the question about why earlier figures were under $100k per hour, the response was "they were wrong".

I know fuel costs less when Bush was in office and all was right with the world, but in 4 short years the cost of operating Air Force one went from $56k to $181k? Are you saying Fox News is wrong??
The reference that I used to calculate the operating cost of Air Force One during the Bush term can be found here. “$56,800-per-hour the Air Force estimates it costs to run Air Force One”.

The references I used to calculate the cost Obama’s Hawaii vacation trips can be found here and here, just to list a few. Note: These cost do not include Michelle Obama’s vacation trips to Spain (with daughters, mother-in-law & friends), Aspen (with daughters), South Africa and Botswana (with daughters), Martha’s Vineyard (daughters on one flight and Michelle and Bo, a dog, on another), Vail (with Bo, a dog), Panama City Beach (with family), Martha’s Vineyard – again (with family), Mount Desert Island, Maine (with family), Spring Break in New York City (chaperoned daughters), Chicago (with family) and Yellowstone National Park and Grand Canyon (with family).

Nor does it include Obama’s daughter’s vacation trips to Mexico, Idaho and Bahamas’ Atlanta Resorts. Did I leave anything out, oh wait, the 115 golf outings all which took extra security planning and agents that could have been used to open the White House up for tours, but then again I talking about our kids vacations, not the Obama elite.
Not accounted for in any of these trips were the additional cost of hotel rooms rented and modified (in the hundreds) or the added security needed for all the sightseeing trips within each vacation. For example, in one Hawaii vacation;

“the president’s security usually rents an entire floor of an office building in Kailua on the canal during the president’s stay.

There are security upgrades and additional phone lines to several private homes where Obama and friends are staying. That includes bullet proof glass installed, home security systems disabled, new security measures put into place and additional phone lines added.

There is the cost for car rentals and fuel for White House staff staying at Moana Hotel.

And there are additional travel costs Secret Service and White House staff traveling ahead of the President”.

Bush added an office to his Crawford, TX ranch so he could conduct official business during his “brush clearing” vacations that included security measures against the hordes of local residence that showed up at all hours. Not!

So, let’s review;

5 Round trips to Hawaii since taking office (2 round trips on one Hawaii vacation), B747 cost for 90 hours of operation - $16,358,110
4 Round trips to Hawaii since taking office, C-17 cost for 86 hours of operation - $1,032,000

Average cost to tax payers for advance planning of the Hawaii vacations @ $100,000.00 per trip, 5 trips - $500,000.00

Total cost to tax payers for the 4 (5 round trips) Hawaii vacations alone (in 4 years) - $17,890,110

Oh, and the bio-fuel comment, The Great Green Fleet, $27 a gallon.
How about none of them (Congress or Executive branch) get paid anythjing till a budget is signed?
Michelle and the kids when they are not with Obama dont fly on the 747.

Shall we look up what kind of vacation Laura took?

Or how about the partying Bush girls, how much did the Secret Service protection of them cost?

Michelle's trip to Spain:

The first lady is paying for her own room, food and transportation, and the friends she brought will pay for theirs as well. But the government picks up security costs, and the image of the president's wife enjoying a fancy vacation at a luxury resort abroad while Americans lose their jobs back home struck some as ill-timed.

Some info on Laura, I think a trip to Africa costs more than to HI.

Michelle and the kids when they are not with Obama dont fly on the 747.

Shall we look up what kind of vacation Laura took?

Or how about the partying Bush girls, how much did the Secret Service protection of them cost?

Michelle's trip to Spain:

Some info on Laura, I think a trip to Africa costs more than to HI.


Laura Bush took one vacation a year, within the USA. She didn't spend our money on vacation overseas like Michelle Antoinette Obama, nor did she take 16 vacations over a 4 year period. What else you got?
Dude, I just posted a link that she took a trip to Africa with the girls. So try again.

Laura Bush was also a frequent flier who often brought her daughters along for the ride.

Her first foreign foray was a ten-day trip to Paris, Budapest and Prague in 2002 with daughter Jenna, who was then 20.

The White House made sure Laura Bush had at least one "official" event in each city, but she and Jenna spent the bulk of their time at each locale shopping and taking in the sights.

During her husband's second term, Laura Bush also made five goodwill trips to Africa to raise awareness about HIV/AIDS and malaria. But on an African trip in 2007, Laura Bush took Jenna and her other daughter, Barbara, on a safari.

Laura Bush also made an official trip to Burma in support of the pro-Democracy movement and another to the Middle East to promote breast cancer awareness.

The former First Lady's last official foreign trip was to Panama. She brought daughter Barbara with her.


How many times did they go to Maine too?

490 in Crawford and 487 days at Camp David

Laura without George:

July 8, 2001 – Yosemite National Park, California.

July 27, 2003 – Olympic National Forest, Washington.

July 20, 2004 – Glacier National Park, Montana.

July 23, 2006 – Denali National Park & Preserve, Alaska (she arrived by train).

May 1, 2007 – Zion National Park, Utah.

June 2008 – Mount Desert Island, Maine.

I cannot seem to locate which National Park, if any, they went to in 2002 and 2005.
Naturally, these hiking vacations did include friends (from what I could find, there were 4 friends with Mrs. Bush) and sometimes Air Force II and always with Secret Service Agents and some staff, as is necessary for a first lady.
Then, we have the “working vacations”:

July 2005 – with daughters on an African safari. Also, part of this “vacation” was spent with young female AIDS victims in Zambia listening to stories of abuse and taking mosquito nets to southern Africa so children could be protected from malaria.

October 2007 – Mrs. Bush traveled around the middle east raising awareness of Breast Cancer.
March 2008 – Mexico. More breast cancer awareness.

March 2008 – Haiti. To promote increased funding for AIDS patients and support education.

From 2000-2007 Laura took 14 trips overseas without George
Guess you didnt read this part, in regard to the Spain trip now did you?

The first lady is paying for her own room, food and transportation, and the friends she brought will pay for theirs as well. But the government picks up security costs, and the image of the president's wife enjoying a fancy vacation at a luxury resort abroad while Americans lose their jobs back home struck some as ill-timed.

And the trips to Crawford, far out number anything the Obamas have done.
Oh knot...how nice. Bush did the equivalent of the expense account cheater who goes to lunch, and his lunch partner asks "hows business?" so he charges the lunch to the company. Damn good thing Bush made Crawford a second office, seeing how he spent about as much time down there as he did in DC. Wonder if he wrote off his "home office" expenses on his income taxes. Bush rode bikes and cleared brush at taxpayer expense. Even if you use your numbers and not Fox News numbers, 40 trips to Waco in 4 years cost a lot more than 4 trips to Hawaii.
Oh knot...how nice. Bush did the equivalent of the expense account cheater who goes to lunch, and his lunch partner asks "hows business?" so he charges the lunch to the company. Damn good thing Bush made Crawford a second office, seeing how he spent about as much time down there as he did in DC. Wonder if he wrote off his "home office" expenses on his income taxes. Bush rode bikes and cleared brush at taxpayer expense. Even if you use your numbers and not Fox News numbers, 40 trips to Waco in 4 years cost a lot more than 4 trips to Hawaii.
Really? Where's your link/s for the cost of the Waco trips? Here, I'll help you out. $20 million, in 8 years. Now, compare that to the 16 vacations the Obama's took in 4 years. Go ahead KC, I'll wait. BTW, the little snarky comments about Bush truely mean nothing to me, they are entertaining though, romper room time at the KC residence.
President Bush spent 32% of his presidency on vacation.

Bush passed Reagan in total vacation days in 2005 with three and a half years left in his presidency. Reagan spent all or part of 335 days in Santa Barbara over his 8 year presidency. Bush spent 487 days at Camp David during his presidency and 490 days at his Crawford, Texas ranch, a total of 977 days.

When you add the days President Bush spent at Kennebunkport, Maine, he spent a total of 1,020 days away from the White House — close to 3 years. At 1,020 days, Bush was close to being on vacation more days than President John F. Kennedy’s total days in office (1,036). Representatives at the Nixon and Johnson Libraries indicate those two Presidents were on vacation less than 1,000 days during their terms.
President Bush spent 32% of his presidency on vacation.

Bush passed Reagan in total vacation days in 2005 with three and a half years left in his presidency. Reagan spent all or part of 335 days in Santa Barbara over his 8 year presidency. Bush spent 487 days at Camp David during his presidency and 490 days at his Crawford, Texas ranch, a total of 977 days.

When you add the days President Bush spent at Kennebunkport, Maine, he spent a total of 1,020 days away from the White House — close to 3 years. At 1,020 days, Bush was close to being on vacation more days than President John F. Kennedy’s total days in office (1,036). Representatives at the Nixon and Johnson Libraries indicate those two Presidents were on vacation less than 1,000 days during their terms.
So now that your "cost" attack hasn't produced anything, you set your sights on the amount of time Bush was away from the White House. Let me ask you something genius, what state was the economy in when Bush was spenting all that time away for the White House? Here's a handy little list of the time Obama has spent away from the White House. It's up to date and covers the 4 years Obama has been in office compared to the 8 years Bush was in office. No wonder you're a stock clerk.
Dude, I just posted a link that she took a trip to Africa with the girls. So try again.


How many times did they go to Maine too?

490 in Crawford and 487 days at Camp David

Laura without George:

July 8, 2001 – Yosemite National Park, California.

July 27, 2003 – Olympic National Forest, Washington.

July 20, 2004 – Glacier National Park, Montana.

July 23, 2006 – Denali National Park & Preserve, Alaska (she arrived by train).

May 1, 2007 – Zion National Park, Utah.

June 2008 – Mount Desert Island, Maine.

I cannot seem to locate which National Park, if any, they went to in 2002 and 2005.
Naturally, these hiking vacations did include friends (from what I could find, there were 4 friends with Mrs. Bush) and sometimes Air Force II and always with Secret Service Agents and some staff, as is necessary for a first lady.
Then, we have the “working vacations”:

July 2005 – with daughters on an African safari. Also, part of this “vacation” was spent with young female AIDS victims in Zambia listening to stories of abuse and taking mosquito nets to southern Africa so children could be protected from malaria.

October 2007 – Mrs. Bush traveled around the middle east raising awareness of Breast Cancer.
March 2008 – Mexico. More breast cancer awareness.

March 2008 – Haiti. To promote increased funding for AIDS patients and support education.

From 2000-2007 Laura took 14 trips overseas without George

And Michelle went to Africa raising awareness of how the elite in America can buy $10K outfits on spend $10 million on a shopping spree. Exit question, where are the 16 vacations the Bush family took in their first 4 years in office?
So the republicans arent to blame?

Are you an Ostrich?

And I will post anywhere I want, when you own the message board then you can make the rules.

Hate to tell you the house is responsible and it as been under the right control for the past several years.

As usual, wrong again !

FACT: Senate Democrats haven’t passed a budget in nearly four years. The president’s is late again (for the fourth time). Neither have a plan to replace the Obama sequester.BOEHNER QUOTE: “We’re committed to doing a budget on the House side – a budget that will balance over the next 10 years. It’s time for the Senate and the president to show the American people how they’re willing to balance the budget over the next 10 years.” (Speaker Boehner to Senate Democrats: “It’s Time to Do Your Job,” 1/23/13)


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