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Former Presidents cost to tax payers

Obama can't hold a candle to Bush. Bush spent more money on vacations...heck...he even fired up Air Force One to fly from Waco to Washington so he could sign the "keep Terry Shiavo alive" bill, the flew back to Waco the same night. How fiscally responsible of him.

And the 4,000 who died in Iraq..they weren't abandonded in the sense that Bushy didn't care about them, but they WERE told that "you fight with the Army you have" when they asked if they might have some armor for their Humvees. Then they lost a leg from an IED explosion. I dunno...that's pretty close to abandoning them.

Oh yeah...then, after telling them that they had to "fight with the Army they had", their commander in chief was monkeying around, looking under sofas and behind curtains in the oval office saying (of WMD's) "They gotta be around here somewhere"....har har har. THen you "patriots" who are all upset about Obama and 4 people in Bengahzi, painted Cindy Sheehan as a nutcase because she had the nerve to demand an explaination from Bush about why her son was in Iraq in the first place.

And to top it off, Bush committed treason as he dared the enemy to "bring 'em on" against our troops. And you guys think Obama is bad. Damn.
Obama can't hold a candle to Bush. Bush spent more money on vacations...heck...he even fired up Air Force One to fly from Waco to Washington so he could sign the "keep Terry Shiavo alive" bill, the flew back to Waco the same night. How fiscally responsible of him.

And the 4,000 who died in Iraq..they weren't abandonded in the sense that Bushy didn't care about them, but they WERE told that "you fight with the Army you have" when they asked if they might have some armor for their Humvees. Then they lost a leg from an IED explosion. I dunno...that's pretty close to abandoning them.

Oh yeah...then, after telling them that they had to "fight with the Army they had", their commander in chief was monkeying around, looking under sofas and behind curtains in the oval office saying (of WMD's) "They gotta be around here somewhere"....har har har. THen you "patriots" who are all upset about Obama and 4 people in Bengahzi, painted Cindy Sheehan as a nutcase because she had the nerve to demand an explaination from Bush about why her son was in Iraq in the first place.

And to top it off, Bush committed treason as he dared the enemy to "bring 'em on" against our troops. And you guys think Obama is bad. Damn.

What is the current waiting time for veterans to get their disablity checks? What is it now, about 273 days or so, in some cases 3 years! Bet Obama doesn't wait 273 days to take another vacation. Bet Obama doesn't cancel Moochelle's 50th birthday bash at the White His House with his 1 percenter Democrat campaign contributors and Hollywood elites. The vets disability checks can wait, Obama's parties and vacations can't. How fiscally responsible of him.
What is the current waiting time for veterans to get their disablity checks? What is it now, about 273 days or so, in some cases 3 years! Bet Obama doesn't wait 273 days to take another vacation. Bet Obama doesn't cancel Moochelle's 50th birthday bash at the White His House with his 1 percenter Democrat campaign contributors and Hollywood elites. The vets disability checks can wait, Obama's parties and vacations can't. How fiscally responsible of him.
Bush wasn't particularly veteran friendly there knot. But he still took vacations while they were dying.
Wonder how much the "mission accomplished" cost us taxpayers.
Wonder how much the "mission accomplished" cost us taxpayers.

Dude, you need the Bush Derangement Syndrome Rehab.......believe me there is more to life than wallowing in the Progressive Bush Hatred....move on, there is life after progressivism.....
Dude, you need the Bush Derangement Syndrome Rehab.......believe me there is more to life than wallowing in the Progressive Bush Hatred....move on, there is life after progressivism.....

no kidding, lmao these liberals Obama could pi$$ in their cornflakes and they would smile dreamily and comment on how sweet it was.
no kidding, lmao these liberals Obama could pi$$ in their cornflakes and they would smile dreamily and comment on how sweet it was.

Since they really cannot defend Obamas lavish vacations during sequestration and the mess of the last 4 years, I guess they figure picking on the retired guy is all they have left.

I am no real fan of Bush either, but geez folks, Obama has had 4+ years to do something and so far all he has managed to do is divide the country even further and watch as the country slips into oblivion under crushing debt, and play a bunch of golf.

Unless he manages to actually do something constructive in the next 3.5 years Obama will be remembered as one of the worst presidents in history. Not to worry though, I am sure eventually he will figure out a way to blame President Washington for our current problems.
Since they really cannot defend Obamas lavish vacations during sequestration and the mess of the last 4 years, I guess they figure picking on the retired guy is all they have left.

I am no real fan of Bush either, but geez folks, Obama has had 4+ years to do something and so far all he has managed to do is divide the country even further and watch as the country slips into oblivion under crushing debt, and play a bunch of golf.

Unless he manages to actually do something constructive in the next 3.5 years Obama will be remembered as one of the worst presidents in history. Not to worry though, I am sure eventually he will figure out a way to blame President Washington for our current problems.

Sorry, but the reason we bring up Bush and his costs is when we went to war on September 12, 2001, he should have revoked the tax cut to pay for the war we were getting ready to fight. Instead, he started as SECOND war and ANOTHER tax cut, and apparently back then, conservatives who are so worried about the deficit and spending today, sat back while Bush was pissing in their cornflakes, slapped a yellow "support our troops" sticker on their SUV and thought everything was dreamy as that deficit counter spun up and up and up as Bush made his monthtly trek to Crawford. Apparently when a republican is in office the Cheney doctrine is in full effect "REagan proved that deficits don't matter". But the spending started somewhere and you guys watched it for 8 years and never said a word about it. Not one. Yet you #### about "all the vacations Obama is taking". What's the word for that....hypocritical??
Sorry, but the reason we bring up Bush and his costs is when we went to war on September 12, 2001, he should have revoked the tax cut to pay for the war we were getting ready to fight. Instead, he started as SECOND war and ANOTHER tax cut, and apparently back then, conservatives who are so worried about the deficit and spending today, sat back while Bush was pissing in their cornflakes, slapped a yellow "support our troops" sticker on their SUV and thought everything was dreamy as that deficit counter spun up and up and up as Bush made his monthtly trek to Crawford. Apparently when a republican is in office the Cheney doctrine is in full effect "REagan proved that deficits don't matter". But the spending started somewhere and you guys watched it for 8 years and never said a word about it. Not one. Yet you #### about "all the vacations Obama is taking". What's the word for that....hypocritical??

So what you are saying is that 4+years after the man left office it's still all his fault........got ya. I bet Obama could fart in your face and you would try to blame it on the guy in the next room!

Sorry, Every president that has come before Obama has dealt with issues left over from previous presidents. After a full term in office the "it's all his fault" does not work. Sooner or later you are going to have to accept that Obama is just as bad as Bush was, maybe worse depending on the next 3.5 years. I think its going to be the "worse' catagory by the time the dust settles from this second term.
So what you are saying is that 4+years after the man left office it's still all his fault........got ya. I bet Obama could fart in your face and you would try to blame it on the guy in the next room!

Sorry, Every president that has come before Obama has dealt with issues left over from previous presidents. After a full term in office the "it's all his fault" does not work. Sooner or later you are going to have to accept that Obama is just as bad as Bush was, maybe worse depending on the next 3.5 years. I think its going to be the "worse' catagory by the time the dust settles from this second term.

NOpe, I'm only wondering if why a vacation a month is a bad thing, why weren't you all screaming bloody murder when Bush was doing it for 8 years? Obama hasn't come close to costing us in travel what Bush cost us in the same timeframe. If Obama's vacations are bad, why weren't Bush's?
Eh, Bush was renting out hotels in Crawford Tx every trip??.....I'd really like to see some expense reports comparing the two....

And I believe the Obama entourage is way bigger than your hero's....
Eh, Bush was renting out hotels in Crawford Tx every trip??.....I'd really like to see some expense reports comparing the two....

And I believe the Obama entourage is way bigger than your hero's....
The hourly costs to fly Air Force One and other aircraft/limos/choppers to Waco once a month more than offsets a Hawaiin hotel bill. Interesting point though....was Laura shopping at the Safeway every week to cook those meals for Georgie?
The hourly costs to fly Air Force One and other aircraft/limos/choppers to Waco once a month more than offsets a Hawaiin hotel bill. Interesting point though....was Laura shopping at the Safeway every week to cook those meals for Georgie?

But what about the Hawaiian fuel bill?
Duh......make sure brain is engaged before putting mouth into gear....

Eight months into President George W. Bush's second term, the Washington Post wrote that Bush's frequent trips to his Texas ranch symbolized "a lackadaisical approach to the world's most important day job" and gleefully noted that Bush was intent on setting the record for being on "vacation"--or away from Washington, D.C.--for the most number of days of any president.

But when President Barack Obama vacations in Hawaii, sets up a fantasy golf vacation for himself with Butch Harmon and Tiger Woods, averages more than a vacation a month in 2013 while purporting to be a man of the people and demanding the rich pay their fair share, and playing sequester politics by shutting down White House tours, the mainstream media is silent.
And while Bush spent more time outside of Washington than Obama, it is also worth nothing that nearly all of Bush's vacations were trips back to his Texas ranch or family vacation homes in Maine.
The Post, in 2005, conceded that Bush's vacations--unlike Obama's--were not lavish and he did not "make time for fun."
"Bush rarely takes the type of vacation one would consider exotic -- or, to some, even appealing," the Post wrote. "His notion of relaxation is chopping cedar on his ranch or mountain biking through rough terrain, all in 100-degree-plus temperatures in dusty Texas where crickets are known to roast on the summer pavement. He seems to relish the idea of exposing aides and reporters to the hothouse environment."
Obama, on the other hand, has traveled to Hawaii every winter. The Obama daughters are vacationing at the Atlantis Resort in the Bahamas this week with a full Secret Service detail, as Breitbart News reported, even as the White House claimed they could not afford to pay Secret Service agents to continue the popular White House tours for other students who are on their spring vacations in Washington, D.C.
The Obamas have gone to Martha's Vineyard multiple times while the country was in recession and Americans were struggling to find jobs. Michelle Obama has taken a whirlwind trip to Spain and a ski trip to Aspen.
Obama took 13 vacations in his first term, which spanned all or part of 83 days. But they have been much more lavish than Bush's. His annual vacations to Hawaii alone have cost taxpayers at least $20 million during his first term. In 2011 alone, Michelle Obama may have cost taxpayers $10 million on vacations herself. Obama's fantasy golf outing this year cost local law enforcement in Florida a reported $78, 205.
Bush was content to work from home during his vacations. And for doing so, the mainstream media tagged him as lazy and disinterested. The Obamas gallivant around, making plenty of "time for fun," and the mainstream media does not call them out for wasting taxpayer dollars or even for the terrible "optics."

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