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Democrats Upset Romney OVERPAID His Taxes

I'm sure there will be plenty of missteps during the debates, unless of course, teleprompters are allowed and the Libtard media lobs softball questions at Barrack, like they did in '08 !
I'm sure there will be plenty of missteps during the debates, unless of course, teleprompters are allowed...

We wouldn't want that would we.
What the hell does that have to do with anything?

Romney paid less in taxes than a working stiff with a 9-5 job and a W-2.

Bull. Again, you're caught up in narrative instead of facts.

From the Tax Foundation....

Average effective tax rate for U.S. taxpayers, based on adjusted gross income:

Avg. tax rate

All returns, total 11%

$50,000 - $74,999 7%

$75,000 - $99,999 8%

$100,000 - $199,999 12%

$200,000 - $499,999 19%

$500,000 - $1,000,000 24%

Summary for $1 million+ 25%

Ms. Tree, what you and the main stream media, and the obama-ites fail to realize is a simple understanding of tax law and accounting princicples ( because if you speak the truth and understand how it works, then you can not use this as negative against Romney)

taxes paid

tax liability
many pay taxes, yet the tax liability ( what you are required to pay by the tax code) get some or all of the taxes one pays back, a good example of that is last years tax info from General Electric ( just happens to have the CEO on the the jobs council) they paid billions in tax, yet after all of their deductions they had a ZERO tax liabilty, meaning for the most part, they paid no tax, this is a multi-billion dollar company.

many of the 47% have no tax liability, yet they get a refund, common since tells you that if they get back all of the taxes they paid during the year, plus they get even more back ask yourself, where does that extra return come from?

Most of Mitt's income came from interest paid on investment income, almost all of these types of incomes are taxed at 15 % because you earned the money elsewhere and it was taxed once already,
Bull. Again, you're caught up in narrative instead of facts.

From the Tax Foundation....

Average effective tax rate for U.S. taxpayers, based on adjusted gross income:

Avg. tax rate

All returns, total 11%

$50,000 - $74,999 7%

$75,000 - $99,999 8%

$100,000 - $199,999 12%

$200,000 - $499,999 19%

$500,000 - $1,000,000 24%

Summary for $1 million+ 25%

Interesting. I went through my tax returns for the past 10 years and my tax rate is double that what your table says it should be. I have spoken with a few others in my tax bracket and we all seem to be in the same boat. Romney's tax rate is 11% less than what your tax table says it should be. Ryans tax rate was 3% lower than your table for 2010 4% higher for 2011 (I cannot help but wonder why 2011 is higher). Given that not many people actually post their tax returns on line it is a bit difficult to make a broad assessment but I think your little table is just a little bit off. I'd be interested in knowing ho many millionaires actually pay 25% in taxes. We know Romney and Kerry do not. So where are these suckers that over pay their taxes?
Most of Mitt's income came from interest paid on investment income, almost all of these types of incomes are taxed at 15 % because you earned the money elsewhere and it was taxed once already,

I do not think that is correct. The principle is not being taxed again, the income (interest/capital gains) is being taxed and has not been taxed before. I have yet to hear a good argument to tax certain income at a lower rate than other income. I say, tax it all at the same rate.
I do not think that is correct. The principle is not being taxed again, the income (interest/capital gains) is being taxed and has not been taxed before. I have yet to hear a good argument to tax certain income at a lower rate than other income. I say, tax it all at the same rate.

Some people, like Herman Cain, tried that ! But some people,(lookin @ you) will not support a conservative, no matter how good their ideas are !
Just because a broken clock is correct twice a day does not mean I want to own it.
Since the ideal Federal Income Tax rate is ZERO percent for all Americans I find this whole topic amusing at best as everyone ignores the fact that from 1776 through 1916 we didn't need an Income tax at the federal level. Arguing about "paying a fair share" is just stupid as the fair ahare is ZERO.

We got into trouble when we realized that as a nation we could raid the Treasury and redistribute wealth. Then we discovered this thing called Debt and just how much you could do to help your friends who got you elected. Then when the debt got to high we remembered the printing press.

The simple fact is that more money in the pocket of the private citizen to spend delivers MORE economic value then the Government taking the money from you to give to some one else. It's Economics 101
And some people drool on their keyboard everytime they type "Libtard"

And most Libtarbs
Just because a broken clock is correct twice a day does not mean I want to own it.
I haven't seen the Barrack clock right yet !
And some people drool on their keyboard everytime they type "Libtard"
Isn't it time for you to list your Snapcard on Craigslist..............almost the first of the month and should be in your mailbox any day now !

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