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Democrats Upset Romney OVERPAID His Taxes

The concept of percentages are lost on you.

The concept of total dollars paid is apparently lost on you.

while the rest of us working stiff pay just a little bit more than that while making a whole lot less.

I don't know too many working stiffs paying out $2M in taxes.

Romney's $2M in taxes from last year is more than AA paid probably over the past 10 years... and probably more than a lot of corporations have paid.

Sure, go on about the percentage vs. the aggregate amount. Fact is that he paid out what the law requires, and didn't take full advantage of it. And Mitt has no control over what the tax rates are. That's set by Congress.

You and the other libtards so badly want to turn this into a negative that it's quite sad. The fact is he's paid taxes. A lot of them. He didn't game the system to the legal limit.

I think what really pisses you off is he voluntarily gave twice as much to organized religion than he did to taxes, which means people like you can't try to dictate how that $4M is going to be spent...
The concept of total dollars paid is apparently lost on you.

I don't know too many working stiffs paying out $2M in taxes.

Romney's $2M in taxes from last year is more than AA paid probably over the past 10 years... and probably more than a lot of corporations have paid.

Sure, go on about the percentage vs. the aggregate amount. Fact is that he paid out what the law requires, and didn't take full advantage of it. And Mitt has no control over what the tax rates are. That's set by Congress.

You and the other libtards so badly want to turn this into a negative that it's quite sad. The fact is he's paid taxes. A lot of them. He didn't game the system to the legal limit.

I think what really pisses you off is he voluntarily gave twice as much to organized religion than he did to taxes, which means people like you can't try to dictate how that $4M is going to be spent...

That has got to be one of the most asinine things I have read in a while. Are you seriously advocating that everyone pay the exact same dollar amount in taxes regardless of how much one earned? Seriously? There is not a single organization that supports such a idiotic idea. Should the tax on a bicycle be the same amount as that of a Rolls or a G-V? Taxes are always a percentage. I cannot believe I am having this discussion. My head hurts.

Yes he did pay what the law required. So did the 47%. You are good with that as well I assume? Yes us libitards are quite angry at that. I think there will be quite a few other folks who will be quite angry with this as well.
It effectively allows the issue to die before the debates.

Given the way that the Democrats are responding by saying "he deliberately overpaid!" it is also going to make someone difficult for Obama to try and use the "he didn't pay his fair share" argument.

It's also going to take away any sympathy for trying to use Warren Buffett's secretary as an example.

The best he can do is try to call Romney a hypocrite for understating his charity. And that's a dangerous place to go, given how little Biden and Obama (and most other liberals) are with their donations to charity.

It will also probably help his likability scores. Giving to charity isn't necessarily looked down upon in the flyover states.

The whole "47%" kerfuffle has the media painting him as a soulless, greedy bastard.

This effectively takes the wind out of that, and in a rather large way. $4M to charity last year, and not for the tax writeoff?....

NUMEROUS posts,............. Quoting FUX News all-over-the-place........, using words like "SOULLESS GREEDY BAS-TARD".................and knowing you fairly well for Years on this site, I see this as you RANTING !!!!!!!!!!! (Not ,in my view, your usual " M O ")
But I can understand Why.
I believe that reality is getting VERY close to home, meaning you KNOW MITTens is " going to GO DOWN in FLAMES" in Nov. !!!!!
The FARCE that was the REPUG primary, told your Intellectual side that this was going to be a Cluster Puck.
But what I see now is you and your emotional side NOW coming to grips with the REALITY in the next 45-50 days !

Sorry ol' pal....It IS what it IS !
Politicians lie. No big surprise. This is not just about Romneys taxes so please stop pretending you do not know that. This is about the tax rates that all of us pay. I pay a hell of a mot more than 10% in taxes. He is a multi-milionaire who pays less in taxes than I do. He pays less in taxes than people who actually work for a living.

Then do something about it, instead of bending over and b!tchin' and moanin' about it !

Like how about instead of making the "Evil Rich" pay more, we all pay the same..............novel idea I know, but what I consider the real "FAIR SHARE!"
NUMEROUS posts,............. Quoting FUX News all-over-the-place........, using words like "SOULLESS GREEDY BAS-TARD".................and knowing you fairly well for Years on this site, I see this as you RANTING !!!!!!!!!!! (Not ,in my view, your usual " M O ")
But I can understand Why.
I believe that reality is getting VERY close to home, meaning you KNOW MITTens is " going to GO DOWN in FLAMES" in Nov. !!!!!
The FARCE that was the REPUG primary, told your Intellectual side that this was going to be a Cluster Puck.
But what I see now is you and your emotional side NOW coming to grips with the REALITY in the next 45-50 days !

Sorry ol' pal....It IS what it IS !

You are foolish to underestimate the power of Magic Mormon Underwear.
NUMEROUS posts,............. Quoting FUX News all-over-the-place........, using words like "SOULLESS GREEDY B

Actually, I posted three sources, including Communist News Network. I don't watch Fox or CNN. I watch the BBC. They actually still consider themselves journalists and not entertainers.

Looking at CNN, Huffpo, and a few other sites, the tax return story is sinking farther and farther down the page.

Go figure.

Then do something about it, instead of bending over and b!tchin' and moanin' about it !

Like how about instead of making the "Evil Rich" pay more, we all pay the same..............novel idea I know, but what I consider the real "FAIR SHARE!"

Because a equal share is far more burdensome to the working class than it is to the rich/nonworking class. Fifteen percent of a $40k salary makes a much bigger difference than 15% of a $14 million salary. Same thing for a POS tax. I believe a progressive tax with no deductions is a better solution. I do want to see everyone with a little skin in the game so I would like to see everyone paying at least a little income tax.
Actually, I posted three sources, including Communist News Network. I don't watch Fox or CNN. I watch the BBC. They actually still consider themselves journalists and not entertainers.

Looking at CNN, Huffpo, and a few other sites, the tax return story is sinking farther and farther down the page.

Go figure.


Nice, the only other person who tax rate is even close to Romney is another multimillionaire. Romney is the poster boy for tax reform. The rich and the corporations will never let it happen but it's nice to dream.
That has got to be one of the most asinine things I have read in a while. Are you seriously advocating that everyone pay the exact same dollar amount in taxes regardless of how much one earned? Seriously? There is not a single organization that supports such a idiotic idea. Should the tax on a bicycle be the same amount as that of a Rolls or a G-V? Taxes are always a percentage. I cannot believe I am having this discussion. My head hurts.

Yes he did pay what the law required. So did the 47%. You are good with that as well I assume? Yes us libitards are quite angry at that. I think there will be quite a few other folks who will be quite angry with this as well.

I don't think Romney gets anything more for his taxes he pays than what I pay (which is a lot less).
What the hell does that have to do with anything?

Romney paid less in taxes than a working stiff with a 9-5 job and a W-2.
What the hell does that have to do with anything?

Romney paid less in taxes than a working stiff with a 9-5 job and a W-2.

All within the IRS code.

Nice, the only other person who tax rate is even close to Romney is another multimillionaire. Romney is the poster boy for tax reform. The rich and the corporations will never let it happen but it's nice to dream.

LOL....no, IRS reg's are the reason for reform.
No one said other wise. I think the point you are not getting is this. How do you think Romneys tax rate and his 47% comment will go over with the working stiff who punches a time clock? After all, they are just following the IRS rules as well. Whats the difference?

I think this puts Romney in a very bad position. These are two weeks I am sure he would love to erase.
No one said other wise. I think the point you are not getting is this. How do you think Romneys tax rate and his 47% comment will go over with the working stiff who punches a time clock? After all, they are just following the IRS rules as well. Whats the difference?

I think this puts Romney in a very bad position. These are two weeks I am sure he would love to erase.

' Tree,
" Erase "...you say ?
Not to worry. MITTens will be erased on 11/6, and by 11/7 he'll then become an afterthought, kept alive only by the FAT MAN, and the biggest FAT MAN Asss Licker....Hannity .

There are some very Smart REPUGS here on the 'cooler, and though at this point today, will never come out and say Romney will be beat(by a very weak Incumbent),even though in thier heart of hearts they KNOW he's D O A on 11/6.

Though happy, I'm still amazed that the REPUGS did not have a REAL candidate that stood a Good chance of winning in Nov.
The FACT that only 21% of the voting US public are registered REPUGS, further shows that this is a Party in constant Decline. (Thank GOD) !
You and the other libtards so badly want to turn this into a negative that it's quite sad. The fact is he's paid taxes. A lot of them. He didn't game the system to the legal limit.

I think at this point, it's more an issue of the Romney camp trying to deflect away from the "47%" video.

I watch the BBC. They actually still consider themselves journalists and not entertainers.


Looking at CNN, Huffpo, and a few other sites, the tax return story is sinking farther and farther down the page.

As it should, though I'm guessing Romney's group would prefer it was at the top, instead of all of his recent missteps...

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