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Flight Benefits On Us/hp Comparison

One topic I haven't seen mentioned, which is probably the most important, is how the non revers are treated at HP and US. As another airline non rever, I have always been treated very well by HP, about as well as my own airline. I have flown HP on 4 RTs this year. I almost always get an exit row as well. Not all airlines treat non revers well. I can think of one airline in particular, and it is not US as I have never non reved no US.

It is interesting reading about other airlines travel program's though.
I too had a good experience non-reving on HP. About 10 years ago I flew to PHX, and the gate agent came on board after I was seated in coach and moved me up to a sparsley occupied First Class cabin.
Even before I came here I non reved on HP to get home. They always treated me with great hospitality. One time I had a "real" ticket and happened to mention that I worked at U and they went ahead and upgraded me anyway. Don't tell anyone, but half the time when you want to upgrade to first they don't take the flexi pass. Woudln't want that to get around. But seems the company would rather you use it for a friend who pays something.
As an employee I have NEVER been treated bad on HP. When I had a family emergency everyone treated myself and my family with the utmost courtesy and sympathy. They're always smiling and joking with us at the airport. We're just a friendly helpful bunch of people.
drifterreno said:
Even before I came here I non reved on HP to get home. They always treated me with great hospitality. One time I had a "real" ticket and happened to mention that I worked at U and they went ahead and upgraded me anyway. Don't tell anyone, but half the time when you want to upgrade to first they don't take the flexi pass. Woudln't want that to get around. But seems the company would rather you use it for a friend who pays something.
As an employee I have NEVER been treated bad on HP. When I had a family emergency everyone treated myself and my family with the utmost courtesy and sympathy. They're always smiling and joking with us at the airport. We're just a friendly helpful bunch of people.

The only place that I have been treated poorly as an HP non-rev was LAX. They always seem to have a plank up their as* about something.
I agree with LAX, last time I tried to nonrev there, I asked them to check if I had an ID20 listing for a flight, you would have thought I was talking Albanian to them. It took them 30 minutes to figure out if I was listed, I ended up driving to ONT during rush hour to catch a flight.

I was treated like crap, and the agents were dumb as bricks.
I would like it if we lose the senority and go to first come first serve.
I have missed getting on plane when I arrived at the ato early and am on the list and here comes some high senority person come along last minute and bumps me down.
When you don't do it by seniority, people just call thier gate agent pal from home or work to list them as soon as they can. It's easily scam-able. I'd rather stick with seniority. Seniority gets you nothing else these days, it should at least get you home from work ahead of Joe New Hire.
HPearlyretiree said:
What good will is engendered by checking in 3 hours early and losing your seat to a very high seniority person that waltzes in 10 before the flight leaves?

Seniority blows

Spoken like someone who doesn't HAVE any seniority... <_<
Seniority is one of the few things we have left. I think that if you have earned your time in a company and you are senior to a fellow employee you should be entitled to that seat or jumpseat. I have had it happen to me where I got bumped off the jumpseat before the flight closed. The girl was running from her flight that she just worked and made it to the gate before it closed. I have been on the other side of the coin and bumped to get home as well. There is usually someone above you and below you. A new hire employee getting a seat over another employee with more seniority that was running to a gate from a working flight is not fair. That more senior employee may not have had time to list earlier. As long as you are there before the flight closes it should be the seniority of an employee that gets you home. Your seniority gets you an eventual block, the base you want, the trips you fly and by all means your way home or wherever your going.
Light Years said:
When you don't do it by seniority, people just call thier gate agent pal from home or work to list them as soon as they can. It's easily scam-able. I'd rather stick with seniority. Seniority gets you nothing else these days, it should at least get you home from work ahead of Joe New Hire.

You can check yourself in from home, so what is the difference?

Plus being a FA or Pilot you have more benifits than anyone, jumpseating is not a privilage we all can partake in. Then again it is the individuals choice to live somewhere besides their base........
ClueByFour said:
That's not technically true. http://www.usaviation.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=20775
point taken....thanks.......

although it is for accounting reasons only based on the amount of ownership that HP will have. But, my issue is that we are becoming 'one' and should think of it this way. We are now a team and should not put one above the other (unless your non-reving!). 😀
xoxo said:
I have to say that I would rather get there early and get the worm. I hate when we (U) have to wait and see if your gonna get on or not because someone senior all of a sudden shows up. I have had friends that have been bumped because of that. Also, our jumpseat policy is seniority too. It used to be whoever got there first. But, now it is seniority. What is the jumpseat policy at AWA for f/a's?
HP's F/A jumpseat policy is by seniority one hour prior to departure, i.e. two people there one hour before the jumpseat goes to the most senior, after that it is firt come first sits.

My first post!!!
Good merger,
Light Years said:
When you don't do it by seniority, people just call thier gate agent pal from home or work to list them as soon as they can. It's easily scam-able. I'd rather stick with seniority. Seniority gets you nothing else these days, it should at least get you home from work ahead of Joe New Hire.

Ah.....Let's see....You can check-in in the computer now did you know that?
Plus there are kiosk in every stations now, you don't have to stand in line.

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