Flight Benefits On Us/hp Comparison

barbeetantrums said:
Yes, checking in by seniority will be a wonderful thing for AWA employees. We can just stand and watch the old US employees get on the plane. I see how it is, now. Going from almost out of a job to walking all over the new merger partners. Wonderful.

Hate to say we told you so. You can see where this is going. <_<
StraaightTaalk said:
Hate to say we told you so. You can see where this is going. <_<

Sure you are. :down: One employee expresses THEIR opinion and all hell is gonna break loose. Give me a break, like we're going to have a say in what the final merger travel benefit is going to be. Do we get to vote? :rolleyes:
I really dont see the big deal in check in time. Just because its something US employees arent used to means its going to take some time to work it out and explain why its done that way when most everything else in the industry is by DOH. Heck, with my 1986 date, there are times I'd LOVE to use checkin by time and not seniority. Even with 20 years there are flights where I'm at the bottom of the list.
Some clarification on using time of checkin.
Can you do it at home from your computer?
If you dont get on a flight, do you roll over to the next one or is everyone scrambling to the counter to be the first listed for the next flight?
Can you list for more than 1 at a time?
You can check in at home. This is a recent little perk for AWA people.

If you don't get on a flight you should be rolled over to the next one if the gate agent does it properly. This will put you ahead of people who have checked in for the later flight.
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StraaightTaalk said:
Hate to say we told you so. You can see where this is going. <_<

and that is why it is IMPORTANT to keep the current buddypass system. THe SA1P is the only way, you can bump SA2P passes.

I use my buddypasses to trade them for SA1P passes to bump the SA2P people that check in before me.
Determining the standby list by check in time is fair.

It reminds everyone at the airline that we are all in it together, newbies and veterans.

What good will is engendered by checking in 3 hours early and losing your seat to a very high seniority person that waltzes in 10 before the flight leaves?

Seniority blows
lindy said:
This is an honest question, so please do not "nail me to the cross."

How does HP monitor possible abuse of the check in time? What would prevent a ticket agent/ramp agent calling from home and asking a fellow agent to show them checked-in at the 4 hour time limit?

If this occurs, it puts those employees who do not have such connections at a
distinct disadvantage.

Thanks, in advance, for any thoughtful replies.


The QIK check in system will prompt the agent that it is prior to four hours. If you say put in Y to accept it will force you to doc the record prior to checking in. There is a time stamp put on the remarks so if something is ever brought up about it, you can determine if it was legite or not.

Hope this helps. I still say it is better than senority.....first come, first serve....not fair to a lazy person to show up at the airport 30 minutes before the flight leaves and get son because they have 1 more year....
I think a lot of people just question the "time" of checkin. If the computer does the list automatically by time of checkin with no "help" from the agents, then I see it working. If, however, as was done in the past in some cities and the agent "helps" the computer with time (seniority) then there could be potential for abuse. Our system now does not give agents the ability to override seniority date and as long as they use the correct boarding code (S3 for active/S4 furloughed, etc) then it automatically puts you in the right order according to the info programmed by the travel department. No way to fudge. Also we are able to sign in and check out the standby lists in other cities (crews can as well) so this helps to cut down on any helping with times and to make sure you're on with the correct boarding code.
I have to say that I would rather get there early and get the worm. I hate when we (U) have to wait and see if your gonna get on or not because someone senior all of a sudden shows up. I have had friends that have been bumped because of that. Also, our jumpseat policy is seniority too. It used to be whoever got there first. But, now it is seniority. What is the jumpseat policy at AWA for f/a's?
airlinedivalish said:
and that is why it is IMPORTANT to keep the current buddypass system. THe SA1P is the only way, you can bump SA2P passes.

I use my buddypasses to trade them for SA1P passes to bump the SA2P people that check in before me.

How do you do this? Do you get actual certificates that you use at the gate to do this? Are they electronic or paper? Do you lose them if you list SA1P and dont get on and decide to try something else or do you get to use them on something else? How many does it take to do this? Are there any ways to earn them other than perfect attendance? Can they be bought? How much are your upgrades without the passes?

Sorry for all the questions, but you all have given some good info, just want some clarifications for the other side to start to understand why the HP system is good and enjoyed by you guys. Same thing if you guys want any specifics on the US side.
tadjr said:
How do you do this? Do you get actual certificates that you use at the gate to do this? Are they electronic or paper? Do you lose them if you list SA1P and dont get on and decide to try something else or do you get to use them on something else? How many does it take to do this? Are there any ways to earn them other than perfect attendance? Can they be bought? How much are your upgrades without the passes?

Sorry for all the questions, but you all have given some good info, just want some clarifications for the other side to start to understand why the HP system is good and enjoyed by you guys. Same thing if you guys want any specifics on the US side.

For SA1P, you give 3 buddy passes (aka Flexi-Pass) to the ticket counter or city ticket office (they will probably have pass travel offices at PIT, PHL, CHS, DCA, BOS and other large stations) and you will be given a paper ticket. The SA1P ticket is good for 90 days. Unfortunately, you will have to check-in at the full service ticket counter, not the kiosk. Buddy passes are rewarded for attendance. Perfect attendance nets 10 buddy passes per quarter. Any sick day (WHICH WE GET PAID FOR, IAM!!!!!!!!! :p ) loses 2 passes. Call in sick once during a quarter = 8 buddy passes. You cannot buy SA1P tickets. Buddy passes are paper.

Buddy passes are good for one RT companion pass (2coupons), one OW 1st class upgrade (1 coupon), 1 RT guest pass (1 coupon), and one RT cabin pet pass (1 coupon). Yes, Fluffy can also use buddy passes.
xoxo said:
I have to say that I would rather get there early and get the worm. I hate when we (U) have to wait and see if your gonna get on or not because someone senior all of a sudden shows up. I have had friends that have been bumped because of that. Also, our jumpseat policy is seniority too. It used to be whoever got there first. But, now it is seniority. What is the jumpseat policy at AWA for f/a's?

IMHO I favor Seniority. I think there should be some reward for showing loyalty while working for peanuts/pretzels. Ooops, they're gone too. It is brutal to get up at 2am to list for an early departure. What happens when the agent doesn't show at the gate until an hour before departure?

boxer said:
IMHO I favor Seniority. I think there should be some reward for showing loyalty while working for peanuts/pretzels. Ooops, they're gone too. It is brutal to get up at 2am to list for an early departure. What happens when the agent doesn't show at the gate until an hour before departure?


How would this be fair to present AWA employees? Enlighten me. I have been with AWA for X years. At my station, that is very high seniority. At US, X years is spit. Basically, AWA employees would be getting bumped all the time by the old US employees. I realize that you have put up with being rubbed in the dirt by your management but why should we reverse roles? PLEASE TELL ME! AM I MISSING SOMETHING? My company was doing fine and dandy, picked up your poor bedevilled asses, and it appears that you buggers want to walk all over me and the other folks at AWA. I'm sure you people will be a real blast to work with. I might as well get a job milking poisonous snakes.

While we're at it, a thread on airliners.net has brought notice to me that non-revving by US employees at their own airline incurs a fee. Did I read that thread properly? We pay nothing to fly on our airline except for any international fees. Nothing. Free. Zilch. We also fly free on other airlines in which their are station agreements. Nothing on Mesa flights, either.

Get up at 2am, check in on your computer, and go back to bed. Free. It costs nothing.
barbeetantrums said:
How would this be fair to present AWA employees? Enlighten me. I have been with AWA for X years. At my station, that is very high seniority. At US, X years is spit. Basically, AWA employees would be getting bumped all the time by the old US employees. I realize that you have put up with being rubbed in the dirt by your management but why should we reverse roles? PLEASE TELL ME! AM I MISSING SOMETHING? My company was doing fine and dandy, picked up your poor bedevilled asses, and it appears that you buggers want to walk all over me and the other folks at AWA. I'm sure you people will be a real blast to work with. I might as well get a job milking poisonous snakes.

While we're at it, a thread on airliners.net has brought notice to me that non-revving by US employees at their own airline incurs a fee. Did I read that thread properly? We pay nothing to fly on our airline except for any international fees. Nothing. Free. Zilch.  We also fly free on other airlines in which their are station agreements. Nothing on Mesa flights, either.

Get up at 2am, check in on your computer, and go back to bed. Free. It costs nothing.

Someday I will learn how to reply properly...
I should have been more specific as I am not a US employee. Didn't mean to ruffle your feathers and I did note your screen name. The airline I retired from uses the seniority system and it always seemed to work. Some grumbling where retirees with 25 years seniority had priority over active employees regardless of seniority.
Is first come, first serve all computer driven or don't you have to check in with an agent?
Again, sorry for the confusion.

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