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Flight Benefits On Us/hp Comparison

I once didn't get on an Air Canada flight after waiting 2 hours because the gate agent forgot to clear standbys, and the plane left with open seats.

Thankfully, it was a short YVR-SEA flight and there was another one 45 minutes later, but all the nonrevs were ready to kill that woman.

As for LAX, I swear the employees there are some kind of hideous lab experiment gone awry, rude, ignorant, slow and dumb as a bag of sand.
N305AS said:
Spoken like someone who doesn't HAVE any seniority...    <_<

There is always someone with more seniority. HP is now the second airline I worked for. Delta also followed seniority. The HP way is more fair for everyone not just the senior.
luvn737s said:
Sounds like a good reason to close bases. CLT/PHL and PHX/LAS seems about right.

It might make life easier, but then they would just move you around between those four.
In a nutshell - at America West - our children who are minors - or attending college - and our spouses and committed partners FLY FREE TOO! (I don't know why anyone wouldn't answer your question!) The parents of the employee who works for the airline have to pay - I believe - $15 each way - to fly anywhere we fly - plus applicable taxes for international travel. In-laws don't get these free benefits unless your parents are deceased. If I'm wrong, please correct me, but I believe this is true.
🙂 Could someone shed some light on where retirees stand in regards to non-reving ?
Retiring after 33 years with U. Just wondering how all this new non-reving effects the retirees. Also several posts back, there was a list of other airlines and their non-rev policy, but it didn't have anything about retirees. Any help for retirees would help, since we also lost alot in the past several years. Thanks for any help! 🙂
At HP, retirees travel at a SA3P (space avail. 3rd priority) status. Normal travel for employees is SA2P. Whatever pass travel benefits you have when you reitre are what you are supposed to keep for life. Spouse and dependents of retirees traveling alone are an SA4P status.
hpflygirl: thank-you for the info. One note though. You said that what ever you have at retirement, you keep. With U, thats not the case. I, never in a "million years" would of believed that U would or could do to the retirees what they did. Myself and many more after 33 years with U, we were taken "over the coals". So really, nothing is solid, except maybe all those golden parachutes, and those big bonuses that the higher-ups received from our give backs. Again thanks for the retiree info. pertaining to nonreving. It helps. 🙄

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