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I Am Shocked

rjh said:
Well, even though the prirority for reitrees goes from SA2 to SA4, it's only a "one-priority" drop. SA2 is now for interviewees & emergency travel; SA3 is for active employees. I think it's fair that active employees get priority over retirees (just my opinion).

Adding a $15 service charge also makes sense, I'm just surprised they didn't institute a service charge for everybody. Extra weight uses extra fuel; and with fuel prices we need to save as much as we can. Even if an extra person increases the fuel burn by only 50 lbs--that's about 8 gallons, which at current prices is $16!

I do hate that we can't use Flexis for FC upgrades--and especially that upgrades to Europe will be $100!!!! I also don't like losing Flexis as $20 towards parent travel--but again, we have to collect money for the extra fuel costs.

Bull poop!

You are truly ignorant or stupid when it comes to costs.

Let me see, here.

Extra 2000 lbs. on a five hour flight costs, yep, $37, according to my Sabre flightplan. So, mr. I cannot think, that means a 150 lb. person, according to Sabre, costs about $2.77.

Once again, the employees have been taken....and the "benefit" has become a "profit center".
sharkstooth said:
Bull poop!

You are truly ignorant or stupid when it comes to costs.

Let me see, here.

Extra 2000 lbs. on a five hour flight costs, yep, $37, according to my Sabre flightplan. So, mr. I cannot think, that means a 150 lb. person, according to Sabre, costs about $2.77.

Once again, the employees have been taken....and the "benefit" has become a "profit center".
First of all, the childish name calling doesn't deserve a reply.

My estimates were based on increasing payload on a PHX-JFK flight (using Eagle) by 200 lbs--yielded a burn increase of 50 pounds.

The actual cost doesn't matter. What matters is carrying extra people increases costs. That includes fuel, soft drinks, and time spent by employees. Sure, all of those costs don't amont to much for 1 person. But they all add up. We are still a business, and exist to make money.

Our flight benefits are still a tremendous BENEFIT (not a "right"). It becomes even more of a BENEFIT when we can extend cheap flights to spouses, children, parents, and friends.

Why not appreciate what you DO have instead of bitching about what you don't have???
rjh said:
First of all, the childish name calling doesn't deserve a reply.

My estimates were based on increasing payload on a PHX-JFK flight (using Eagle) by 200 lbs--yielded a burn increase of 50 pounds.

The actual cost doesn't matter. What matters is carrying extra people increases costs. That includes fuel, soft drinks, and time spent by employees. Sure, all of those costs don't amont to much for 1 person. But they all add up. We are still a business, and exist to make money.

Our flight benefits are still a tremendous BENEFIT (not a "right"). It becomes even more of a BENEFIT when we can extend cheap flights to spouses, children, parents, and friends.

Why not appreciate what you DO have instead of bitching about what you don't have???
40 passes per yr x 47,000 employees = a whole lotta ppl flying on employee flying benefits, i certainly dont mind sharing my benefits with friends and family. BUT thats a whole lotta tickets to be basically giving away!
TheNewLowFare said:
By the way, what is the incentive now with perfect attendance?

Since when do you need incentive to go to work everyday you are not sick?!? Grow up......
proudf/a said:
40 passes per yr x 47,000 employees = a whole lotta ppl flying on employee flying benefits, i certainly dont mind sharing my benefits with friends and family. BUT thats a whole lotta tickets to be basically giving away!
I agree 100%
Schatzee said:
Hmmmmm..... sounds like somebody snagged her panties on the fence they are TRYING to build around PHX.......

View attachment 3352

OH that is too funny...i kinda thought the same thing but was trying to keep this on a more professional level. Guess I hit a nerve. Thank goodness my yrs of flying have taught me to never take anything personal someone says to me... 😀
That's a real bummer for crew members who may want their registered companion to accompany them on a trip. Many of the european destinations are seasonal--they operate concurrently with the embargo policy--and unless the employee is with the RC, they'll never get to see some great destinations. Perhaps some spirited lobbying can change this policy.
What do HP f/a's care about that for? Dont they want a 20 year fence? Looks to me like(if they get what they want) they wont be seeing a European trip EVER. Like many of us said..whatch what you wish for. The U trips our the best..like we said..we do not want to give them up and go to hot a@s PHX.. B)
EricLv2Fish said:
UPNAWAY, There had to be some compromises. Compromise = Both parties giving something up. HP gains alot more places to fly on our own airline. That in and of itself is worth sacrificing alot in my HP opinion. All employees get 2 SA1 vacation passes a year that will counter DOH. Let's keep things in perspective please. How many airlines would put in place an employee feedback on pass travel? Relax, you will have workable employee pass travel benefits with a ton of places to fly. B)

WOW, so much to comment on here I cant remember it all! I NEVER used my 8 buddy passes and like someone said, everyone has extra ones. This is a MUCH better policy as our buddy passes were ID90's based on full coach. They only worked for people who had to travel on a last minute basis. If people had a little notice, they could fly confirmed for just a bit more and since we are supposed to become a low cost/fare airline, well....
Envoy is well worth the 100.00 and is as someone said, obtainable in off season. A seat that reclines to 160 degrees, a personal video screen that lets you select anyone of about 8 movies and start and stop or rewind it at lesure or switch movies is awesome. They restrict buddy pass travel in summer because buddies traveling without the employees travel at a lower priority, I think HP has the same policy, at least they do with dependants taveling alone. The Europe flights are FULL all summer long and some all year long. Rome is very tough to get to. Unacompanied buddies were getting stuck in Europe for DAYS! They put the blackout in for that REASON. Iv'e seen buddies really pissed at employees for offering them the passes which got them stuck for days in places they dont want to be in. F is tough to get generally. I have comp upgrades for perfect attendance they Ive had for over two years and cant use.
Overall, its a better policy than I expected. I also like the first come and seniorty trial. Everyone will get to see the benefits of both plans.
I have only used one of my 8 this year and I did not use ANY last year. On an average I use 1 a year. I just signed away 5 to give to Katrina victims. So, that leaves me with 2 just incase of a family or friend emergency.
Does U still give employees 2 free first class upgrades for international if you have perfect attendance? I had a friend who had 4 and we used them for Europe.
Schatzee said:
Since when do you need incentive to go to work everyday you are not sick?!? Grow up......

Spoken just like MPA. :down:
MarkMyWords said:
Spoken just like MPA. :down:

MPA? Sorry as I don't recognize that. I'm just a worker bee that comes to work everyday as I was hired to. I thought full time meant 40 hours a week :huh: I have used sick time when I was SICK.... While I am more than "sick" at what the mgmt in CCY has done to US employees, I still have a responsibility to uphold my agreement when PI hired me. Even though it has been a long time since I was treated as an "employee" and not a "burden" by the company, I do not need free passes to get me to come to work. Now, maybe we could talk about the salary cuts we have endured, love to have a week or two of vacation back, etc.

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