I think the IT department, as a whole, is the busiest in this whole merger. All areas have things to work on, but IT's responsibilities have to be completed before we are truly "one airline", and what they do impacts everyone else in this airline.I work in the same building as the IT folks (although I am not part of that department). I can tell you that those employees are working their a***s off to get a lot of this integration done. I know several IT guys that are putting in their normal 8-5 and many days staying until 100 or 200 in the morning working to implement and test everything. This is a HUGE project and I think they are doing a tremendous job under the circumstances.
This is a HUGE project and I think they are doing a tremendous job under the circumstances.
Furloughed "East" here and I, for one, am upset that access to the Hub has been taken away. Does anyone know if furloughee's will get the access back once the intergration happens?
Please stop treating us like the redheaded stepchildren!