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Guide: Nonrev

I believe it is 24...but...contact the pass bureau.
laurie.bauman@usairways.com...she is one of the pass bureau reps and DOES return emails, usually within the hour, from my experience.
Thanks for the email address. My friend used a buddy pass this morning and had the worst experience with a DCA agent supervisor ever. I had booked the pass on the Hub and when my friend tried to check-in and pay for it at the ticket counter, the agent said that it would cost $2000.00 (DCA-MSP). My friend said that she's on a buddy pass and the ETC said that it should cost $88.10. The agent argued with her even though she had a print out of the record locator, itinerary and payment page. There were further rudeness on behalf of this agent named Bella P. and I am furious about this situation. So, I'm glad that you posted Laurie's address.
Thanks for the email address. My friend used a buddy pass this morning and had the worst experience with a DCA agent supervisor ever. I had booked the pass on the Hub and when my friend tried to check-in and pay for it at the ticket counter, the agent said that it would cost $2000.00 (DCA-MSP). My friend said that she's on a buddy pass and the ETC said that it should cost $88.10. The agent argued with her even though she had a print out of the record locator, itinerary and payment page. There were further rudeness on behalf of this agent named Bella P. and I am furious about this situation. So, I'm glad that you posted Laurie's address.

Well check this one out.......At 6AM sunday morning I was the first non-rev to step up to the counter (lucky me) in Pittsburgh. It was agony for the poor agent and the ppl trying to help. But in the meantime a guy came up to the agent next to me and proceeded to get a buddy pass. I didn't get to hear everything that went on but I did hear this "that will be $26.00 (agent)" "but the online hub told us it would be $42.00 (passenger)" "well this must be your lucky day (agent)". Off he went on his merry way as I still stood there. I finally made it to the gate 1.5 hours after standing in line only to find this buddy pass gentleman sipping his coffee reading a magazine at my gate..........PIT-MCO for 26.00 on a buddy pass????? :blink: 😱
Do you know anything about furloughee travel benefits? I've found it very difficult to get any info regarding our "lifetime travel benefits".

It depends which group you got furloughed from. As I understand it, US East CSA's took buyouts which was considered separation from the company with no pass privileges.That could have changed - I don't know.

OTOH, if you were fleet and involuntarily furloughed, you maintain pass privileges for three years after furlough.

Additionally, if your age and years of service add up to 65, you will be allowed to retire from the company and get lifetime, online travel plus 4 annual buddy passes. A mailing with this info should happen soon.

If you are an f/a, pilot or mech, I got no idea.
Well check this one out.......At 6AM sunday morning I was the first non-rev to step up to the counter (lucky me) in Pittsburgh. It was agony for the poor agent and the ppl trying to help. But in the meantime a guy came up to the agent next to me and proceeded to get a buddy pass. I didn't get to hear everything that went on but I did hear this "that will be $26.00 (agent)" "but the online hub told us it would be $42.00 (passenger)" "well this must be your lucky day (agent)". Off he went on his merry way as I still stood there. I finally made it to the gate 1.5 hours after standing in line only to find this buddy pass gentleman sipping his coffee reading a magazine at my gate..........PIT-MCO for 26.00 on a buddy pass????? :blink: 😱
That burns my butt. My friend had to pay for a full fare one way on AirTran ($300) since she had to be there today. I will need to meditate prior to speaking to this Bella person. :rant:

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