When i first read the 'term sheet' the first thing that ran through my mind was that a good many of these positions have been sitting on a shelf somewhere in center port for decades. Talk about an AA pipe dream. Now before anyone rants on about how the company can get whatever it wants and that everything they want is reasonable given the state of the industry .. have a look at UA's "term sheet", the same legal document A.P.F.A. received from AA, and compare that to their final outcome through bargaining..
There is a world of difference between what they initially asked for and were then able to get through the bargining process. There are so many issues with this term sheet it's hard to know where to start but my first read gets my blood boiling at
1) The 85-95+ scheduling max..this issue came up last spring in negotiations, so i learned from many emails, and the real problem with this is from the AA side. They were not then willing to dictate what percentage of bid lines would be built to the skd max. And A.P.F.A. responded by way of explanation that if the company got this they then could only build 10-15% of the bid lines to the skd max if they so chose. And here's the kicker...every other bid line would have available days to bring the time up to the max. So yes, the increased hours would placate many of us who must work overtime, the downside is almost everyone would have available days to accommodate that. Now if the company was willing to go to 75-80% bid lines built to the max, then that's another issue.
2)Preferential bidding and vc. By asking for both of these the company can eliminate in one shot 2 very large issues for most of us, i.e. stretching vacation time and seniority bidding. With PB you can say goodbye to any extra VC days we may have been able to achieve in the past as the bid lines would never allow that. In combination with that, the pay cut alone on a 3hr VC day pay rate is enormous. And with PB there is no way, that I know of, to verify or even quantify seniority. There is no 'master' bid sheet to refer to when an f/a claims seniority violation in the award process.
3) The sick time issue is beyond the pale. Really? If i get sick and exhaust my sick time the company can terminate my employment with them after 3 years if i can't return to flying? Who the hell even thought of this as a good idea?
4) No duty rigs...HUH? We're just going to say goodbye to more than 30 years of work rules..ALL of them?
It just seems to me that on balance what the company realizes is that for the very first time they will NOT have the final say in agreeing to a contract, that in some way the judge will run things down the middle if it indeed gets to that point. Knowing this ahead of time their first offer, and I use that word very loosely, has to be a rock bottom pipe dream so that any bargaining will bring all issues up in terms of pay and benefits.
And Jim as to your question on the International pay override I have not a clue as to what theta last sentence means. Like almost everything else in this 'term sheet' it is extremely vague and overly broad.