Flight Attendant Sick Calls

I should have known better to be baited into such a childish name calling rant. AAStew started this to vent and we turned it into a middle school girl fight. I am done sorry to those who had to see my childish remarks
I should have known better to be baited into such a childish name calling rant. AAStew started this to vent and we turned it into a middle school girl fight. I am done sorry to those who had to see my childish remarks

Nobody baited you. You jumped in with both feet because you cannot control yourself.
Adding, deleting or modifying sick calls does not qualify you to make value judgements when looking at *4s.

There is a big difference between HAVING to access the *4 to do your job, and simply pulling *4s to be nosey and to justify your opinion that flight attendants are nothing but lazy scam artists bent on defrauding the company.

Maybe if YOU had a clue as to what flight attendants really do, you wouldn't be making such stupid remarks yourself. Remember that you would not have a job without flight attendants. I doubt there are many other departments in the company that would put up with your attitude.

When I add, modify or delete an occurrence, before and after my transaction to verify that I put the dates in correctly. When I display the *4, one cannot help but look at what's in there. If I pull up a *4 with over 1 page of US or FML that has a direct bearing on AASTews situation. Because people abuse something, the rest of us suffer.

And you would not have a job with out a scheduling department, baggage dept, reservations, weights and balances ....What's your point? What does that have to do with the price of tea in China?
When I add, modify or delete an occurrence, before and after my transaction to verify that I put the dates in correctly. When I display the *4, one cannot help but look at what's in there. If I pull up a *4 with over 1 page of US or FML that has a direct bearing on AASTews situation. Because people abuse something, the rest of us suffer.

And you would not have a job with out a scheduling department, baggage dept, reservations, weights and balances ....What's your point? What does that have to do with the price of tea in China?

Maybe you should stick to your "adding", "modifying", "deleting"..( when has CSKD done that ..?) and "verifying" *4s.. and leave the assessing and judging to those who are paid and qualified to do so....
When I add, modify or delete an occurrence, before and after my transaction to verify that I put the dates in correctly. When I display the *4, one cannot help but look at what's in there. If I pull up a *4 with over 1 page of US or FML that has a direct bearing on AASTews situation. Because people abuse something, the rest of us suffer.

And you would not have a job with out a scheduling department, baggage dept, reservations, weights and balances ....What's your point? What does that have to do with the price of tea in China?

He just attacking, that is all he can do. He is limited in his responses.
Maybe you should stick to your "adding", "modifying", "deleting"..( when has CSKD done that ..?) and "verifying" *4s.. and leave the assessing and judging to those who are paid and qualified to do so....

It is human nature to make an assessment of what they see around them. It comes up on the screen. It is just there. No added key strokes. I do not go digging for it. It is just there. If I see a bunch of sick calls .. "Oh go figure" ... and I move on. Call in sick at 11pm for a 0545 SI, I don't care. I'll be in bed when the reserve wakes up to take the trip with only a few hours sleep. I cannot do anything about it so I don't care. When people abuse something, other pay.

What part of "when people abuse something, the rest of us pay" do not agree with?

As for deleting. We do it all the time. Someone gets pulled off with TM and Flt Svc send a message to change to a PO. Delete the TM, and add the PO. SkK to ID, 15 to what ever. The example are endless.
It is human nature to make an assessment of what they see around them. It comes up on the screen. It is just there. No added key strokes. I do not go digging for it. It is just there. If I see a bunch of sick calls .. "Oh go figure" ... and I move on. Call in sick at 11pm for a 0545 SI, I don't care. I'll be in bed when the reserve wakes up to take the trip with only a few hours sleep. I cannot do anything about it so I don't care. When people abuse something, other pay.

What part of "when people abuse something, the rest of us pay" do not agree with?

As for deleting. We do it all the time. Someone gets pulled off with TM and Flt Svc send a message to change to a PO. Delete the TM, and add the PO. SkK to ID, 15 to what ever. The example are endless.

I have never understood AAs counting of a sk as more than one occurrence depending on how many days you're off schedule. Also, counting a PO as a "black mark". It was "interesting when they converted our awds (absent without pay, descresionary) to POs and put many of our f/as in the step system. We were able to take awds depending on headcount and they were a non paid off duty. There are so many ways to set the disciplinary wheels in motion. Think of the money saved by getting rid of the "nurse line".

AASTEW needs to call both the Union and EAP. There are certain protections if you're under the EAP umbrella. The Company is causing undue stress on this employee.
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Why can't we all just get along? ;) ;) This is what I mean about the corporate culture at AA. I am sure Garfield has valid reasons for being able to access *4, (BTW what is that? we pull up HI10M), yet at the same time there may be valid reasons for excessive sickcalls, many of our flight attendants suffer from AIDS. Working in a non-ventilated tube can only ascerbate problems.
I have been flying hightime these past two and a half months and find myself fighting off all sorts of viruses and infections. Pax's do not think twice about handing you a snotty napkin, (I will not touch any napkin after a pax has had it, sorry). We are in an environment that in condusive to more frequent illnesses.
That said, when I am sick, I have tried to get someone else to cover my trips. If that fails, then I do call in sick. I am not worried about getting fired, I have doctors notices for each of the 5 times in the past 4 years I have called in. I resent being treated like a child. I am an adult who chooses to be a flight attendant because I enjoy the traveling and passengers and fellow employess are an enjoyable lot to be around most of the time. I do not need a supervisor who has been with the company half the years I have to lecture me on the attendance policy. I do not need to be threatened with termination because of my attendance. The human factor needs to be considered here. I thought that was the idea in having human supervisors as opposed to computers who can handle everything they do. I actually went back 8 years and counted my absences and they total 15! That is less than two per year!

I am working towards a MS at the moment, I wonder if I shouldn't change it to a JD?
Why can't we all just get along? ;) ;) This is what I mean about the corporate culture at AA. I am sure Garfield has valid reasons for being able to access *4, (BTW what is that? we pull up HI10M), yet at the same time there may be valid reasons for excessive sickcalls, many of our flight attendants suffer from AIDS. Working in a non-ventilated tube can only ascerbate problems.
I have been flying hightime these past two and a half months and find myself fighting off all sorts of viruses and infections. Pax's do not think twice about handing you a snotty napkin, (I will not touch any napkin after a pax has had it, sorry). We are in an environment that in condusive to more frequent illnesses.
That said, when I am sick, I have tried to get someone else to cover my trips. If that fails, then I do call in sick. I am not worried about getting fired, I have doctors notices for each of the 5 times in the past 4 years I have called in. I resent being treated like a child. I am an adult who chooses to be a flight attendant because I enjoy the traveling and passengers and fellow employess are an enjoyable lot to be around most of the time. I do not need a supervisor who has been with the company half the years I have to lecture me on the attendance policy. I do not need to be threatened with termination because of my attendance. The human factor needs to be considered here. I thought that was the idea in having human supervisors as opposed to computers who can handle everything they do. I actually went back 8 years and counted my absences and they total 15! That is less than two per year!

I am working towards a MS at the moment, I wonder if I shouldn't change it to a JD?

I don't know where you live, but we have a huge flu epidemic in STL. 300+ kids out of my daughter's school. Hospitals are over-loaded and swamped. My son is in the hospital and everyone (many) are wearing masks. I have never seen so many contact isolation rooms (gown and glove before entering) We have a policy at work, don't come in if you're sick. Not abused and if family members are ill we allow work from home vs infecting others. Treat employees like adults and MOST will respond in kind. There will always be the exception. Deal with that on an individual basis.
Why can't we all just get along? ;) ;) This is what I mean about the corporate culture at AA. I am sure Garfield has valid reasons for being able to access *4, (BTW what is that? we pull up HI10M), yet at the same time there may be valid reasons for excessive sickcalls, many of our flight attendants suffer from AIDS. Working in a non-ventilated tube can only ascerbate problems.
I have been flying hightime these past two and a half months and find myself fighting off all sorts of viruses and infections. Pax's do not think twice about handing you a snotty napkin, (I will not touch any napkin after a pax has had it, sorry). We are in an environment that in condusive to more frequent illnesses.
That said, when I am sick, I have tried to get someone else to cover my trips. If that fails, then I do call in sick. I am not worried about getting fired, I have doctors notices for each of the 5 times in the past 4 years I have called in. I resent being treated like a child. I am an adult who chooses to be a flight attendant because I enjoy the traveling and passengers and fellow employess are an enjoyable lot to be around most of the time. I do not need a supervisor who has been with the company half the years I have to lecture me on the attendance policy. I do not need to be threatened with termination because of my attendance. The human factor needs to be considered here. I thought that was the idea in having human supervisors as opposed to computers who can handle everything they do. I actually went back 8 years and counted my absences and they total 15! That is less than two per year!

I am working towards a MS at the moment, I wonder if I shouldn't change it to a JD?

The *4/empl # is the format we use that pulls up your sick record.

I know that some folks have bad health luck and that is just fine. We all know that not everyone who is sick falls into that category and all I am saying is that those who abuse a system make the rest pay for their abuse. Whether it be sick, theft, speeding down a street or what ever. One kid brings a gun to school and all of a sudden the school has metal detectors. One kid brings in drugs and you get busted for having an inhaler. I call in sick when i am sick and becasue there are those who abuse it I have to deal with the same managed/non-managed BS as well.

In a corporate environment everyone has to be treated the same. One size fits all. It usually ends up as one size fits no one but until someone comes up with a better solution this is it. If a company is a little lax, the losers among us will find away to abuse the system. We need to start dealing with those individuals as well as the company.