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Sick call Discipline

That is not an excuse! You are required to work a holiday....you work a holiday...PERIOD

Why do we all have this sense of entitlement?????

I don't want to work holidays either, but........

Well you can call it what you want, but it happens to all the airlines. And yes, the airlines SHOULD pay time and a half. It should be an honor for the company to pay such a small amt for their employees to be away from their families on holidays.

Call me entitled, but I no longer feel the need, urgency, or desire to work US Airway's "required" holidays if I choose not to. They give nothing out but stupid, incompetent decisions and waste millions thru the negligence. You think I am scared of thier tactics? You go ahead and keep kissing thier asses in the name of what is "require". Let's see how thankful the company will be to you. :down:
Just because the company doesn't recognize a holiday (by paying time & half, or some other meaningful incentive) doesn't mean it isn't a holiday.

They'd be wiser,and cheaper off, to recognize reality and do right by employees. Of course, modern masters of the universe believe they create reality.


Sooner or later, the peasants get restless.
Whether your senior or junior the call offs will continue until the company agrees to pay time and a half for the entire trip over a holiday. The formula they use sucks and is a joke. I don't give a $h!t what was negotiated or what was agreed to when we were all sitting in the hotel ballroom thinking about travelling the world. Peope are going to call off on holidays regardless of what profession your in. Pay a premium and you'll see the trips covered. Should the company have to NO, but will it solve the problem YES. The whole patern thing is a joke as well to those who DO call off all the time. People are fed up and don't care. The company can do WHATEVER it wants and as soon as YOU as an employee rebell in ANY way your told to "just quit then". F that.
Nobody is saying kiss anybodys ass.

Right or wrong.....self entitlement or not, just stating a point. We all took the job knowing that we have to work holidays. It doesn't matter if you are sick of working them or not......

Call scheduling and tell them you don't feel like it and see what they would do to you.... 😀

Go ahead and screw your fellow flight attendants because you don't feel the need to work a holiday any longer.
Besides, if you are a flight attendant, you are showing total selfishness and disregard for your fellow f/as. Because you decide that you deserve the holiday off, one of your co-workers who was scheduled to be off gets reassigned at the end of their trip to fly your trip.

Yep. I remember this situation a few years ago. Christmas and New Years fell on a weekend and with the weekend obligation they couldn't drop. The island 1-day trips were the main problem. Most of the BH's called in sick for them, jerking rsv's who would have had the day off. Just another sad fact that sh#t rolls downhill.
Family leave medical act, I think you get 12 weeks,gotta love the government, the company can't touch you!!!
Family leave medical act, I think you get 12 weeks,gotta love the government, the company can't touch you!!!
The FMLA is being fought for by AFA and CWA as I write this. You need to have a certain amount of hours in for an employee to be eligible for FMLA----RSVS only getting in 73 hrs per month are not. When this was written, flight attendants and the way they are paid was not included.
The vote is under way and should be out soon. Lately AFA has been sending out info as to the way to contact your Govt Reps to ask them to vote in our favor...stay tuned.....
However, if a supervisor feels their is misuse of sick time they can require a dr. note.

H.2. Nothwithstanding the above, the Company may require a physician's written confirmation of illness or injury or make personal inquiries of the type or nature of such illness or injury when a supervisor can demonstrate he/she has reasonable cause to believe that an individual flight attendant's use of sick leave may have been for other than legitimate reasons.........

Is it true that if requested, then the company pays all costs of the resulting doctors vistit? I know one person, who was requested to secure a doctors excuse to "prove" their degraded health, it was late at night, their doctor not available so they call an ambulance to take them to an emergency room where they recorded a temperature of 102+ degrees.

The company was forced to pay all, including the cab ride back home. I think the bill ran into the thousands.

Bob is correct. The US management group is a bunch of morons who could not manage a wet dream.
US Airways Inflight Services Supervisors are issuing discipline to flight attendants who utilize sick leave and call in sick within 4 days prior, the day of, and 4 days following a company recognized holiday including Martin Luther King Day, July 4, Labor Day, Memorial Day, Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years. Alleging a demonstrated pattern of calling in sick during a holiday period, Inflight Supervisors have reached back more than the customary and standard twelve month window to capture more than 2 instances of a sick call during these 9 day stretches and have included these holiday sick calls on discipline documentation.

AFA-CWA has filed a MEC Grievance over this matter, and will pursue this issue vigorously. Flight Attendant's should submit information to AFA via email at mec@afa66.org if involved in any discipline meetings with the company involving this issue.
only stating opinions

Have to ask---you got this info from where and whom ???
Family leave medical act, I think you get 12 weeks,gotta love the government, the company can't touch you!!!

sky high states: I inquired about Family Leave many years ago. I was told that you lose your travel privileges while on the leave, but, they give you ONE PASS per month. That alone prevented me from applying for the leave, because I couldnt commute between my home and my parents. Is that still a problem for flight attendants?


only stating opinions
this is the reason there is so much discord between mgmt and employees. If you have a large number of employees calling off during the holidays just to take off (not because they are sick) (also as you can plainly see by the facts sick calls go up very high during the holidays) what is the company to do? Just turn the other way. Come on. My friend who is a mechanic who no longer works for US boasted all the time that he slept in the plane all night in the hanger and got paid. I can't go to work and sleep, I can't call off every Christmas, etc.

Let's say your a doctor or nurse and its Xmas and you decide you want to spend sometime with a loved one - is is OK just to call off because you feel like it?

There is no way anyone can honestly justify making the rules work for them, taking what's rightfully their's, etc.

It's not like you did not realize airlines fly 365 days a year when you got the job or decided to apply for the job.

The morale of the story is the small percentage of rule benders etc make it hard for the masses who enjoy their job and live up to their side of the bargin.
There is no way anyone can honestly justify making the rules work for them, taking what's rightfully their's, etc.

Nonsense...just ask the uppermost corporate thieves allegedly "managing" this show what their holiday plans are..and why they're "entitled" to not only the time off...but many millions for their "brilliance" and "hard work" :lol:

"The morale of the story is the small percentage of rule benders etc make it hard for the masses who enjoy their job and live up to their side of the bargin" I agree there...I merely differ as to who those "rule benders" actually are.

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