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Sick call Discipline

Short staffing? PITY. My Fireworks will be going on AS SCHEDULED. (I am currently blending in the tequilla with the margarita mix.......it's a very delicate procedure. :lol: Holiday performances of The Circus is NOT PART of My Plans!) If short staffed call Doug, Scott & Sherri!
A friend of mine who worked at MDA and now HP said that he feels like he is back in High School working out west. He has now been flying probably 8 years and his supervisor, who is probably HALF my friends age, has only been with HP for 3 years, and treats everyone like crap.

He told his sup one day he felt like he was a kindergartener with the way he was being spoken to...
Hey, look at the calendar!

It's a fabulous day in the neighborhood! We just went to watch a free movie at the new theater across the street. Tents are going up for the day's festivities--moonbounce, face-painting, games galore...and the grill is heating up!
Again, look at the link............AFA66.org
That is America West Union Website NOT US Airways Union.

sky high states: I couldnt find it in the WEST contract, anyone familiar with that language?

I posted it because it's affecting the "F/A MEMBERSHIP". Whether they are violating the west or east, does NOT matter, that FACT is, they are trying this crap IS.

only stating opinions
If you have it great!! If not than get to it!!!!
You have to work a certain amount of hours per year to be eligible. The FMLA was written by a congress w/o F/As in mind who are on RSV who do not meet the set amount of hours to be able to get the FMLA....it's not as easy to get as one might think. There is the PCL---Personal Care Leave---but by the time you get done filling out all the paperwork you're healed...plus it does not cover if a family member is ill like FMLA.
If you have it great!! If not than get to it!!!!
This is from the 6/26 West E-Line:
AFA Update Tuesday, June 26, 2007 Chair Update Part II

Take FMLA Off the Bargaining Table

HR 2744, a technical correction to the eligibility requirements of The Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) for airline flight crews, has been introduced in the U.S. House of Representatives. We now have the opportunity to TAKE FMLA OFF THE BARGAINING TABLE ONCE AND FOR ALL! Please take a few minutes to contact your U.S. Representative and ask them to be a cosponsor on this legislation or thank them for already signing on as cosponsor.

Background: The Family Medical Leave Act of 1993 provides 12 weeks of protected leave for employees who have worked 60% of a full time schedule over the previous 12 months. For most traditional 9-5 jobs the calculation used for eligibility is 1250 hours per year.

As flight attendants the time between flights, as well as time spent on layovers, is based on company scheduled requirements, but these hours do not count towards "time at work". We can spend 4-5 days a week away from our home and family due to the nature of our job, yet these hours do not count towards FMLA qualification. Reserves at most airlines only receive credit towards FMLA qualification for actual time working flights.

America West Policy: For the past decade America West has used 625 credit hours as the qualifier for FMLA eligibility. Now at the negotiations table management is proposing using 1250 duty hours which is current book on the East.

Our Reserves, who are guaranteed 70 hours a month, would only have 840 hours in one year and would NOT be eligible for FMLA under management's proposed 1250 hours.

We find ourselves at the negotiations table bargaining for access to FMLA provisions that are already enjoyed by other citizens in this country through the law.

Please contact your U.S. Representative and ask them to cosponsor HR 2744 or thank them for already signing on as cosponsor on HR 2744, the Airline Flight Crew FMLA that supports clarifying eligibility criteria for flight attendants and pilots. If you do not know who your U.S. Representative is you can go to www.house.gov/writerep or call the Capitol switchboard at 202-224-3121 and ask for their help in identifying your U.S. Representative.

The most effective way of contacting your legislator is through written email addressed to the legislative staff who handles aviation issues or by sending a letter directly to your Representative via U.S. mail. Emails and letters usually warrant a written response from the legislator expressing their position on the issue. The second most effective way of contacting a member of Congress is by calling their office. While AFA has sent out e-activist on this issue, contacting the Representative by email, letter or phone is far more effective in getting them to respond to our needs.

AZ Representatives Who Have Not Signed

Rep. Rick Renzi 202-225-2315 (Legislative Asst. Jim Lester)

Rep. Trent Franks 202-225-4576 (Legislative Asst. Jeff Choudhry)

Rep. Jeff Flake 202-225-2635 (Legislative Asst. Chandler Morse)

Rep. Gabrielle Giffords 202-225-2542 (Legislative Asst. Matt Horowitz)

Rep. John Shadegg 202-225-3361 (Legislative Asst. Trista Wendall)

AZ Representatives who HAVE SIGNED

Rep. Ed Pastor 202-225-4065 (Legislative Asst. Eve Young)

Rep. Harry Mitchell 202-225-2190 (Legislative Asst. Matt Weisman)

Rep. Raul Grijalva 202-225-2435 (Legislative Asst. Chris Kaumo)

NV Representatives who HAVE NOT SIGNED

Rep. Dean Heller 202-225-6155 (Legislative Asst. Scott Riplinger)

Rep. Jon Porter 202-225-3252 (Legislative Asst. Kris Sanchez)

NV Representative who HAS SIGNED

Rep. Shelley Berkley 202-225-5965 (Legislative Asst. Bryan George)

Thank you for taking action on removing FMLA from our negotiations table!

Respectfully Submitted by,

Nicki Kirkeby– Government Affairs Chair Council 66
He says "Inflight" but he clearly doesn't understand the difference between the two.
Wow don't you get the cookie today. I meant scheduling but i cleeeeeeeaaaaarly made a typo. Doesn't scheduling work hand in hand with inflight? could have fooled me. Well come to think of it they probably don't know what the other is doing. MORONS. 🙄

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