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2000 Flight Attendants Call In Sick

MiAAmi said:
I don't think you realize that 120 hours are hours in flight only...that does not include that hours spent at the airport or sitting on an airplane stuck at the gate with maintence problems etc etc. Problem is that I can't afford to call in sick. If I call in sick the company will only pay me for 85 hours even though I have plenty of sick time.

I do realize the 120 is only flght time. But for the original poster to say that they "work" 120 and have NO days off is very misleading to those who are not familar with crew scheduling.

If they were to work a 4 on 3 off schedule that would allow for about 9 to 12 days off a month. 9 to 12 days off is far from 0.
Garfield1966 said:
Paid extra to come to work on a day when you are supposed to be there in the first place? Nah, that’s just plain stupid.

Not stupid, just good business. I'll try to explain.

Holidays are times those of us with family and friends would like to be with same.

Holidays are times when there are fewer flights and fewer passengers on them.

It would be possible for the company to let some of us off if there are fewer flights.

Holiday pay provides a financial incentive for the company to let some of us off.

And, here's a surprise: MORALE! Yes, it counts. Oh, how it counts.

Of course, this mainly applies to ground employees.
The management and the TWU thought they were fixing the perceived abuse of sick time by the mechanics and instead the opposite results have happened.

I believe this was enacted as part of the concessions. The TWU does not work with the company in fixing problems with sick time abuse. Your statement is absurd.

If that's the way you perceive it then I could only surmise you feel that AMFA and NW management decided to oust the 25 observers as a team effort. Surely you're not a "one sided" perceiver.
seed said:
I believe this was enacted as part of the concessions. The TWU does not work with the company in fixing problems with sick time abuse. Your statement is absurd.

If that's the way you perceive it then I could only surmise you feel that AMFA and NW management decided to oust the 25 observers as a team effort. Surely you're not a "one sided" perceiver.

May I remind you you that it was the TWU that recommended the membership vote for the concessions which included the revised sick time policy.
It was the TWU that handed out the green paper with the Vermont Plan in Hangar 5 to scare the membership into voting for the concessions.
Your blindness to these facts is absurd.
goingboeing said:
May I remind you you that it was the TWU that recommended the membership vote for the concessions which included the revised sick time policy.

Don't blame the TWU for that. The half pay sick day was Rasco's idea, and the company ran with it. Several other Presidents were aghast, and couldn't believe what they were hearing. But the damage was done.
Wretched Wrench said:
Don't blame the TWU for that. The half pay sick day was Rasco's idea, and the company ran with it. Several other Presidents were aghast, and couldn't believe what they were hearing. But the damage was done.

If the TWU was really opposed to half pay 2 days then they should have demanded that it be removed from the concessions proposal that was brought back to the membership for a vote. It may be winter time but do not try to snow me.
goingboeing said:
If the TWU was really opposed to half pay 2 days then they should have demanded that it be removed from the concessions proposal that was brought back to the membership for a vote. It may be winter time but do not try to snow me.

If it wasn't for the TWU the Vermont Plan would not have been "found" until it was enacted. Are you so "blind" as to believe that the company offerred it as proof to the TWU that BK was inevitable?

And if the 1/2 pay for sick day was eliminated, where would you like the savings it rendered to come from? More pay loss hourly to those of us not using sick days? There was a monetary worth to each part of those concessions.

I don't believe the season has anything to do with your snowjob.
DECISION 2007,Dec 29 2004, 12:44 PM]
If it wasn't for the TWU the Vermont Plan would not have been "found" until it was enacted.

Oh yea, the TWU are the "Heros". What part of the "Vermont Plan" was not "enacted"? Jim Little and Art Luby probably helped write the Vermont Plan.The headcount is down as much as the Vermont plan would have brought it down, the holiday, vacation, shift, longevity pasy are all gone, in fact other than "Company Paid Union Business" the company already put the plan in place without going bankrupt. So that simply means that although we lost everything that we would have lost if the company went BK the $20 billion thats held by creditors and the $3million kickback to the TWU are safe.

The fact is you know you are lying, in BK the company has to approach the union first. They could not sneak a plan in place and their demands were way beyond anything granted by the courts and if by some chance they did get part of the pplan put in place without approval by the union then we would have the right to strike.

The cuts that we gave the company were more than either USAIR or UAL got in BK, that forced those carriers, and others, to seek more cuts in order to compete with AA.

Are you so "blind" as to believe that the company offerred it as proof to the TWU that BK was inevitable?

Are you so blind as to believe that the TWU and the company are not in bed together?

And if the 1/2 pay for sick day was eliminated, where would you like the savings it rendered to come from?

Try Credit for all the jobs lost.

Even if we came up short, so what? The pilots not only came up short but they got back more in the first year than we will the entire term of the contract. The company also forgave the union of the fine.

How come the pilots got some concessions from the company and already got back 9% of their pay?

The company threw out a number, the TWU did not even dispute the number, they simply matched it. Why would they simply meet the number, do you really think that if the TWU had come up a few million short, despite giving up hundreds of millions that the company would have went bankrupt? Boy you are dumb.

If the TWU had come up short then maybe they should have given back the $3.1 million in company paid union business instead of taking away sick time.

More pay loss hourly to those of us not using sick days? There was a monetary worth to each part of those concessions.

And who determined the figures? Any union person reading this and looking at what the TWU did would think that there was no union, one thing for sure is there was no bargaining, the company set the terms and the TWU did exactly what the company told them.
DECISION 2007 said:
If it wasn't for the TWU the Vermont Plan would not have been "found" until it was enacted. Are you so "blind" as to believe that the company offerred it as proof to the TWU that BK was inevitable?

And if the 1/2 pay for sick day was eliminated, where would you like the savings it rendered to come from? More pay loss hourly to those of us not using sick days? There was a monetary worth to each part of those concessions.

I don't believe the season has anything to do with your snowjob.

Yeah,the TWU is just like a bad leader,punish everyone for the actions of a few.
Do think it is right to take 1/2 days pay from someone who really is sick and needs to use 2-3 sick days?
Your posting here is what is wrong with TWU and how they handle contract negoiations.

Seems to me I read somewhere recently where NWA asked/demanded that Local 33 send it's observers away from the negotiations table, AND THEY SAID.."OK BOSS,NO PROBLEM!"...not to mention their wanting more concessions through pay and benefits with NO SNAPBACK.

My point is not to slam another union or better yet an association, but to state that all of airline labor is in dire straights currently. Jim Little has nothing to do with AMFA negotiations, and AMFA does rep what? 8 of the major airlines.

Punish everyone for the actions of a few? Just what are you referring to ? Do you honestly believe the sick pay was hit due to abuse of the system? Surely you're not that nearsighted. On that assumption then I suppose you also think that the 5 holidays lost was due to everyone taking them off instead of coming in and working them. You're not an AMFA negotiator are you?
seed said:
Seems to me I read somewhere recently where NWA asked/demanded that Local 33 send it's observers away from the negotiations table, AND THEY SAID.."OK BOSS,NO PROBLEM!"...not to mention their wanting more concessions through pay and benefits with NO SNAPBACK.

My point is not to slam another union or better yet an association, but to state that all of airline labor is in dire straights currently. Jim Little has nothing to do with AMFA negotiations, and AMFA does rep what? 8 of the major airlines.

Punish everyone for the actions of a few? Just what are you referring to ? Do you honestly believe the sick pay was hit due to abuse of the system? Surely you're not that nearsighted. On that assumption then I suppose you also think that the 5 holidays lost was due to everyone taking them off instead of coming in and working them. You're not an AMFA negotiator are you?

Well we are drifting off topic, now we are talking about NWA. Funny that Seed does not want to discuss AMFA represented SWA though. Oh well, tell us seed how much has AMFA given back to the company so far, as we complete our second year of the most concessionary contract the Labor Movement has ever seen?

The claim is that the sick calls by the FAs are high, some claim they always were, what it would be interesting to see is how much sick calls on holidays have increased since the company eliminated holiday pay for other workgroups. If its only around 10% then maybe the company figures its worth it to not pay holiday pay, maybe if the workers want to get it back they need to see those numbers climb up to 80% or better.

If you recall back on New Years Eve, going into 2000 the company paid those who did not get Holiday Pay a "Millenium Bonus". The company was not contractually bound to do that but they did it anyway to try and make sure that people showed up, they didnt need to offer it to other groups who got holiday pay because historically they did not see a significant increase in sick calls on the holidays.
Bob Owens said:
DECISION 2007,Dec 29 2004, 12:44 PM]
If it wasn't for the TWU the Vermont Plan would not have been "found" until it was enacted.

Oh yea, the TWU are the "Heros". What part of the "Vermont Plan" was not "enacted"? Jim Little and Art Luby probably helped write the Vermont Plan.The headcount is down as much as the Vermont plan would have brought it down, the holiday, vacation, shift, longevity pasy are all gone, in fact other than "Company Paid Union Business" the company already put the plan in place without going bankrupt. So that simply means that although we lost everything that we would have lost if the company went BK the $20 billion thats held by creditors and the $3million kickback to the TWU are safe.

The fact is you know you are lying, in BK the company has to approach the union first. They could not sneak a plan in place and their demands were way beyond anything granted by the courts and if by some chance they did get part of the pplan put in place without approval by the union then we would have the right to strike.

The cuts that we gave the company were more than either USAIR or UAL got in BK, that forced those carriers, and others, to seek more cuts in order to compete with AA.

Are you so "blind" as to believe that the company offerred it as proof to the TWU that BK was inevitable?

Are you so blind as to believe that the TWU and the company are not in bed together?
And if the 1/2 pay for sick day was eliminated, where would you like the savings it rendered to come from?

Try Credit for all the jobs lost.

Even if we came up short, so what? The pilots not only came up short but they got back more in the first year than we will the entire term of the contract. The company also forgave the union of the fine.

How come the pilots got some concessions from the company and already got back 9% of their pay?

The company threw out a number, the TWU did not even dispute the number, they simply matched it. Why would they simply meet the number, do you really think that if the TWU had come up a few million short, despite giving up hundreds of millions that the company would have went bankrupt? Boy you are dumb.

If the TWU had come up short then maybe they should have given back the $3.1 million in company paid union business instead of taking away sick time.

More pay loss hourly to those of us not using sick days? There was a monetary worth to each part of those concessions.

And who determined the figures? Any union person reading this and looking at what the TWU did would think that there was no union, one thing for sure is there was no bargaining, the company set the terms and the TWU did exactly what the company told them.

And the above quote isn't off subject? Actually Bob, and again I state, my posting was not directed to AMFA, but unions in general. Our profession is under attack to get wages/benefits lowered to less than auto mechanics at a WalMart. For some reason, through your posts, you see Jim Little as the cause for all airlines being under seige. Peace brother and back on subject. 🙂
seed said:
And the above quote isn't off subject? Actually Bob, and again I state, my posting was not directed to AMFA, but unions in general. Our profession is under attack to get wages/benefits lowered to less than auto mechanics at a WalMart. For some reason, through your posts, you see Jim Little as the cause for all airlines being under seige. Peace brother and back on subject. 🙂
operaations said:

This thread is about sick calls and sick time.So how the TWU/AMFA or any other union treats sick time in the contract is a relevant topic.
operaations said:

But your post is funny :lol: :lol: It's good to see a sense of humor every now and again. :up:

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