Fleet Service Goes from Bad to worse (MERGED TOPICS)

Food for thought....

IF he decided he wants to "spank" us, he should consider this.
Slowly the worker network is expanding. His ability to BS and divide us is quickly
diminishing. His firm base (PHL) has eroded. Integrating the west without protections,
or refusing to participate in Section 6 negotiations will create the perfect storm.

Don't think Hoffa isn't watching and licking his chops.

"A vote for the horsemen is a vote against Canale" can be the next memo Canale
will read.

I hope the IAM is not stupid enough to think we can be scared with the threat
of a loss of representation without a 50% turnout. The "lack of agreement" election
should tell everyone that wont happen.

If Canale won't show vision and defend our group and our contract,
R. Thomas Buffenbarger better see the writing on the wall and get rid of him!

Just a members opinion!
Why unbelievable?

When you pizz off "The Boss" in any organization you can and should expect retalliation from them. This holds true at virtually every company at every level and IAM is no exception.

Canale is going to try to "spank" US workers for the audacity of having an actual functioning brain and acting in what they percieve to be their own best interest. Put the flak jackets on boys & girls you challenged his authority and there is going to Hell to pay. Just an observers opinion
It is unbelievable nonetheless to me. His arrogance surprises even me.

Sorry, but no, you don't. You have the illusion of power and representation. In reality, powerful forces pushing "globalization" and so called "free markets" are working to destroy the American middle class, organized labor has no interest in protecting its members or their standard of living. They have become what they once detested, soul-less corporate exploiters. Real "unions" would never go along with what corporate America is doing to its workers.

The IAM is an international socialist organization working hard to be a player in the globalized control of the workforce, they couldn't give a rat's behind if you can't support a family on your wages, it's all about the dues, daddio. You are a unit of dues production, no more.

People who labor away under the illusion of freedom and choice are much easier to control than those that are free thinkers. Employees are replaceable robots to be discarded when their usefulness to the corporate masters is complete. You are a liability to be outsourced when possible and when not, your labor must be achieved at the cheapest possible price.

Welcome to the nightmare of reality. Screw the company, screw the unions, focus on those important to you and make each day count and never sacrifice family time or being there for your loved ones for a paycheck.

rant off...


I seriously disagree with the premise of your thesis.
Nothing is new under the sun. Globalization by itself is neither good or bad. The great whore has just taken on another name and that name is Globalization. Justice is constant, always has been. The power exist for those who are free to serve justice. That power has never changed. Sometimes it manifest itself with the spring up of different paradigms, revolts, etc. but it is also a constant in this world. Always has been and has never packed its bags.
The whore tries to objectify human beings, your example of the term 'robot' fits. This is nothing new.
However, God's creation confounds the foolish thinkers.

True, some serve an illusion of freedom but in reality they have made bed with the great whore and have become the whore's own witness. These are the AGC's, IAM. They don't even know it. They have divorced themselves from its bride [insert workers here] and have made bed with the global whore, otherwise known as oppression and greed. They bow down to her and admire her outward beauty but they themselves are empty because their eyes and ears are shut, neither do they understand.

Those who have the power to see and hear and understand, realize the idol and those who bow to it. The power exist because of the continued freedom to be a slave to justice. Interesting concept but very real.

Surely a new paradigm must come into place, the IAM is full blown and sleeping with corporate greed. I think time will tell.

On separate cover. Regarding Globalization itself. I think the airline industry is more insulated since you can't pick up FRA and place it in the USA. I think the wages in the airline industry are dictated by individual[ism] and apathy, faciliated by organizations like the IAM, and sealed by corporate greed. If workers in this industry joined together then they would have the power to enahnce a just and fair environment. It can't be simplified so easy but I gotta jet right now.

Tim Nelson is right.

Being a victim of the "Great Flush of '05", I can assure you that the brainwashed workers are complicit.

Now is the time to stand-up. It's an evil choice. Take a chance on being an Eastern, or vote your way further into poverty.

If the brainwashing is holding, then we'll let the union lead us deeper into third world wages (a competitive labor market you know). The union leadership will only have intestinal fortitude if your massed behind them, with a knife to their back (figuratively of course).
I just received a message letting me know
Randy Canale and R. Brickner (???) are currently
set to attend the Oct.2nd union meeting. From what
I can understand Canale has been informed by Hayden
that PHL is not as upset as he has heard. Here's your
oppurtunity to confront Canale and ask him any questions
you may have, especially about this TA he supported and
let him hear your voice. Let him know in no uncertain terms
who he represents and who's intrest he should be looking out
for. I do not know who Brickner is , but if he's coming with Canale
I can only guess he's another salesman. OCTOBER 2nd,2007.

I just received a message letting me know
Randy Canale and R. Brickner (???) are currently
set to attend the Oct.2nd union meeting. From what
I can understand Canale has been informed by Hayden
that PHL is not as upset as he has heard. Here's your
oppurtunity to confront Canale and ask him any questions
you may have, especially about this TA he supported and
let him hear your voice. Let him know in no uncertain terms
who he represents and who's intrest he should be looking out
for. I do not know who Brickner is , but if he's coming with Canale
I can only guess he's another salesman. OCTOBER 2nd,2007.


From what I understand Fleet Service Agent and well resepcted John Jerzak gave INT IAM Bricker an ultimatum last week to get your A$$ here next week or else there reprensentation days were coming to an end. Holy Shiiiit folks, whats it going to take to wake up people? The IAM company reps Buffbarger,Brickner,Canale and the rest dont care one bit about us and havent for years.The International just wants you to shut up and keep paying those outrageous overpriced dues dollars for lousy service to you. So Fleet Service now has to wait three weeks , not next week as requested to go to a meeting, who the Hell are they aren't they supposed to work for us ?. As far as Hayden reporting to Canale the FSA in PHL are not as upset as he heard, thats really funny coming from a guy who totally miss read and never listened to his fellow FSA during the recent TA vote. Canale is really a fool if he believes anything more from Hayden. Philly is royally Pissed off and is ready to blow. In closing I just want to say its not raining on you right now its the IAM pis......well you get the idea.

IMO its time to send the IAM a permanent message and its long overdue
I just received a message letting me know
Randy Canale and R. Brickner (???) are currently
set to attend the Oct.2nd union meeting. From what
I can understand Canale has been informed by Hayden
that PHL is not as upset as he has heard. Here's your
oppurtunity to confront Canale and ask him any questions
you may have, especially about this TA he supported and
let him hear your voice. Let him know in no uncertain terms
who he represents and who's intrest he should be looking out
for. I do not know who Brickner is , but if he's coming with Canale
I can only guess he's another salesman. OCTOBER 2nd,2007.

Opportunity to ask questions and take part in their little skit? Exactly what question are you referring to? You should already be clear who these two guys are. Instead of taking parts in their programmed skit, PHL should plan some action against these two guys.

These two guys not only disrespected John Jerzak [if what Roadtrip sez is true] but also were the two guys who tried to get the last enema passed. They have the same likeness and are witnesses of the Corporate whore. Both committed treason against 7700 workers.

I'm surprised you don't know who Brickner is? Brickner is the Grand PooPa of Canale and his title is the IAM airline coordinator. Brickner reviewed and approved the proposal and agreement. In essance, Canale does what Brickner approves. And Brickner agreed with your company that you should be stripped of profit sharing and that you should be collared with your bankruptcy contract for an additional 2 years. Oops, as the authority of his IAM office, he also agreed with the company to abolish your COC.
He's coming with Canale because as the IAM Grand Poopa Airline Coordinator he addresses all complaints and inquiries related to airline contractual matters. My understanding is that Grand PooPa Brickner is also a United Airline guy, like Boss Canale. These United Airline guys sure are coming out of the closet since United mentioned it really needs a merger. It naturally follows that both Brickner and Canale are the reasons why they were so anxious and remain so anxious to give Parker a transition agreement on a silver platter instead of saying 'screw transition' until workers are treated fairly. Brickner is also the guy who hasn't authorized section 6 negotiations for the west even though the west has had a contract ammendable for two years.

Further, I guess Boss Canale can't stand up for himself since the IAM PHL local is his own local and he no showed the PHL meeting last week.

I would hope that PHL will not entertain some question and answer skit and instead do some fashion of action against these two guys. Further, If John Jerzak demanded they come to PHL in 5 days, and 3 weeks is the best they could do for 1800 dues payors, then screw them both and show solidarity behind jerzak and your PHL brethern.

At any rate, I wouldn't be surprised if Brickner and Canale are led in breakrooms on company property [since they probably feel more comfortable in the company's house] and if this happens then things possibly can get out of hand and it would be Brickner or Canale's fault. Any union business should take place at the Union hall.

If you really want to make Randy nervous, have a few guys stand near the exits and light switches. He'll remember!
Just another thought....
To add to what Tim Nelson has already
stated...where was Canale last union meeting in Phl ?
I'll ask where was the new AGC's ...Chandlee and Flynn?
They all seem scarce, Since Armedio's removal from that
position. Am I wrong, in that Flynn and Chandlee now share
in that duty? No One has seen or heard from either of them.
Also, as much as I point out faults I'd like to thank the Local
Lodge Pres. for being available for any and all questions the
membership has had since the vote...your actions are not going
unnoticed...I'd also like to invite anybody to the meeting Oct.2nd.
If you live in Pit, Clt, Bwi, or anywhere else ,if you can get
to Phl...come join in.......
We all know that the last transistion agreement was voted down big time.
We know that the COC has been set up to be heard in September which is a completly seperate issue from the transition.

What is the DATE of the deadline that east and west must transition into one contract before THAT goes to an arbitrator for a decision?

The problem lies with the mediator. Who or should I say WHY would the IAM have a mediator in the last transistion failure? The mediator will have a strong influence on the transition arbitration.

When you all get the deadline date for transition with the company you will be able to figure out if 1- there is enough time for both sides to put another one together and put it out for a new vote or 2-not enough time to put out a TA for all to vote on.

Remember, these are two seperate issues with two seperate dates for arbs. Tim is right when he states you all should be ready to ensure DFR charges will be dealt with if there is any backdooring going on behind everyones behinds.

You have power in numbers in your favor, everything is out in the open. You all must stand up for your bargaining rights.
We all know that the last transistion agreement was voted down big time.
We know that the COC has been set up to be heard in September which is a completly seperate issue from the transition.

What is the DATE of the deadline that east and west must transition into one contract before THAT goes to an arbitrator for a decision?

The problem lies with the mediator. Who or should I say WHY would the IAM have a mediator in the last transistion failure? The mediator will have a strong influence on the transition arbitration.

When you all get the deadline date for transition with the company you will be able to figure out if 1- there is enough time for both sides to put another one together and put it out for a new vote or 2-not enough time to put out a TA for all to vote on.

Remember, these are two seperate issues with two seperate dates for arbs. Tim is right when he states you all should be ready to ensure DFR charges will be dealt with if there is any backdooring going on behind everyones behinds.

You have power in numbers in your favor, everything is out in the open. You all must stand up for your bargaining rights.
There is no transition date. The IAM can go 35 years and not sign a transition agreement. Parker can keep things separate also. The thing that would compel Parker to sign a transition agreement is to secure further financing or merger possibilities, and of course the increased synergies that are created by the combining of work groups.
The thing that compels the IAM to sign a transition agreement is the obtaining of a fair and equitable agreement. This isn't happening so I am 'deeply' concerned that the IAM may appease Parker's wishes by forcing a transition agreement into place. The IAM has indicated this both implicitly and explicitly

Being an outsider from this mess another question Tim. Why aren't there petitions out their demanding the IAM leaders to cease any talks about a TA.

I scratch my head over how beligerant your leaders are to even consider going back in there against what all the membership (the union) feels?

The answer after elections boldly told Canale and gang the answer is NO.

You all must stop them dead in their tracks. Statistics show they are outnumbered. They prefer to let it all fall on deaf ears!
Being an outsider from this mess another question Tim. Why aren't there petitions out their demanding the IAM leaders to cease any talks about a TA.

I scratch my head over how beligerant your leaders are to even consider going back in there against what all the membership (the union) feels?

The answer after elections boldly told Canale and gang the answer is NO.

You all must stop them dead in their tracks. Statistics show they are outnumbered. They prefer to let it all fall on deaf ears!
philly rocks. Parker said in the PHX town hall meeting, "We need to get to one contract for the company well being."

Canale/Hayden/Parker want transition even if it means an inequitable contract. That we know.

I say screw transition and don't lay down that card unless there is an equitable contract.


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