Mr. Nelson,
I am a newbie to the Board and appreciate your stated efforts to other ramp agents over the decades. I am a part-time ramper at one of the two West hubs, so allow me to take what is most of our point of view as to a new contract.
First, what you call a "east sides bankrupt contract" looks pretty damn good to those on the West. For many it would mean a near 50% increase in hourly pay, and no surprise that PHX and LAS voted in favor of it.
Second, if the last vote was over change in control, why was the West voting on the matter since this had to do with the East and what they signed during bankruptcy?
Third, why should East care if West gets the same existing contract? Why would East begrudge wage equality and why should East be allowed to vote on it? I would be very happy if "Boss Canale" and Parker agreed to something along these lines and force it without a vote. They can "force" my pay up on their own any time as far as I am concerned.
Fourth, while you say "screw the transition until it gives fleet service workers everywhere a fair and equitable contract", you are screwing the West ramp agents in the process. Because we continue to work under an awful TWU contract which takes six years to earn $10/hour and in the meanwhile, Easties are doing far better with their wage scale relative to West and will continue to so until this entire issue is resolved perhaps years later.
For all the calls of unity, what I am seeing is a majority (East) looking out for itself as the expense of the minority (West). While I understand the East voting against the TA as there was the carrot of a huge payoff of a favorable CIC ruling (which by the way, I think the IAM will lose) and the option of a small increase in pay vs. the roll of the dice for a CIC, the East had little to lose by voting "No." Make the CIC ruling conditional that if the IAM loses the CIC then East must assume the current West TWU pay scale and there would be overwhelming vote in favor of TA ratification!
Please explain why you are against West receiving the "bankrupt contract" especially if the West desires it? This doesn't change the Company's need for a unified work force, nor does it affect the existing CIC issue, nor does it effect future contract negotiations. If nothing else it appears to be at worse vindictive and petty and at best to be a lever of many angry Westies against Parker, but West knows who voted against the TA when offered and who seems to be against wage equality within your own statements without a requirement of quid pro quo for Easties. I know that I feel as if I am a tool to East to get what they can for their own benefit, and if I just happen to get a piece of the action, then I guess that's okay with them. What makes me nervous is what I'll call "The Son of Class 2 Stations" where a majority can sacrifice a minority for the majority's benefit within the union while calling for Unity.
Before I am dismissed as either an IAM or corporate flunky or someone who new to the ramp, I am not part of either IAM except as rank and file member, nor ever held any management position within the Company, and I have been a ramp agent for nearly a decade.
I am a newbie to the Board and appreciate your stated efforts to other ramp agents over the decades. I am a part-time ramper at one of the two West hubs, so allow me to take what is most of our point of view as to a new contract.
First, what you call a "east sides bankrupt contract" looks pretty damn good to those on the West. For many it would mean a near 50% increase in hourly pay, and no surprise that PHX and LAS voted in favor of it.
Second, if the last vote was over change in control, why was the West voting on the matter since this had to do with the East and what they signed during bankruptcy?
Third, why should East care if West gets the same existing contract? Why would East begrudge wage equality and why should East be allowed to vote on it? I would be very happy if "Boss Canale" and Parker agreed to something along these lines and force it without a vote. They can "force" my pay up on their own any time as far as I am concerned.
Fourth, while you say "screw the transition until it gives fleet service workers everywhere a fair and equitable contract", you are screwing the West ramp agents in the process. Because we continue to work under an awful TWU contract which takes six years to earn $10/hour and in the meanwhile, Easties are doing far better with their wage scale relative to West and will continue to so until this entire issue is resolved perhaps years later.
For all the calls of unity, what I am seeing is a majority (East) looking out for itself as the expense of the minority (West). While I understand the East voting against the TA as there was the carrot of a huge payoff of a favorable CIC ruling (which by the way, I think the IAM will lose) and the option of a small increase in pay vs. the roll of the dice for a CIC, the East had little to lose by voting "No." Make the CIC ruling conditional that if the IAM loses the CIC then East must assume the current West TWU pay scale and there would be overwhelming vote in favor of TA ratification!
Please explain why you are against West receiving the "bankrupt contract" especially if the West desires it? This doesn't change the Company's need for a unified work force, nor does it affect the existing CIC issue, nor does it effect future contract negotiations. If nothing else it appears to be at worse vindictive and petty and at best to be a lever of many angry Westies against Parker, but West knows who voted against the TA when offered and who seems to be against wage equality within your own statements without a requirement of quid pro quo for Easties. I know that I feel as if I am a tool to East to get what they can for their own benefit, and if I just happen to get a piece of the action, then I guess that's okay with them. What makes me nervous is what I'll call "The Son of Class 2 Stations" where a majority can sacrifice a minority for the majority's benefit within the union while calling for Unity.
Before I am dismissed as either an IAM or corporate flunky or someone who new to the ramp, I am not part of either IAM except as rank and file member, nor ever held any management position within the Company, and I have been a ramp agent for nearly a decade.