Sorry, but no, you don't. You have the illusion of power and representation. In reality, powerful forces pushing "globalization" and so called "free markets" are working to destroy the American middle class, organized labor has no interest in protecting its members or their standard of living. They have become what they once detested, soul-less corporate exploiters. Real "unions" would never go along with what corporate America is doing to its workers.
The IAM is an international socialist organization working hard to be a player in the globalized control of the workforce, they couldn't give a rat's behind if you can't support a family on your wages, it's all about the dues, daddio. You are a unit of dues production, no more.
People who labor away under the illusion of freedom and choice are much easier to control than those that are free thinkers. Employees are replaceable robots to be discarded when their usefulness to the corporate masters is complete. You are a liability to be outsourced when possible and when not, your labor must be achieved at the cheapest possible price.
Welcome to the nightmare of reality. Screw the company, screw the unions, focus on those important to you and make each day count and never sacrifice family time or being there for your loved ones for a paycheck.
rant off...