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firings in LGA

Vortilon said:
Cry you a river?  Who said anything about being stuck on nights?  reread the post.
You said you worked nights. I am not saying you work them now but you have at some point in your career. I don't see you saying anything positive about it so that would suggest it was not your desired shift. Unlike most on here I don't just read and forget what you say. I actually pay attention.
Vortilon said:
Look, I have worked almost half of my 29 years at AA on night shift - class one station, and class two as well.  
Vortilon said:
Until any of you company suckups have worked line night shift in all weather conditions including holidays, and attempting to lead a somewhat normal life, your 2 cents - is just that.  Anybody that has worked that shift, and tells you that they never slept a wink (even if by accident) on shift isn't being honest. 
Vortilon said:
As long as you keep mentioning your pops 40 years of perfect attendance on night shift and others.  What did he get out of it? 
A paycheck, 401k, nice pension. and a jacket for perfect attendance every year.
Vortilon said:
 Were his sick days returned to him at 1/16th of their value like AA does? 
My fathers job did not and does not to this day give sick time.
Vortilon said:
I hope he wasn't one of those types that went to work while sick, and spread the virus or bacteria around for everybody else to enjoy.
Actually he was. My father had an old school work ethic. 
AANYER said:
I don't want to waste my time and intelligence on "La LI LU Le Lo" and whoever else is clueless on this issue.  
Yes you shouldn't waste something you have so little of. 🙂 I am kidding. I don't think I am taking this as personally as you are. 
AANYER said:
Also, please note that the "in trouble" employees categorically, has the lowest overtime hours at the entire station.  However, the junior employee that did this stands around each and every morning salivating and asking for OT even before management has had the chance to call. 
So the "hard working employees" that got caught napping on the job have the lowest OT hours while the "lazy disgruntled employee" asks for OT hours everyday. Yeah that makes perfect sense.
AANYER said:
 I want to be the best person and team player that I can be
Just like politicians want to cut taxes for the working man.
AANYER said:
To sum it up.  This is a jealous angry junior employee that would stop at nothing to ensure that his fellow teammates are as miserable and uncomfortable because of their own work arrangements and misforgivings.  
Which begs the question what was done to make him so angry.
AANYER said:
I want to be the best person and team player that I can be, however, you guys are making it tough to keep it all inside. 
Well then don't. If you have a grievance with what I have stated then tell me in PM. I give you my word no other soul will ever see it from my end.
LD3 said:
You know La Li, non union people have been known to sleep on the job also....
That is true. I worked with a non UNION electrician that got fired for sleeping on the job. The difference is he did not have some thug UNION burning UNION and company time and money trying to get his job back the next day. Not all UNIONS are bad but; I am not talking about all UNIONS; I am talking about the TWU.
Slopoke said:
La Li Lu Le Lo. You worked the docks. Come out to a Class I station and see how stuff really works.
No thank you. I worked the line at Tulsa international and that is good enough for me. 
The work location might have changed but the scams are still the same.
AANYER said:
La Li Lu Le Lo, you are totally off base on this issue.  Please talk about something else that you actually have concrete information on.  Fact, there were not six employees that were terminated at LGA.
First off I don't have a clue who you really are. Why should I accept what you submit as fact? Because you tell me you are in a position to submit facts? Seems to me your only interest is looking out for your buddies.
Don't you dare sit there and talk to me like I am some clueless first year rookie. I am not one of these bright eyed eager youths that will swallow your line of B.S. Talk to me like someone who has actually put some time into the airline and has a little behind the scenes knowledge.
You are asking me to ignore something I have seen go on for years because you are on here trying to defend your buddies bad behavior. If you want me to respect anything you have to say then why don't you come to me with something close to reality instead of this fantasy concoction your trying to sell.
La Li Lu Le Lo,
Because I'm fully engross in the matter and know about it first hand.  Those same junior mechanics are still encouraging the CC and management to let them be on this B-Ck.  It's sickening to know the guys who make it happen and do not take any breaks from 10pm to 2am, then combine their breaks and push the Aircraft out in the morning, are no longer with us.  Who's left? The junior mechanics who has to be prodded and told what to do each and every step.  Like I said, we loss several outstanding junior technicians when the bankruptcy cataclysm was upon us.  They left to better paying jobs and that's because they were all fully employable. I can guarantee you that if you had a poll of the guys on the floor and you were to ask the 145 plus team members, less the rat,  you would get nothing but praises.  This is not about unionism, this is about decency of which the junior employee who did this has none.
La Li Lu Le Lo said:
No thank you. I worked the line at Tulsa international
Well there you have it. He is now an expert in all line maintenance operations on midnight shift at AA.

Especially at LGA.

You all are wasting your time with this know it all. We all know who he would be on the line. The whining puss complaining.
Problem is that, "La Li Lu Le Lo" is no Aircraft Technician, but he knows it all.  He's never taxied an A/C, changed engines, changed LRU's or any of that stuff.  It's certainly a waste of one's time and energy to have a discussion with this know it all.  I have close friends of mine that are doctors and nurses, and they are allowed to do whatever they want with their downtime.  However, we are not paid for this time on the clock, yet we are prosecuted and persecuted.  If this is upheld we have to push harder for a New Union at AA.
AANYER said:
La Li Lu Le Lo,
Because I'm fully engross in the matter and know about it first hand.  Those same junior mechanics are still encouraging the CC and management to let them be on this B-Ck.  It's sickening to know the guys who make it happen and do not take any breaks from 10pm to 2am, then combine their breaks and push the Aircraft out in the morning, are no longer with us.  Who's left? The junior mechanics who has to be prodded and told what to do each and every step.  Like I said, we loss several outstanding junior technicians when the bankruptcy cataclysm was upon us.  They left to better paying jobs and that's because they were all fully employable. I can guarantee you that if you had a poll of the guys on the floor and you were to ask the 145 plus team members, less the rat,  you would get nothing but praises.  This is not about unionism, this is about decency of which the junior employee who did this has none.
It seems as though my experiences with heavy hitters is shared by many. Like I said earlier, good hard working people crank the work out and take an extended break. Most of these individuals also do this, to have an aircraft at the end of their shift, ready for the customer. They are who pay our wages and without them, we would have no jobs. But not only that, they also get personal satisfaction out of putting out a quality product. To the "heavy quitter", Karma is a B*@ch and she's gonna git ya!
La Li Lu Le Lo said:
He does in fact have a DWI. What does Parker having a DWI off the clock have to do with 6 mechanics sleeping on the clock? You wan't to fight for someone and speak on someones behalf? Where are the people fighting for Dennis Barnett? All that man did was tell the truth and he got fired for it. Where is the outrage over that? I don't see you UNION brothers standing behind him.
La Li Lu Le Lo- For the record, let's get this DUI story straight. Once and for all to read. Doug Parker is a REPEAT DUI OFFENDER. His 2007 DUI arrest occurred while driving home from a UsAirways sponsored golf event. It's fair to say he was "on the clock" for this particular DUI. FACT. http://www.eastvalleytribune.com/local/article_b8346895-bf68-5bfa-949b-45cb628553f5.html?mode=jqm   Don't like this article, Google "Doug Parker DUI".
As another serial poster likes to say- "Don't let the facts get in your way".  
AANYER said:
Problem is that, "La Li Lu Le Lo" is no Aircraft Technician, but he knows it all.  He's never taxied an A/C, changed engines, changed LRU's or any of that stuff.  It's certainly a waste of one's time and energy to have a discussion with this know it all.  I have close friends of mine that are doctors and nurses, and they are allowed to do whatever they want with their downtime.  However, we are not paid for this time on the clock, yet we are prosecuted and persecuted.  If this is upheld we have to push harder for a New Union at AA.
Never claimed I knew it all but, you know, I did spend over a decade working side by side with mechanics AT A MAINTENANCE BASE........  just saying.
slipnutwrench said:
La Li Lu Le Lo- For the record, let's get this DUI story straight. Once and for all to read. Doug Parker is a REPEAT DUI OFFENDER. His 2007 DUI arrest occurred while driving home from a UsAirways sponsored golf event. It's fair to say he was "on the clock" for this particular DUI. FACT. http://www.eastvalleytribune.com/local/article_b8346895-bf68-5bfa-949b-45cb628553f5.html?mode=jqm   Don't like this article, Google "Doug Parker DUI".

As another serial poster likes to say- "Don't let the facts get in your way".  
I never knew about the second one. Thanks for the post. Then again, I have other things in my life to worry about besides Doug Parker.
I think what should occur is that if the employees are to be held accountable for their actions on or off the clock then DP should also  per mentioning his 2nd DUI  and I do agree it should be as if he were on the clock given he was at a company sponsored golf event   while that story and the 6 firings are 2 different things  it cld be grouped as 1 thing in common... being on the clock and getting caught doing something that shouldn't be doing
La Li Lu Le Lo said:
Never claimed I knew it all but, you know, I did spend over a decade working side by side with mechanics AT A MAINTENANCE BASE........  just saying.
Just like that guy that used to work at US... 🙂~

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