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Art at ISP said:
Never happens from this cockroach.......get your facts straight Bear.

FYI, we have done some good around this place.
Art, I am referring to Ffocus as a group. I have no doubt you don't act like that. You have clearly demonstrated a degree of class over the years here and refuse to lower yourself to the lowest common denominator.

However, rightly or wrongly, many times we are judged by the company we keep.
personally, I think that some people forget that we are here to serve the customers that fly with us everyday. Do you (the naysayers of Ffocus) fully comprehend the fact that this group of CUSTOMERS could have easliy walked away from US and never looked back. Instead they chose to try and be a part of the solution. Did Art, Bob, Trvlr or any of the others have to stay and put up with the deplorable things that were happening? NO. They chose to stay and try to help resolve the issues for the employees and customers alike. Whether you like Bob or any of the other Ffocus members or agree with their tactics, they have definitly had an effect on what has heppened in the last few years.

Please dont' ever forget that it is the Customers that pay your salary and it is Customers, the likes of the Ffocus group that, when banded together, made a difference in some way. It would have been very easy for them to turn their back on US and walk away. They chose to stand and fight, trying to make a difference. Ask yourself, what did I try to do to make a difference in what was happening?

Whether you agree with what Ffocus stands for, what they have or have not accomplished, their tactics, etc....you have to applaude their willingness to get involved and sacrific their own time and money to make a difference.
Bear96 said:
Art, I am referring to Ffocus as a group.  I have no doubt you don't act like that.  You have clearly demonstrated a degree of class over the years here and refuse to lower yourself to the lowest common denominator.

However, rightly or wrongly, many times we are judged by the company we keep.


With all due respect, the lowest common denominator on FFOCUS is still pretty high up. What you perceive as grandstanding and the "Do you know who I am" attitude is more a response to the way certain members of our board have been treated by CCY. Please remember that they reached out to us in the beginning, and the door was open to us as long as we could be manipulated to represent what they wanted us to represent. Once we dissented and CCY learned they couldn't use us for spin, THEY shut the door.

While I am sure you disagree with some of the tactics which were used by some of our colleagues, they were effective in bringing attention to problems. It is truly sad when the only way you can get management to respond to a problem is to shine a spotlight on it for ALL to see. I can understand why you would see some of our members in a negative light, but if you knew "the rest of the story" you might not be so harsh in your criticism.

Our membership is right around 300 and growing. Hopefully we can evolve from an advocacy group to a more social organization if our goals of a healthy, secure and successful US Airways is realized by a new management who KNOWS how to run an airline, and who WANTS to run a successful airline.

As for me, I am on the road again Monday--and look forward to seeing some of my friends on the front line throughout the upcoming weeks. This week has me going LGA-BOS-TPA-RIC-LGA weather permitting (pesky Ophelia might get in the way).

My best to you all......
Bear96 said:
Art, I am referring to Ffocus as a group. I have no doubt you don't act like that. You have clearly demonstrated a degree of class over the years here and refuse to lower yourself to the lowest common denominator.

However, rightly or wrongly, many times we are judged by the company we keep.

And now you understand why even though there are some "good" people at CCY, US management as a whole is perceived to be "evil" by customers and US employees alike because of a few bad eggs who have taken up space there.
jimcfs said:
a few bad eggs

sorry to bring it up again, but those greek scrambled eggs are really horrible :down:
jimcfs said:
And now you understand why even though there are some "good" people at CCY, US management as a whole is perceived to be "evil" by customers and US employees alike because of a few bad eggs who have taken up space there.
I understand that.

What I DON'T understand is why customers continue to do business with those they perceive as "evil."

WE stay because of the excellence and caring of the FRONT LINE employees, NOT because of CCY. If the front line were just average, you're right, there'd be no reason to stay. But the front line at US is the best in the industry, and we stay because of THEM.

Our issues are with the few at the very top...most of whom will soon be gone. They're not ALL bad, true, but those who are drag the whole thing down.

I hope that helps clear things up. Now let's move on to helping the new US grow and prosper...after all YOU want that too don't you?
Art at ISP said:

WE stay because of the excellence and caring of the FRONT LINE employees, NOT because of CCY.

That's true even for non-FFOCUS members. You get to know some of the frontline people and it's the least you can do to help them keep their jobs and give them support. Without customers, they wouldn't have a chance.

You are correct. US has one of the most loyal customer bases of any airline...or company for that matter--both FFOCUS members and non members....and it's because of the FRONT LINE....

You hit the nail on the head....

My impression is that Tempe knows the value of a loyal customer base....CCY sure as heck didn't......we shall see.
PineyBob said:
I had them the other day. They aren't horrible, I think you may be eggsagerating a bit. But they aren't anything to crow about either! 😀

But what do you Eggspect from the dumb clucks at CCY? :shock:

were u a fan of the "turkey" pastrami sandwich? :down: :shock:
longing4piedmont said:
Any time you're up to it, come on down.  If you don't have the address, history has proven your "friend" has no qualms about going into some ones personal information to obtain it.  I'm sure he would share it with you.

One thought before you do.  I know I come off as a cream puff or a big old loveable teddy bear with my sweet posting style on usaviation, but that is all just a persona that I use here.  You may want to think twice before you infer something you want nothing of....  But if you decide you do, make sure you bring the popcorn with you.   lol

Just remember...... "I'm done"     :shock:

Wow. Art has hinted as have you that somebody at CCY came after you in a personal way. If you care to comment fine, if not - no problem. However if you read my posts you will clearly see that I don’t work for US, no family works for US nor do I know anything that may have been done to you personally. In fact if something like that did happen, I hereby publicly denounce it in the strongest of terms.

Word of caution, not everybody who is critical of your beliefs is or was part of whatever happened. Including me, clear?

You hints otherwise borders on paranoia.

My posts are meant to be firm (yeah I disagree with almost all of your comments), sarcastic (just for effect) and humorous (even if only I get the jokes).

For you personally I care nothing about - but I don’t mean this in a negative way because I wish all to live long and happy lives. When the mood strikes me I will post my comments which are like yours and everybody else's, just my opinion.

So it would be best that you tread more carefully and keep your keyboard muscles in check. Kind of like honking at the small Honda in front of you - you never know what pit bull will get out. I am not talking about me per say but as just good common sense for all of us to follow.

I for one will just dismiss it as a harmless momentary loss of composure but regrettable not all may be as open minded as me. It’s a crazy world out there.

Art at ISP said:
WE stay because of the excellence and caring of the FRONT LINE employees, NOT because of CCY. If the front line were just average, you're right, there'd be no reason to stay. But the front line at US is the best in the industry, and we stay because of THEM.

Our issues are with the few at the very top...most of whom will soon be gone. They're not ALL bad, true, but those who are drag the whole thing down.


As said before, many of us would hope that you are as fair in your assessment of the Front Line Workers. Surly not all show excellence and caring. Its your (meaning FFOCUS) single minded defense of ALL Front Liners that is so troubling when some (a small amount to be sure) should be gone today for their utter inefficiency, extreme rudeness and overall incompetence.
PhillyDave said:
I for one will just dismiss it as a harmless momentary loss of composure but regrettable not all may be as open minded as me. It’s a crazy world out there.

You can dismiss it any way you want. As for you, I will no longer feed the troll and would advise others to do the same. PDFTT

Just remember........ "I'M DONE"
longing4piedmont said:
You can dismiss it any way you want.  As for you, I will no longer feed the troll and would advise others to do the same.   PDFTT

Just remember........  "I'M DONE"

Already dismissed the same way you dismiss all who disagree with you as a Troll :down:

Better to do like your brother and use the IGNORE Feature so you never need to even read any post that you do not agree with.

Don’t you wish all of life was so simple?

This concludes today's spanking 😛h34r: I'm off to the airport!
PhillyDave said:
As said before, many of us would hope that you are as fair in your assessment of the Front Line Workers. Surly not all show excellence and caring. Its your (meaning FFOCUS) single minded defense of ALL Front Liners that is so troubling when some (a small amount to be sure) should be gone today for their utter inefficiency, extreme rudeness and overall incompetence.


Instead of picking apart every little thing we say, why don't you expend that energy looking for the positive things which we hope will come out of this merger?

I never said ALL front line employees were the best, I made a generalization based on the ones I come in contact with all the time. There are definitely a small number who exhibit the symptoms you describe, and in no way would we defend them.

The MAJORITY of the rank and file US employees are the best there is in this thankless business, and it is to their credit, not CCY's that there is still a company to merge.

Let's drop the nitpicking and move on to positive things, okay?

With all due respect, what troubles you is as meaningless as what troubles me in the end...so let's accentuate the positive and eliminate the negative....

Fair enough?

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