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Whoa.. folks, the paxs are NOT the enemy here, specifically the FFOCUS Group who I have witnessed do much more for the employees than most managers at U. At least this group of customers are active enough to get involved and recognize when things are right and when things just don't make any damn sense.

I think some of us may get confused and misplace our frustration, but the customer is not one to misplace it on.

Go kick and exec... 😉 in PHL 😛h34r:
PhillyDave said:
Remember 😛h34r:
Any time you're up to it, come on down. If you don't have the address, history has proven your "friend" has no qualms about going into some ones personal information to obtain it. I'm sure he would share it with you.

One thought before you do. I know I come off as a cream puff or a big old loveable teddy bear with my sweet posting style on usaviation, but that is all just a persona that I use here. You may want to think twice before you infer something you want nothing of.... But if you decide you do, make sure you bring the popcorn with you. lol

Just remember...... "I'm done" :shock:
PITbull said:
Whoa.. folks, the paxs are NOT the enemy here, specifically the FFOCUS Group who I have witnessed do much more for the employees than most managers at U. At least this group of customers are active enough to get involved and recognize when things are right and when things just don't make any damn sense.

I think some of us may get confused and misplace our frustration, but the customer is not one to misplace it on. 

Go kick  and exec...  😉 in PHL 😛h34r:
The problem is, FFOCUS-ers are not content to be "just" passengers or customers. They demand to be treated as some sort of uber-travellers with their butts being kissed every step of the way and having immediate access to senior management or they'll throw public temper tantrums, etc etc.

Of course, as JS has pointed out, their attempts at self-aggrandizement are mitigated somewhat since they have made clear they aren't going anywhere no matter what management does, thereby reducing their clout and making them even WEAKER than the average passenger who has no qualms leaving when he/she gets sick of the services provided. But they don't seem to "get" that part.

Hopefully, Parker and the HP crowd are smarter and have been taking notes from U management about how NOT to deal with them and won't even try to humor them as much. They aren't worth the trouble, hassle, headaches, and drama they bring.
Industry Observer said:
The FFOCUS group is a good idea but a few PAX (pineybob,longing4PI) have taken it upon themselves by giving the group a black eye. ........ Very immature on your part, with the photos with lipstick and insults. Some people never grow up and needs to get a life
You don't read well do you? My post are my opinions and mine alone. I have not referenced or indicated any relationship with FFOCUS in the past seven months or so.

As to my comments about management, they were intended as insults. You have destroyed a great airline (or three if you count PSA and PI) You deserve them. I'm so glad you got that MESSAGE. However your ramblings appear to me that maybe my posts hit a nerve and maybe just a little too close to home. I can only thank God that your days are now numbered at 20 days or less.

Piney and L4PI set out to make a point, and they did it. There's alot more to it than you know.

There are other airlines who choose to communicate directly with their passengers. CO had a dinner for 250 of their customers, and there is a CHANCE that the FFOCUS Roachfest was the model for that.

Regarding CCY, they attempted to control us and manipulate us in their dispute with labor, and once they found we couldn't be manipulated, they turned on us. It's not about insults it's about behavior.

Personally, at the end of the day, if I get from point A to point B safely and relatively on time, WITH my luggage, and enjoy a modicum of comfort in getting there, I am happy....and if US Airways survives and grows and becomes strong again, then FFOCUS' objectives are met--whether or not we had anything to do with it. I have fair expectations for a FAIR price...no $49 fares, but no gouging either. It appears Tempe has the right idea.

Let's try to not make it personal here...I think everyone here has the same ultimate goal. If you take issue with Piney and L4PI, so be it--that's your right. Just don't malign the whole group--there are almost 300 loyal US customers and employees who have joined us.

FWIW, Doug Parker knows about us, and indications are he wants to talk to us. We'll see....maybe his management actually APPRECIATES customer loyalty.

My best to you all......
Bravo Bob.

I think the few FFOCUS members that have stayed on these boards have an intimate view of the entire gamet. Most folks on the outside have no clue of the deception, kniving, brow beating from managment that labor received which resulted in poor morale (worst in history) along with poor customer service from managment cutting deep into the ranks for furloughs. Bob has been on these boards for years along with Art ,and Clue and travlr, and l4PI, lark etc.. They have seen more than most on both sides, inside and out.

I personally had made it my mission for the past few years, as I had warned CCY even as back as Siegel, that I would make their names synonomous with anti labor, union busting schemes and anti labor tchniques that have literally destroyed morale on this property, impoverished these fine workers. And the public would be intimately involved with what plight employees were in. That was the ONLY leverage labor had, or , it may have turned even worse for us without the media attention.

Remember the 5% deferral and the pressure from Labor to give it back after 4 months when the Company had announced a $31 million profit in 2003? It was the public pressure that made Siegel give it back to the employees. I remember Siegel wrote to me personally and said "Becareful what you wish for"...and low and behold within 3 months they were demanding concession #3 and another threat of BK.

3 concessions and 2 BK in two years with only a merger as a plan is not heroic and ingenious of managment...its a last resort Plan Z because of lack of planning or no planning.

And yes, CCY is angered that many of them have been shown the door for their arrogance and misdeeds, lack of trust by the customer and labor, and that the public knows very well what this managment has done to this franchise. they too look for "change" across the board.

I am glad to start hearing from the public: " I wish you all luck and good fortune with this merger", INSTEAD of; " I feel so sorry for all of you".

Management saving us? Hardly. U saved itself, and the money from ATSB, labor and investors kept this entity afloat until a marriage can be consumated with the perception of "hope".

Yes and true, many at U are hopeful (but guarded) for newness, and change, and this is deemed good going forward. Unless Parker blows it during the next 18 months with Seigel-like tactics..

"Call me Doug"... 🙄
Bear96 said:
The problem is, FFOCUS-ers are not content to be "just" passengers or customers. They demand to be treated as some sort of uber-travellers with their butts being kissed every step of the way and having immediate access to senior management or they'll throw public temper tantrums, etc etc.

Of course, as JS has pointed out, their attempts at self-aggrandizement are mitigated somewhat since they have made clear they aren't going anywhere no matter what management does, thereby reducing their clout and making them even WEAKER than the average passenger who has no qualms leaving when he/she gets sick of the services provided. But they don't seem to "get" that part.

Hopefully, Parker and the HP crowd are smarter and have been taking notes from U management about how NOT to deal with them and won't even try to humor them as much. They aren't worth the trouble, hassle, headaches, and drama they bring.


I think you're wrong in your assessment of our Ffocus members. The ones I know are not the temper tantrums at the gate or on the plane types. They fly a lot and know how to roll with the punches of airline travel in these days of woe.

They understand what is within our control and what isn't. They also know pitching a hissy fit at an agent or F/A is a pointless waste of their energy. Usually, they're the ones with the kind word, a smile and even chocolates for us on those bad days when nothing goes right (or they are passing through PHL).

I love seeing our Cockroaches on board! They are never a problem for the front-liners.

Dea Certe said:

I think you're wrong in your assessment of our Ffocus members.
I don't doubt they are polite with the front-line employees.

I am talking about how they expect and demand to be treated from and by management. That's when the "Do you know who I am ?!?!?!" attitude appears to come out.
Bear96 said:
I don't doubt they are polite with the front-line employees.

I am talking about how they expect and demand to be treated from and by management. That's when the "Do you know who I am ?!?!?!" attitude appears to come out.

Never happens from this cockroach.......get your facts straight Bear.

FYI, we have done some good around this place.
Dea Certe said:
I think you're wrong in your assessment of our Ffocus members. The ones I know are not the temper tantrums at the gate or on the plane types. They fly a lot and know how to roll with the punches of airline travel in these days of woe.


Even if you don't have limes? 😉

These guys understand the three-ring circus, better known as US Airways, only with about 27 "ring masters" and a one trick pony. They bring their own limes! 😀


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