Well I'm doing the best I can so thanks for the kind words. I didn't and don't know what to do all of the time. I only know that doing nothing was NOT an option. Have I done bad? yes I have. Do I try to get it right? More than you know.
When the frontliner at RF said "Thanks for trying to save my job" I knew I was on the right path.
Cue the violins, our hero, Piney Bob, single handedly saving the airline. Who knew a copier sales trainer held all the answers? Thank you Piney for saving us from ourselves.
As for you Dilligas I offer the following:
Dilligas, join me in the arena, Stand & deliver! Or does the role of critic suit you more than being the "Doer of Deeds"? A Fair question I think.
Bobby, you only THINK you're in the arena. The 20,000 former U employees let go in the past few years were IN THE ARENA. The stressed out and anxious 26-28 thousand employees left are IN THE ARENA. You are simply a sideshow, a diversion, a decoration. You're a useful tool for the puppeteers, who sold his independence for recognition and attention. What you desire most is attention and fawning, and saving your own self interests, as you have said many times. Your attempts to paint yourself as the noble protector of the working man is ridiculous.
And to CCY I offer more from TR, When the time came to charge San Jaun hill. Teddy Roosevelt did not sound the charge, He Said two simple words "FOLLOW ME" It's time to lead not lawyer.
As I told you about a year ago, and you still don't grasp the concept, these people are not "airline people" that came up thru the ranks and give a hoot about the company. They are opportunists and financiers that see an opportunity to profit on the backs of the U employees.
The company is sitting on over 700 million dollars of operational efficencies that they refuse to implement, supposedly. Bobby, if you were IN THE ARENA, you would truly know that the Emperor has no clothes and has no integrity. There never was a plan to rebuild U as a going concern, only to break labor and reap the fruits of what the employees built over the years.
Quit deluding yourself, you are not, and never have been IN THE ARENA at U. You simply found a clever way to attract attention to yourself, you live on a message board, and you crave attention. Don't insult the real, working folks that labor under some intense pressure and frustrating conditions, that you are IN THE ARENA, fighting for them. You have NO IDEA what these people are dealing with each and every day in the workplace.
That being said, have a great time on Bama Air.