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Roachfest 04 Makes The Headlines

WN usually sells about 30-40% of their fares at their highest fare. This is buried in their website somewhere.

To answer "what is full-fare" I don't know how that would be defined anymore, with so many flexible tickets (no change fees/refundable) in different fare buckets. US' actual Y fare FLL-PHL is close to $1000 each way, and the actual F is ~$1500 OW. (I'm talking fare basis Y and fare basis F). I don't know if these are ever sold (doubtful) or just used to base other fares off of, for proration agreements or to base corporate discount amounts.

"Full-fare" to me means the most you can possibly pay for the route. I'm not sure if this is an accurate definition or not, but the most WN will ever charge a passenger is $300 OW. The most US will ever charge is whatever their Y and F fares are, as rare as this occurence may be.

As for joining the "arena", if US wants to know what I think the company should do to transform itself, they can come to my door with a nice check and ask for my thoughts. But since that will never happen, I will just have the option of providing my thoughts and opinions on here- good, bad and ugly.

So what were the potential improvements/actions that US was going to take as a result of roachfest, or are those confidential too?
WH Linder,

There is a way for you to find out the details of what happened at Roachfest--PM myself Piney Bob or Atlantic Beach to find out how.

It was productive, many items still open for further discussion/explanation, but it was an important first step.
whlinder said:
US' actual Y fare FLL-PHL is close to $1000 each way, and the actual F is ~$1500 OW. (I'm talking fare basis Y and fare basis F). I don't know if these are ever sold (doubtful) or just used to base other fares off of, for proration agreements or to base corporate discount amounts.

Going to http://fs.usairways.com/abs/fareQuote.do and punching in PHL-FLL, the highest fares I get are:

NQG at $379 one-way (N is the full-fare coach booking class for GoFares)
FQG at $499 one-way
QUOTE(whlinder @ Aug 25 2004, 02:40 PM)
US' actual Y fare FLL-PHL is close to $1000 each way, and the actual F is ~$1500 OW. (I'm talking fare basis Y and fare basis F). I don't know if these are ever sold (doubtful) or just used to base other fares off of, for proration agreements or to base corporate discount amounts.

You got it. AFAIK, the full Y tariff (as opposed to a Y or Y8 fare) is used for fare construction and proration.
cavalier said:
Dill, I bet you read Dean Koontz, this post was taken right out of Phantoms.

Nope, my posts are original ramblings from my own twisted mind. Not sure what specifically you were referring to, but it was not from any book.
Dont call me Shirley said:
UAIR's policy on employee postings on the internet appies to using copany rescources, not to anyting an employee does with his or own resources.


Interesting. Perhaps it's time to check your clearance, Clarence.

If you know a U employee, 😉 please borrow their ethics book, turn to page 14, bottom paragraph, and give me your interpretation of the second and third sentences, which seem to specifically refer to an employee using "their own resources."

What's our vector, Victor?

Art at ISP said:
Dilligas you're right. We are not employees and we don't know what YOU have been going through.

I'm sure many frustrated U employees appreciate that acknowledgement.

I take offense when you accuse us of being opportunists and exploiting the workers--you could not be further from the truth.

Art, I have NEVER accused you of being an opportunist. On the contrary, I have admired your patience, shared your frustrations, and appreciated your input on the operational problems and irrational fare structures. You have made many positive suggestions and comments over the years, without a trace of ego.

It was not our place to discuss labor issues with those who attended.

I agree in principle. However, any discussion of what ails U has to look at the corporate culture and vacuum of leadership and the poor labor relations. All of this war is counter productive and leaves the outcome inevitable.

No one on this board--neither you nor us nor any of the other members here are going to have any real say as individuals in what happens from here on--but at the end of the day my fellow Roaches and I will know we at least TRIED to help.

I believe you are sincere and appreciate your efforts.

EVERY time I deplane from a US flight I express my appreciation to the F/A or pilots for doing a great job in spite of everything that's happening. And I always thank the gate agents when boarding--it seems to mean alot to them.

A simple thank you, showing some courtesy goes a long way in all walks of life, and even on an internet bulletin board.

I know you and your group are frustrated--but taking it out on those of us who are only trying to help is wrong.

Not trying to take anything out on you. However I feel, and it is my right to express in a reasonable fashion, that your group will have little real effect, the company will play you in their own meticulous, manipulative manner, and basically it's an exercise in self delusion. That doesn't mean I don't respect some of you, or appreciate your "caring".

In fairness you should note that I was definitely not the one to iniate any name calling, flaming, or insults as to people's professions. I don't mind anyone tearing apart my logic or my thinking, and showing me the error of my ways... if they can present them in a rational, intelligent manner.

At any rate, Art, thanks for your input over the years and your loyalty. I wish you only the best in your travels, whatever airline you end up being left with.
Dilligas said:
Nope, my posts are original ramblings from my own twisted mind. Not sure what specifically you were referring to, but it was not from any book.

Well then, you are as creative as that author is. That sir was a complement because Koontz is very original even if twisted which is my flavor.

You and some of the other U employees are like intellectuals and it was a real pleasure working with such fine people. I truly believe U management’s has no idea what resources lay at their finger tips which could have enabled this company to reach the stars. Trouble was these precious resources were wasted in the name of greed and get rich quick mentality of today’s business world of in and out no matter what the causality headcount is, the prize is all that matters and the human factor is simply disregarded.

The spirit has been taken away from the U employees and why I am firmly convinced the end is all but over except for the final closing chapter which is just over the horizon.

If this once great company somehow pulls through it will only because of the great employees in spite of never really having a guiding light to follow.

Godspeed to All U employees.
QUOTE(TheLarkAscending @ Aug 24 2004, 05:26 PM
Can I buy the next round (oh, and in glassware with [color=green)
limes[/color] 🙄 )? 😀

Maybe a round of sweetened iced teas! 😀