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PineyBob said:

US Aviation has this really COOL feature known as Ignore. It works really really well. Try it, as it is amzingly effective in lowering your blood pressure. That's why I simply posted a portion of my interview with Mr Elliott that addressed our view regarding employees.

While I'm certain Dilligas is his normal negative and unproductive self I now choose NOT to read and feed the trolls.


Done. Ah, that feels better. I'd be debate Mr D, but he really knows nothing about Ffocus (nee Cockroaches).
There is nothing wrong with supporting a company of which you are fond. I realize there a alot of customers that keep coming back for the service we provide and I thank those who give me a word of encouragement on a daily basis.

On the other hand, I see no need for name calling such as "losers" and "morons".
I certainly am not either. This forum has become an avenue of release for a lot of us and I think everyone is at their breaking point. Am I nervous that I will be without a job within months? Of course, but I am excited as well. Excited to start down a new path that may or may not be lucrative, but will certainly add to my list of lessons throughout my life. Working for U and believing in my decisions does not make me a moron or a loser - it makes me a unique individual.
hscottm said:
Dilligas -

I am sure Art and Bob would refer to me at best as a fair-weather friend of the old roaches so dont assume some strong tie between us when reading my post (you imply all we do is come to each other's aid).

The main reason that I became involved with Bob's boys is that my father has worked for this company for 42 years. The entire reason why I give my business to you bunch of losers is in honor of his many years of hard work that are now being flushed down the toilet by what I perceive to be inept management. Its this company and my father that put me through college. I feel an obligation to try to do right and give you my travel dollars. Some of you say "Full pay to the last day" and some of us think "Full loyalty to the last day". I'll give my money to Delta only when I absolutely have to.

Admittedly, when I see morons like yourself question my intentions for supporting you it just makes me sick. As if the employees need any more enemies!

Is it so hard to believe that there really are people out here that want you to succeed for reasons that are not selfish? Do you think I fly this airline because I like the food in first class?

I share many people's sadness that this will all soon be ending badly. Not because I will lose nonstop service to cities I fly to, but because many thousands of decent and honorable people will lose their jobs and livelihoods, and with it the economic potential to support their children and their families. They will lose the opportunities that were afforded to me, and for that I feel great sadness.

I'll get back off my soapbox now.


First, thanks for your concern as a customer, if it is sincere, than it is well appreciated.

The only thing you fail to understand as I read what your post implies, is the employees will make the decision on what to accept or....not. And trust, that the majority on this property that have the final say, will do what is in THEIR best interest. Whether the company folds is not a decision made by labor. Nor, should a company soley rely on impoverishing its workers for its survival. That is not managing a company.

To say that many of the employees will lose their jobs and livilhoods, and with it the economic potential to support heir children and families is an unfair comment and implies that the U employees do not have the potential,skills, or opportunities to find any employment out in this big vast world. Give us a little more credit than that.

The world did not start, nor will it end with USAirways. I should not even have to post this on this board as this is a simple "known". I've been here for 24 years and many of my co-workers in all labor groups have been here for many, many years. I am fully aware of what is at stake and so does everyone around me who works here.

Majority rules the day.
PITbull said:

First, thanks for your concern as a customer, if it is sincere, than it is well appreciated.

The only thing you fail to understand as I read what your post implies, is the employees will make the decision on what to accept or....not. And trust, that the majority on this property that have the final say, will do what is in THEIR best interest. Whether the company folds is not a decision made by labor. Nor, should a company soley rely on impoverishing its workers for its survival. That is not managing a company.

To say that many of the employees will lose their jobs and livilhoods, and with it the economic potential to support heir children and families is an unfair comment and implies that the U employees do not have the potential,skills, or opportunities to find any employment out in this big vast world. Give us a little more credit than that.

The world did not start, nor will it end with USAirways. I should not even have to post this on this board as this is a simple "known". I've been here for 24 years and many of my co-workers in all labor groups have been here for many, many years. I am fully aware of what is at stake and so does everyone around me who works here.

Majority rules the day.

PITBull -

I pray you're right that all of the thousands of employees will find new jobs as quickly as possible. However that is the issue. Of course I didnt mean that they would lose jobs 'forever' but when thousands of people with similar skills go on to the job market at once the vast majority will not find meaningful work quickly.

Your optimism is refreshing. As I said I hope youre right. Unfortunately as we all know even in the best-case scenario more layoffs are coming.
PineyBob said:
He knows NOTHING about a geat many things. I too love the "IGGY" feature as well.

Hey Dilligas??? I await your self serving diatribe! to bad I won't be able to read it.



I believe history over the last twelve months has clearly proven who was correct about U management and ffffffocus. :shock:

Happy Labor Day :up:

"Being a cockroach means never having to say I'm sorry" :unsure:
Welcome back Dilligas, don't be a stranger.

If nothing else, FFOCUS has been outspoken in their support of front line employees and criticism of the mismanagement at CCY. We have been very active and have tried to show some appreciation for the folks we deal with day in and day out, which is something the CCY folks can't stand.

We remain dedicated to a growing and successful US Airways, and look forward to working with a management that actually knows how to run an airline and who wants to make it succeed.

If I recall, YOU'RE the one who told us to burn miles..........

It seems that you're the one who had no confidence in U's survival.

Anyway welcome back 🙂

My best to you all....
Art at ISP said:

If I recall, YOU'RE the one who told us to burn miles..........

It seems that you're the one who had no confidence in U's survival.

Anyway welcome back 🙂

My best to you all....

Hello Art,

I did, and it was sound advice based on the circumstances which were known at that time.

Regarding confidence in U's survival, I was not confident at all and the only thing that makes me even remotely optimistic for U is the fact that most of U management will soon be history. Even so, the future is quite shaky and lets agree that the shakeout is far from over.

I believe Doug & his crew deserve a fair chance, everything I have read and heard about the gentleman leads me to believe he is a true leader, and not simply an opportunist like we have had to deal with for the last fifteen years. I believe he will get a warm welcome and enthusiastic effort from the employees at U, and be given a fair chance to change the corporate culture.

The retro paint jobs are a brilliant idea for bringing everyone together toward a common goal, recognize and acknowledge our different historys and now lets make it work for our collective futures. It's a healthy change from the dysfunctional and insecure management of U.

Sadly, I feel there will be a lot less employees in just a few months, due to coming layoffs, but for those that manage to hang on, I think it will be a much more pleasant place to work at with the folks at HP calling the shots and defining the culture.

Lastly, not wanting to reopen old wounds and flame anyone Art, but the actual truth is your group really didn't get hardline and truly interested in the employees until after the meltdown in PHL and your gang's resultant falling out with upper management. It is easy enough to go back and read and see the changing positions. But you were always a bit less strident than some of your peers, and as I told you back then, I could tell you did care.

My only goal was to try and wake you folks up to the fact that you were making a deal with the devil and swallowing snake oil, I felt your group lost it's credibility when it got so cozy with management, and you were used and manipulated... for that I was stridently attacked.

I'm glad to see something good for the good people left at U.

Thanks for the warm welcome, Art... 😉


We agree on our assessment of both management groups. It appears that Tempe does appreciate both good employees and customers, and with DP's record and reputation we are encouraged.

I think we all realize it isn't going to be easy looking forward, but all we can do is pledge our support and keep buying tickets.

I also agree that to a degree we were taken in by CCY, and that we saw the light a little later in the game than we should have. But please realize that all along we had best intentions, and continue to want nothing more than a safe secure and successful US Airways. We remain committed to working with anyone who asks us toward that end.

For me personally, I will be taking between 11 flights in the next 2 weeks. I look forward to seeing more of the best front line employees in the business during my travels.

If you'd like to know some more, Dilligas, feel free to PM me--

Thanks again and regards,
Normally, when customers don't like a particular service provider, they switch. Yet, for some reason, this FFOCUS group is acting like US Airways is the government and is lobbying them. Why don't you just switch to another airline? It's not that hard.
JS said:
Normally, when customers don't like a particular service provider, they switch. Yet, for some reason, this FFOCUS group is acting like US Airways is the government and is lobbying them. Why don't you just switch to another airline? It's not that hard.
ahh. This is a classic coming from someone who wants to accuse everyone else of complaining and suggests they change, but feels more than free to b1tch and moan when it is something that effects him. Yep, we call that pot, kettle , black were I come from. Have a nice day........


Actually, I am amazed a group of customers in this disposable society are actually loyal to U.

Dilligas has a point that the cockroaches were taken to the mountaintop and led into temptation (the company line). Was that Satan or MPA whispering in their ears? 😀

Who among us thorns in the flesh haven't been offered a goodie to 'go with the flow'? I certainly have. Standard Palace 101, and a tactic as old as Eve and the serpent.

And, there was plenty of warning from us peasants along the way.

The sad fact is, there is generally acceptance granted when management speaks, and generally denial dispensed when labor speaks in this country. I could rant for hours about that, but will spare you - you know where and why I stand on that.

Given that, I give the roaches credit for when the facts became inescapable, they stood by them. A vast improvement over the Palace, who just makes up new facts when the old ones no longer fit.

The roaches could have just scuttled away into the night, but they took their appreciation of employee service and added to it, support for the employee cause.

What has come from this is a group of businessmen who had no particular reason to support labor, does. That can't be all bad.And I genuinely appreciate that fact.

What I hope FFOCUS remembers is, if five years from now U is still operating, the employees will STILL be at lower wages than they were last year, with higher health care costs and a joke for a pension.

Now, if that's fine with you so long as YOU'RE nice and comfy, then Dilly is right.

But I think FFOCUS has seen the same rot we have, and they are not likely to forget.

For instance, the same pass-the-buck mentality featured at U has just been splashed across the airwaves from local, state and federal officials post-Katrina.

Accepting responsibility has got to make a comeback.

No disrespect, Dilly, you do great posts. We just come out in different places on this one.
PineyBob said:
Because maybe many are in a fortress hub like PHL?

I've flown on Delta and Southwest to PHL. It *IS* possible, and actually quite easy.

Maybe some of us actually like certain aspects of the company? Like the front line folks who have been burdened with bad management for decades?

I used to like the front line folks as well, but many of the good ones are gone now.

Maybe because the USA is still a free country where people of good will and common interests band together to seek redress?

Redress of what? Did US insult your mother?

Or maybe well all just wanted a little "Club" that morphed into something completely different?

We have a winner! It's just a stupid club! :up:
Well, let's not forget their First Amendment rights of association and free speech.

Business SLAPPing someone into silence is just as abhorent as the government muzzling you.

The company is just pissed because they finally ran into someone they couldn't control or BS.
Dilligas said:
Sadly, I feel there will be a lot less employees in just a few months, due to coming layoffs, but for those that manage to hang on, I think it will be a much more pleasant place to work at with the folks at HP calling the shots and defining the culture.

I would be surprised if there we "a lot less employees in just a few months". Doug has maintained that a reduction in force due to the merger is likely to be done through attrition and normal retirements. This communicates that there will not be large scale layoffs. Granted this doesn't apply to the VP, Director, Manager and Supervisor levels, as we have already witnessed VPs not being retained in the new company. Directors are currently being worked on. I know that US folks have not been exposed to Doug very much, but in the 4 years he has been with AWA he has never mislead us and he takes a lot of pride in communicating personally to us his vision and goals for the company. I'm confident that nobody can dispute this claim. So...hang in there help is on the way!

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