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Article on FFOCUS

Acturally, not to be argumentative, but they really are working on the system problems, it is just that there are alot of them.

I know they ARE working on the problems. I read the (multiple) QIKFIX bulletins every day. The problem I have is that it was supposed to be a system that was EASY TO PROGRAM and thats why (I thought) we got stuck with it (all $ issues aside). I know they can do (some) things quickly to reprogram and make changes, but with the current system it seems they fix one thing and break two. Why after a year is the availability issue still such a big problem? Today it works, tomorrow you cant get to Toronto? And why do I have to tell them that something isnt there (and how do I know its supposed to be there to begin with when THEY DONT?) There are "known bugs" and "issues" everywhere. ACO doesnt talk to your QIK sales report so the cash you took in gets dropped somewhere in lala land if it even registers in your report at all. I just cant stand the BS that "most issues" are worked out. They arent. They arent even close. I know they have to BS the public so they dont think we'll lose their record again (like the computer cutover), but I'm tired of hearing that things in IT are working great when they ARE NOT! And the answer "I believe its targeted for some time this year- 2008" just doesnt cut it any more with me. Dougie, its time to PUT UP OR SHUT UP! :angry: :angry:
Tempe will never admit to their series of grevious errors that they continue to compound . This bunch of idiots actually make the old group in Crystal City look like absolute geniuses. There is now a new standard for management incompetence and it resides in Tempe. Someone buy us PLEASE and get rid of these jerks.
at least UAL's response to higher fuel costs (charging for checked baggage) insulated the premium, "bread and butter" passengers. that was an intelligent response to rising costs.

meanwhile, back in tempe, doug and the boys continue to get off on punishing our best passengers.

when will they just go away?!?!?!?!?! :angry:
meanwhile, back in tempe, doug and the boys continue to get off on punishing our best passengers.
Exactly. Their "enhancements" all hurt the premium and elite customers. They have obviuosly figured out something the competition has not. It is like we are living Bizzaro USAirways.
Acturally, not to be argumentative, but they really are working on the system problems, it is just that there are alot of them.


To be frank, these issues should have been fixed before the system went live. Instead they chose to take a version of SHARES which was not up to the task at hand, and throw it out there, dealing with the aftermath later--they could show a savings in the implementation but never calculated the additional costs over time--such as effect on customers, lost future revenue, employee burnout, etc. There is no acceptable reason for them to have done that to employees or customers.

Now to the point of US1YFARE, he is absolutely right. While UA came up with a method of getting more revenue from those who traditionally pay the least, and went out of their way to insulate their best customers, US does the opposite--the high yield frequent traveler is clear in their sights....and the trigger has been pulled.

People who have written multiple times to US, have gotten MULTIPLE responses, with DIFFERENT explanations. In one instance they are concerned about the liability of the sheer number of miles out there. H O G W A S H I say. If you are that concerned with the number of miles out there, STOP giving miles away for non airline related transactions..cut the dining programs, the mortgage programs, FTD programs and all that nonsense. Of course they will say they get paid for those miles, but the people who are being hurt by these STUPID changes PAY MORE!!!! Again this team doesn't want to realize they are an airline not a marketing company.

If you're that concerned with saving money, why not settle the labor issues? The esteemed US spokesperson who refuted my claims in the story is MISTAKEN--labor unrest DOES affect customer service, and while you say you listen to the "bread and butter business traveler", you IGNORE everything we're telling you and continue to penalize us for your poor management. Actions speak louder than words, Andrea, and although you're being told what to say (I happen to like you personally), there is a disconnect between what you are saying and what your company is doing. BIG TIME.

It's time for those who are upset at this move to put their money where their mouth is, and we have every indication that this is happening. People who are in captive markets are bolting....and loudly. Here's a message for Tempe....


While this may not change anything, the message will be clear....revenue is now RUNNING out the door.....

And by the way I am going to CLT tomorrow, but guess what? I'd rather be on an Eagle RJ than give a penny to this management team.
If we all start doing that our message will be heard......

My BEST to you all....
It's time for those who are upset at this move to put their money where their mouth is, .
AMEN. At this point, I don't feel badly for the customers who stick around to get screwed some more. I feel sorry for the employees who are stuck in the middle of this war.

While this may not change anything, the message will be clear....revenue is now RUNNING out the door.....


You and the other FF have given them enough chances.

I know the time to act, by placing your revenue elsewhere is now way overdue.
I think that most of the employees whom you've come to know through the years, well understand that it is not a matter of deserting them, but deserting an uncaring group of management people that do nothing to protect a loyal customer base.

If they don't know how to treat a loyal customer base, as they don't know how to treat loyal employees they don't deserve to stay in business.

Thanks--and please let your colleagues know that our leaving is NOT directed at them.....and I will be sure to say hello to anyone I know when I come through US cities.
Acturally, not to be argumentative, but they really are working on the system problems, it is just that there are alot of them.

As someone who spent over 20 years designing, building, and implementing computer systems, let me say that view is baloney. No computer system has ever been successful when the builders went with the philosophy that "we need to implement on schedule. We don't have time now to get it right, but we can always fix it later."

1. Were the people who use this system actually talked to BEFORE programming started? And, I don't mean just in Tempe. Gate agents all over the system must be interviewed. No job is exactly the same in every location where that job is done. If you do not understand how the job is done, how can you write a computer program to support that job? By the time a system is implemented, the analyst who designed and the programmer who built the programs supporting the ATC should be able to step up to the counter and start doing the ticket agent job (with a little supervision :lol: ).
2. Were parallel tests done? One agent doing live work on the current system while another agent standing next to him/her, but on a terminal connected to the new system goes through the same actions. This way results can be compared. Does the new system assure that the customer and his luggage end up in the same place? Was the customer charged the same on both systems? Etc.
3. Is the accounting (the money) handled in the same, accurate, legal way? The first commercial computer systems were accounting systems. The programmers were accountants who were retrained to write computer code. What tadjr posted about cash not being accounted for is inexcusable. In business, at the end of the day the money has to be correct or you will not be in business for long. Not keeping track of the money will hurt you a lot more than accidentally sending the customer to Portland, ME instead of Portland, OR where he wanted to go.
4. Is there anyone there who understands how the various programs link together and can predict the result (if any) in program B when program A is changed? It doesn't sound like it.
The LAST thing I want to see is our most loyal FF's walking out the door but I myself could NEVER stay loyal to US with all this management team has done. I know you are our bread and butter. For those angry f/a's that are just as anti-customer as our management it means that they contribute to YOUR paycheck. Just to make that clear for a select few on here. 😉 Now that UA has stated that they will continue to offer the 500 miles on US code share segments WHY would you book US and give them your money. Until you folks WALK and management sees the profits falling through the floor they will NEVER listen to you. Money is ALL they understand and until YOU our most loyal FF's walk with your wallets they won't care. FFOCUS rocks. :up:

You and the other FF have given them enough chances.

Art did more than give them every chance: He made two trips to PHX at his own expense, and spent countless hours e-mailing Doug's top lieutenants to make them aware of what the "showstoppers" were for the "high revenue generators." And with the exception of retracting the $25 standby fee for Preferred's, they ignored every warning bell which he signalled. Unfortunately, even Art was unable to foresee this latest change -- perhaps because of its sheer ludicrousness. Had he seen it coming, he would have issued the appropriate warning to Tempe on the nature of the response they could expect to receive from DM members.

The elites have been leaving in dribs and drabs with each successive service downgrade, cut to the program, website failure and operational snafu. I think the cumulative effect is just now starting to hit Tempe. But this one is major, and I truly believe US will see a steep drop-off in bookings after March 1 -- which -- by sheer coincidence, I'm sure -- is the first day of the new "status year."
As someone who spent over 20 years designing, building, and implementing computer systems, let me say that view is baloney. No computer system has ever been successful when the builders went with the philosophy that "we need to implement on schedule. We don't have time now to get it right, but we can always fix it later."

1. Were the people who use this system actually talked to BEFORE programming started? And, I don't mean just in Tempe. Gate agents all over the system must be interviewed. No job is exactly the same in every location where that job is done. If you do not understand how the job is done, how can you write a computer program to support that job? By the time a system is implemented, the analyst who designed and the programmer who built the programs supporting the ATC should be able to step up to the counter and start doing the ticket agent job (with a little supervision :lol: ).
2. Were parallel tests done? One agent doing live work on the current system while another agent standing next to him/her, but on a terminal connected to the new system goes through the same actions. This way results can be compared. Does the new system assure that the customer and his luggage end up in the same place? Was the customer charged the same on both systems? Etc.
3. Is the accounting (the money) handled in the same, accurate, legal way? The first commercial computer systems were accounting systems. The programmers were accountants who were retrained to write computer code. What tadjr posted about cash not being accounted for is inexcusable. In business, at the end of the day the money has to be correct or you will not be in business for long. Not keeping track of the money will hurt you a lot more than accidentally sending the customer to Portland, ME instead of Portland, OR where he wanted to go.
4. Is there anyone there who understands how the various programs link together and can predict the result (if any) in program B when program A is changed? It doesn't sound like it.

You don't need to get nasty, all I said was they ae working on it. I get frustruated also but you could always volunteer to help with the programing at the same pay. They (the sandcastle) are always posting c.o.b.s for just that purpose. I'm sure they would snap you up in a hurry, and no I am not being sarcastic. You have some good ideas. They need people like you

Don't take any of this personally. The fact is the system was poorly thought out and done on the cheap. The version they chose was ill equipped to do the job, and it is inexcusable that the testing and fixing be still occurring ONE YEAR after rollout. Think of what it has cost the company in reaccommodation, extra man hours and lost future revenue...and it all could have been avoided by doing it right.

The high cost of cheap is going to sink this place......

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