Bit too much of the Franzia tonight Major?
Bit too much lying, cowardly candy-assed, psychotic BS through your whole life kid? 🙂
Wager's open punk. No xboxes 😉 Amazing that such a mighty and ferocious "army" of 1700 precious little "spartans" can't seem to find within themselves even a half-assed semblance of any noble, champion "knight". 😉
You're nothing but a pathetic little Xbox joke and you know it....Period. But nic4us claimed an ex T-Bird among you....? Only fair, as nic4us would himself be a pathetic joke, and would need to call on others to "fight" for him, but Ames claims F4 experience...?
Oh well...typical of the ferocious AWA "hero" types...Yawn.
Work with me here kids. I'm bored, and this is coming to an end...and, even with nearly six years and counting now; not ONE of you pitiful little "spartan" punks will step up for some flying fun!....? 😉