Feb / Mar 2013 US Pilots Labor Discussion

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You just voted on the "path!" Based on Marty's latest, you should have some severe buyer's remorse.

You have totally, and unsurprisingly, misread the PHL vote results.

The PHL pilots voted "No" by the largest margin of any base simply because many of us (most who voted "No" I would wager) were uncomfortable with the vague language with enough holes to qualify as a sieve. I know. I talk to them all the time. Do you?
I sure do and the 99 hires are worried the NIC is coming. It's ok boys your DOH dream will never come to reality. Can you say bump and flush?
You just voted on the "path!" Based on Marty's latest, you should have some severe buyer's remorse.


Sure did,,,and that path was overwhelming support for the merger, ridding ourselves of uscaba, getting a long overdue raise, and seeing the inevitable implementation of the Nic come to fruition!
You used fifty-six words and still failed to answer the question. How hard is it to say, "I believe USAPA would be capable to attaining a JCBA in the next three years", or "I believe USAPA would most likely not negotiate a JCBA before I retire."? The lack of a substantive response is likely the best indicator of your true feelings on the matter.

I recommend that you just put the old "Bloviator-in-Chief" on "ignore". That way you don't have to waste any time or effort wading through his verbal vomit unless someone else quotes him. I don't believe that he has ever really posted a salient point. I think maybe he just likes to hear himself type.
Are you and I now paid the same hourly wage?

No, we are not. You also get crew meal, I don't. You have a long rate, I do not. You get more vacation. I get more pay for DH than you reserves, if we don't break guarantee. Should I go on?
The DFR rights sit with the individual. That's never been in dispute. So you think you're going to sit down and negotiate with 1500+ people and satisfy all of them enough not to sue? Gee, if there was just a neutral, fair process to settle such disputes....

Yes, but if the parties change the issue that is in dispute, then it become harder for an individual to win a DFR. Anyone can file a DFR anytime. Winning is another story, as you have found out. That argument is a red herring.
No, you never said that. What you haven't said that I recall is exactly how the west pilots can legally sit down with USAPA and negotiate a different solution that wouldn't expose USAPA and Management to a DFR suit post-ratification, given that it only takes one to make a valid claim of harm in a federal court.

See my reply to metroyet. It's a BS argument. Are the west pilots not a class in the current dispute before the 9th?
Maybe someone addressed this and I missed it. Any comments on this?


Counsel for US Airways states that US Airways will neither support nor
oppose a motion to expedite. Counsel for the West Pilot Class states that the West
Pilot Class intends to oppose any motion to expedite.

Why would your counsel oppose this. I thought you guys were interested in a speedy resolution.
With utmost honesty, I didn't know where it would lead. I felt USAPA was right, but the glacial pace of the federal court system meant that I could very well retire on LOA 93.

I was, and still am, prepared for that eventuality. I have been, and still am, ready to vote no on any contract that contains the Nicolau abomination. My seniority number is in the 200s, with or without Nicolau.

It's a matter of fairness and respect for my colleagues of decades who sacrificed more than I did to keep this company (and my job) alive.

I would gladly give up the money rather than throw my co-workers on the east under the bus, as they have been so many times before.

Is that clear enough for you?
Your thoughts have always been clear to me on that. Perhaps a rephrase would assist. Do you believe USAPA's current strategy, absent the merger, would produce a negotiated and ratified JBCA which would survive a legal DFR challenge in the next 3-4 years?
No, we are not. You also get crew meal, I don't. You have a long rate, I do not. You get more vacation. I get more pay for DH than you reserves, if we don't break guarantee. Should I go on?

Yes please do.....

Explain how if the merger goes through, you will be paid at a rate different from the LOA93 rate retro to Feb 8, without having negotiated a change to the TA.

Further, explain how that rate is the same rate that applies to West pilots, when it is your contention that a new contract has not been ratified by membership vote.
Further, explain how that rate is the same rate that applies to West pilots, when it is your contention that a new contract has not been ratified by membership vote.

Kindly explain how it is that your very own lawyers now contend that you're suffering a failure in DFR from the MOU NOT containing nor requiring the nic?....?....?
Do you believe USAPA's current strategy, absent the merger, would produce a negotiated and ratified JBCA which would survive a legal DFR challenge in the next 3-4 years?

I know you didn't ask me, but may I answer?

No, not if they did things the same way the did 5 years ago.

Now, a question for you. Do you think there is any chance that in the last 5 years they have learned anything at all. The have your whole case in front of them. They have people that were there that saw Seham's mistakes. For 5 years we have you guys failing to respond to any effort to come up with a solution. Do you think that changes anything? I'm guessing no.
if the merger goes through,

That's it. It is all contingent on the merger going through, just as Addington was found to be contingent on a DOH list being implemented. We are not currently operating on a JCBA, we are operating on our old contracts. The MOU says that specifically. Add to that that at the same time a merger does happen, all other contracts are replaced with language that talks about listS, including the status quo.

I think you guys are premature, again. I may wrong, we'll see.
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