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Feb / Mar 2013 US Pilots Labor Discussion

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Understood sir. I say we both withold going completely Sylvester on this without further developments. 😉
Have a good one today.


You call off the dogs and I'll fill your Red Solo Cup when we have something to celebrate, MD. 😉
Who is going to rule on the LUP before it is ripe? A link to a name and an authority... NOW! Or put a lid on it. 🙂
Finally figured out the companies problem is did you? what the appeal is all about.

That was what the company feared since judge Silver ruled. usapa refuses to allow the court to decide. Judge silver said usapa has to have a legitimate union purpose in order to use something other than the Nicolau. That leaves the company to decide if usapa's LUP is real. They would have to go through the entire process of negotiating and ratifying a contract only to have it overturned after all the time and money.

Now if you eat pilots would pull up your big girl panties and let the court decide we can get on with this.

Yet again it is usapa that is delaying the process by creating an impossible situation. You say that we can get to court until we get a contract. We can't get a contract until we get a decision on LUP and the Nicolau. round and round we go.

It is up to the company to decide. They don't want that. Read they response to usapa's delay request. They want the case decided on the merits. the west wants the case decided. The APA wants the case decided.

Who is the odd man out here? Who is the only one refusing to get an answer?
You realize that the MOU is intended to cover ONLY Us air pilots and American pilots right? Where in the MOU does it state anything about merging East and West from a merger completed 8 years ago? It doesn't. The East West thing is completely independent of the MOU...aside from a common CBA removing all ripeness technicalities....thank you management. You guys are always off the mark. Always.

You say the MOU only covers US Airways pilots and AMR pilots. And you agree the MOU says nothing about merging East and West.

But your logic fails. If I follow you the MOU has nothing to do with merging East and West, but magically the APA guys will be allowed "two votes in one" at the JCBA. First they will be ratifying the supposed original merged East and West list, the NIC. THEN they will be ratifying that list being combined with their own.

This is more of Marty's "conditional ripeness" lunacy. If we are indeed ripe now, we have to already be working under a new contract (any new contract.) But we are not. We are status quo. There is no POR, nothing happens AT ALL until that point. Lets say another outlier in PHX actually says you are "ripe" and the merger never happens. What contract are you then working under? Do we have a merged list? Do you get to bid CLT? Do you get your arbitrated 190 flying?

Ridiculous. But an apt note to finish on for AOL.

Don't look for it in the MB. Look for it in the New American Seniority Integration Plan dated 18 Feb 13. You voted for it, unless you are one of the 24. 🙂
Does that document supersede federal law?

What does M/B say about pilots from the same union?
Does that document supersede federal law?

What does M/B say about pilots from the same union?
No, he voted for it. It was probably his half baked idea to start with.
Clear, answer nevergiveup. If the merger fails, what are the pay rates and amenable date?
Does that document supersede federal law?

What does M/B say about pilots from the same union?

MB (oooh, federal law, ahhh) never denied you and 98% of the other guys out West from choosing to freely use it. Its the New American Seniority agreement, plan, policy, what ever you want to call it, conditional on the POR being approved. We all asked for it and no one says we can't have it (accept you! Tell plainly are you one of the 24?).

These are the exact type of contingencies that the 9th could not foresee and for that reason properly said the case was not ripe...

"Not until the airline responds to the proposal, the parties complete negotiations, and the membership ratifies the CBA will the West Pilots actually be affected by USAPA's seniority proposal-whatever USAPA's final proposal ultimately is. Because these contingencies make the claim speculative, the issues are not yet fit for judicial decision."​

  • Defendant US Airways remains neutral as to the merits of the seniority dispute

  • 6 between Plaintiffs and USAPA that lies at the heart of the instant lawsuit. It does,

  • 7 however, have an interest in the prompt resolution of the merits of this dispute.

  • 8 Accordingly, if the Court determines that transferring this case to either Judge Silver or

  • 9 Judge Wake would facilitate a more expeditious resolution, US Airways supports such a

10 transfer.
Better yet, Nic4. He just insisted separate ops is ending with his imaginary JCBA.
You have the Westoffs confounded with answering this.
USAPA, A Legitimate Union With a Purpose

Claxon, have you and the union found that "special" purpose, yet. This is about as close as you'll get.

Good one! Let's see what the Westoffs have to opine on that.
Good lord you people are dense. No merger, no POR, no JCBA. Back to status quo. You know, that hellish place where your fake union pretends to have a clue all the while being completely ignored by literally every single party involved in aviation. You remember loa93 right? That's it into perpetuity. That's what happens if no merger.
Good lord you people are dense. No merger, no POR, no JCBA. Back to status quo. You know, that hellish place where your fake union pretends to have a clue all the while being completely ignored by literally every single party involved in aviation. You remember loa93 right? That's it into perpetuity. That's what happens if no merger.

You beat me to it.

I will add for the completely challenged east idiots that if the merger fails, the case will be dismissed, just in case they are too stupid to get that from your post.

Good lord you people are dense. No merger, no POR, no JCBA. Back to status quo. You know, that hellish place where your fake union pretends to have a clue all the while being completely ignored by literally every single party involved in aviation. You remember loa93 right? That's it into perpetuity. That's what happens if no merger.
oh yes, that is how a JCBA works. It moves all over the place. Right. You idiots can't face the fact Marty tricked you again out of your wallets.
Good lord you people are dense. No merger, no POR, no JCBA. Back to status quo. You know, that hellish place where your fake union pretends to have a clue all the while being completely ignored by literally every single party involved in aviation. You remember loa93 right? That's it into perpetuity. That's what happens if no merger.

You guys really are the dumbest guys in the room.
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