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Feb / Mar 2013 US Pilots Labor Discussion

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I think the Nicolau is the seniority list. Therefore the number one west pilot is starts down the combined list around 500. We are all US Airways pilots now. So the WB are not "exclusive" property of the east pilots they are US Airways airplanes. ALL benefits of the combined company are equally shared by ALL US Airways pilots east and west. that is what a merger does.

It is the east pilots that have the theory that there will be three lists. So as the number one pilot on the west list that works for US Airways he has the EXACT same expectation as the number one pilots on the east. So if the number one pilot flying out of PHL to FRA is flying a 330 two equal US Airways pilots the number one PHX based pilot also has that expectation.
I don't think so. Nice try though.
The APA telegraphs they want the East/West dispute settled and you have the nerve to threaten APA if THEY don't support YOUR desires? Ever since Wye River reasonable people have been calling on the West to engage in working out a resolution to the dispute, and reasonable people will continue calling for the West to participate in finding a solution. The DFR 2 will be so dead because the West class never once participated in any constructive and reasonable dialogue to benefit all the pilots of the union, dispite the multitude of opportunities provided by all three unions that AOL has been fighting (ALPA, USAPA, APA).

You can just be thankful that the unions will never act in indignation against you in the same manner that you praise Nicolau for supposedly doing.

Go to your room for a time out and think about what you are doing!

Old and discredited argument.

This is what Wake had to say about the west standing on our rights to final and binding arbitration.

Finally, the East MEC attempted to subvert the award’s
implementation by withdrawing from merger negotiations altogether. Rather than cast
doubt on the final and binding nature of the award, these actions show that from the East
MECs perspective, the award was most final and most binding. ALPA’s attempts to
negotiate a compromise between the two pilot groups do not belie the award’s finality;
those attempts reflect an understanding that the West Pilots, through the West MEC, were
entitled to sit on their rights. At no time did ALPA assert the power to impose a different
seniority proposal on the West Pilots without their consent.

The award was final and binding and the west has our right not to be forced to concede anything. Go ahead and make that lame argument that the west is not playing nice because we refuse to give into strong arm tactics. It is not going to work.
Say it again you moron. It is fun watching your desperate self delusion. The best part is you voted the Nic away. Hilarious!
The APA telegraphs they want the East/West dispute settled and you have the nerve to threaten APA if THEY don't support YOUR desires? Ever since Wye River reasonable people :lol: have been calling on the West to engage (this one was particularly funny!) in working out a resolution to the dispute (no dispute, you agreed to a process and the Nicolau is the end product of that process), and reasonable people will continue calling for the West to participate in finding a solution. The DFR 2 will be so dead because the West class never once participated in any constructive and reasonable dialogue to benefit all the pilots of the union, dispite the multitude of opportunities provided by all three unions that AOL has been fighting (ALPA, USAPA, APA).

You can just be thankful that the unions will never act in indignation against you in the same manner that you praise Nicolau for supposedly doing.

Go to your room for a time out and think about what you are doing!
Aha! A very good point indeed!
Sorry, that arb dies along with all the other contracts, LOAs, grievance decisions, etc on the effective date. You may no longer look to the past to resolve future conflicts.
What you got now is what you bring.
You voted for it.

WOW! Clear, Metro, Trader, DCA (& others) all largely reply with fact, legal reference, logic & ethical retorts and we get this? The hysteria is building & building. Your concerns about us not paying Marty & Andy, and the dream of the dead Nicolau is getting pretty funny. SYIC kids. It's going to be fun & quick.
WOW! Clear, Metro, Trader, DCA (& others) all largely reply with fact, legal reference, logic & ethical retorts and we get this? The hysteria is building & building. Your concerns about us not paying Marty & Andy, and the dream of the dead Nicolau is getting pretty funny. SYIC kids. It's going to be fun & quick.
How does it feel to be responsible for having your base vote the Nic away, especially when you thought the opposite. Pull-up is dead on. You voted the Nic away on your own. Touché!
Your group has honestly gotten the worst legal advice ever.
I don't think so. Nice try though.

So in your mind the number one PHX pilot should start where using three lists? Farther down than 500?

Using three lists where should the PHX based junior captain be? Junior to several hundred east based US Airways pilots?

You guys don't want to use the Nicolau but you want to combine east and west US Airways pilots disadvantaging west pilots while advantaging east pilots and you think that is fair representation? Do you think an arbitrator is going to think that is fair and equitable?

usapa has a duty to represent ALL US Airways pilots fairly.

How would you put a three way list together? Where would you put the number one west pilot. The junior west captain, the junior east captain, Dave ODell and Varnini.

What do you consider fair?

So in your mind the number one PHX pilot should start where using three lists? Farther down than 500?

Using three lists where should the PHX based junior captain be? Junior to several hundred east based US Airways pilots?

You guys don't want to use the Nicolau but you want to combine east and west US Airways pilots disadvantaging west pilots while advantaging east pilots and you think that is fair representation? Do you think an arbitrator is going to think that is fair and equitable?

usapa has a duty to represent ALL US Airways pilots fairly.

How would you put a three way list together? Where would you put the number one west pilot. The junior west captain, the junior east captain, Dave ODell and Varnini.

What do you consider fair?
You get what you brought to the table...with credit for LOS. No 330s brought by the West pilots. And those additional deliveries we've had in the meantime, the ones East had on order, we traded hulls for those.
How does it feel to be responsible for having your base vote the Nic away, especially when you thought the opposite. Pull-up is dead on. You voted the Nic away on your own. Touché!

Your first lawyer that left with MILLIONS of dollars saying that DOH was a slam dunk. How does it feel to be duped? USAPA's current lawyer said that the MOU was independent of our seniority "dispute". How could we have voted the Nic away if that was the case? You seem to be turning positively GREEN with envy!! No facts from ClaxonApolloSumadarson, just the normal ravings. SYIC. Douche'!

So in your mind the number one PHX pilot should start where using three lists? Farther down than 500?

Using three lists where should the PHX based junior captain be? Junior to several hundred east based US Airways pilots?

You guys don't want to use the Nicolau but you want to combine east and west US Airways pilots disadvantaging west pilots while advantaging east pilots and you think that is fair representation? Do you think an arbitrator is going to think that is fair and equitable?

usapa has a duty to represent ALL US Airways pilots fairly.

How would you put a three way list together? Where would you put the number one west pilot. The junior west captain, the junior east captain, Dave ODell and Varnini.

What do you consider fair?

About the 1984 area would be fair
WOW! Clear, Metro, Trader, DCA (& others) all largely reply with fact, legal reference, logic & ethical retorts and we get this? The hysteria is building & building. Your concerns about us not paying Marty & Andy, and the dream of the dead Nicolau is getting pretty funny. SYIC kids. It's going to be fun & quick.

You must be Diana Feinstien in disguise.....not a lick of sense!
You get what you brought to the table...with credit for LOS. No 330s brought by the West pilots. And those additional deliveries we've had in the meantime, the ones East had on order, we traded hulls for those.

Exactly......just like the 777s will be flown by the APA pilots!
You get what you brought to the table...with credit for LOS. No 330s brought by the West pilots. And those additional deliveries we've had in the meantime, the ones East had on order, we traded hulls for those.

That, is fair. The Westoffs believe in time warps amongst other fairy tales. They believe they should time travel to 1978 some six years before Franke birthed the POS AWA and take jobs they never had. This is why you are wasting your life arguing with Sheldon. He is the most deluded, along with Metro.
You get what you brought to the table...with credit for LOS. No 330s brought by the West pilots. And those additional deliveries we've had in the meantime, the ones East had on order, we traded hulls for those.
US Airways corp. brought a few WB. Those are no longer just "east" airplanes. That is what we US Airways pilots bring to the table.

So you think that in a three way you are going to get LOS? Is that you idea of fair representation?

You want to change the rules those are some of the consequences. East and west pilot have the same expectations now.

You guys better be careful what you wish for.

If usapa wants to use something other than the Nicolau the arbitrator can do whatever he wants.

Career expectations. You guys could be putting yourselves at great risk. Is it possible that the arbitrator do not appreciate there work being ignored? With a three way that allows the arbitrator to move the west up and the east down. A little pay back.

Use the Nicolau and we all live or die together.

Now you guys are the ones that think everyone is out to get you. Nicolau, wake, Kasher, Bloch. Maybe they are out to get you. This would be the last time to do that. Under federal law you would have no recourse and no time to recover.

Beware the b!tch slap from the arbitrator.
Your first lawyer that left with MILLIONS of dollars saying that DOH was a slam dunk. How does it feel to be duped? USAPA's current lawyer said that the MOU was independent of our seniority "dispute". How could we have voted the Nic away if that was the case? You seem to be turning positively GREEN with envy!! No facts from ClaxonApolloSumadarson, just the normal ravings. SYIC. Douche'!

If the MOU is SLI independent, which it legally states ....what was Marty thinking by filing DFR II? I guess his house payment was over due.
If the MOU is SLI independent ....what was Marty thinking by filing DFR II? I guess his house payment was over due.

I'm just saying what Szmanski said. You really don't need to worry about what Marty is thinking...right? Hang on. It'll be over before you know it. BTW, please don't bother yourself with what we spend on our DEFENSE of your continued attacks. It really isn't any of your business.
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