The APA telegraphs they want the East/West dispute settled and you have the nerve to threaten APA if THEY don't support YOUR desires? Ever since
Wye River reasonable people
have been calling on the West to engage (
this one was particularly funny!) in working out a resolution to the dispute (
no dispute, you agreed to a process and the Nicolau is the end product of that process), and reasonable people will continue calling for the West to participate in finding a solution. The DFR 2 will be so dead because the West class never once participated in any constructive and reasonable dialogue to benefit all the pilots of the union, dispite the multitude of opportunities provided by all three unions that AOL has been fighting (ALPA, USAPA, APA).
You can just be thankful that the unions will never act in indignation against you in the same manner that you praise Nicolau for supposedly doing.
Go to your room for a time out and think about what you are doing!