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Feb / Mar 2013 US Pilots Labor Discussion

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It sounds like a racial slur.

He said bio jangles you idiot. And you are the racist who brought race into associating chicken to any race. Disgusting. I feel sorry for AAA and AMR. They rejected you years ago and you slipped in the back door.
You seem to be hung up on North Dakota. UND has a pretty good aviation school. After you get your diploma, check it out, jr
Ah, sounds like you know the place. I've got tractors older than you, but I bet we could teach you to drive one. Would keep this up but gotta go to work so we can support your west operation. Cheers!
Be the very first among your mighty little "army" to accept my wager then?....No? Why? You know yourself to be merely a complete joke as a supposed "pilot"? Then kiss not my dog's, but merely my cat's arse, you pathetic little punk. 🙂

Sheesh! The one thing I've benefited from through this "merger", is having had the needed empirical data for a paper on "Internet Tough Guys" and the social interface issues technology has manufactured. I do owe you westie "spartans"/"knights"/"tough guys" for that much. 🙂


Why am I always out generating a profit when the "curmudgeon" goes off? Looks like a good time was had by all. Every time I read this crap, I am reminded of one of the characters in the movie The Dream Team, Henry, the mental patient who thinks that he is a doctor... ("I'm the doctor until the doctor comes back!")

Of course the only benefit that you've seen from this merger is empirical data or whatever. You willingly gave up a hefty pay raise and improved benefits five years ago because of your (willful)? misunderstanding of seniority vs longevity. I would argue that despite your "self-hostage taking" you still have a job, albeit with a new company, (another "minor" detail that appears to have escaped you), that you would not have had sans this merger.

My recommendation: Take two aspirin and challenge me in the morning...
Look at the Westoffs introduce race into a chicken outlet in an airport,then run hard with it. Most of these morons were easily culled in airline psych tests years ago and now they slipped in the back door. Unbelievable.

Do you remember a time when your group and former attorney, Seham tried to tell us about living under 'tyranny of the majority?"

We have grown tired of these horrible living conditions and will no longer tolerate it

Here's a reminder:

Do you remember a time when your group and former attorney, Seham tried to tell us about living under 'tyranny of the majority?"

We have grown tired of these horrible living conditions and will no longer tolerate it

Here's a reminder:


Did you watch that piece Clax? How about the remarks we endured. Did you hear the references to the KKK? We had an African American ALPA rep.

Who exactly are the racists?
Could you please post again, racist


Please do race relations in general, a favor and look up or google the word "niggardly". Wiki-pedia has a nice summation of the misunderstanding.

Thanking you in advance...

Please do race relations in general, a favor and look up or google the word "niggardly". Wiki-pedia has a nice summation of the misunderstanding.

If it doesn't include a video of a pilot with a mustache he's not interested.
If it doesn't include a video of a pilot with a mustache he's not interested.

Every time he reposts that video, I picture Rain-Clax wandering around in little circles with his chin in his hand, repeatedly muttering: "I'm an excellent poster"...
We understand you westies threw off the jumseat our good buddy 924PS (TB) out of SAN, what's up with that?

Tony...ex-PSA? If so, that's too bad, he's a nice guy I've had the pleasure of sharing some time with at the bar in PHL Ramada...and that's coming from a westie.
Not according to your MOU nor M/B but keep dreaming. Aside from the MOU, you do realize, a POR is still likely 6 months away and single carrier certificate 6 months to a year beyond that and nothing in your MOU compels the New AA to get a single carrier certificate. Under M/B, USAPA will remain as the party of US Airways pilots in the SLI process until it is complete but don't let law or facts get in the way of your righteous anger.

Why would APA be in any hurry? It will matter not to them as long as they are receiving the contractual gains of the merger and oh as an added bonus they will continue to retire and recall their furloughed pilots which can only be a plus for SLI purposes. Same benefit for the the East pilots at US Airways, retirements and new hires. One group doesn't benefit from time, do you wonder who that is? Think what you will of the APA so you can fit all the twisting of reality into the perceived road map of Nicalou fantasy.

Again - before the end of the year for everything.

At least our dues have gone up .5%!!!!
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