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Feb / Mar 2013 IAM Fleet Service Discussions

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I saw it on www.justplanenews.com and i think it may be the new contract but i could be wrong... 700 be a better person to ask.. but i do think they are slated to receive 2 or 3% in july.. but this 3% im talking about may be the new contract the company offered them... which then would be 2% more in 18 months on top of that... the mechanics said no and that the company disrespects them... i dont blame them either

They are to receive 3% in July. The nc told the co that their offer was not sufficient, and would only amount to 2% over 18 months..
ok blue collar i must of mis interpeted it then the wrong way i thought they were looking at a 3% raise on a new contract i did not realize it was for july that they are getting it thanks for clearifing it
Wings, there are some stations that have been mislead. As of April 1, if the ta passes, only 7 stations will have scope. That's it. All other stations have no scope protections whatsoever immediately. Only 7 have scope. Thus, the station you are in is most likely facing some contracting out sometime soon. Cripes, even BOS has no scope whatsoever and their bagroom can be contracted out on April 1 or ticket counter. No work is protected. I remember back in 1999 similar arguments were made at US AIRWAYS when there were 82 stations. I was amazed how many of the small stations voted yes in a big way and found themselves all gone shortly thereafter. The contract was sold by the IAM in similar fashion by saying "Job protections for all", i.e., any full timer with 1999 seniority. The 1999 protections still apply but as we have seen it is only a 'red herring' and if work isn't protected it doesn't matter what else is. 8 stations down to 15 and now because of the merger you gained some America West stations. regards,

Will they outsource more jobs at Logan? They have already (or as some here say all ready) cut the station back considerably.

JOSH with the merger with aa i would think that they would hold off and possibl see about a buyout plan... but time will tell

orgac frank told me today that apparently my case is not being argued as had been told to me in text from frank.. but they are at critical stages of negogiations with our contracts.... i responded by tellin him it probably be about 5 yrs at the slow snails pace its going at

josh how much do you know they cut back in bos? i worked there from june 99 to june 00 and it was a large station i workd the shuttle and metrojet
That's true about this vote on this TA. You are getting more info thru social media than ever before. The District just wants to get this passed to get the dues money from sCO ATW. But a whole lot of this is fishy. The really short time frame for this vote for starters. 30000 plus ballots sent and due in one week? Plus the different color ballots for each sub. This vote will not be secret ballot at all. They will know what which sub voted for. And who voted for the strike. There are about 6 different color ballots between ATW and BTW. Plus Stores and CMI. The ballots should be only 3 colors; one for each group. But they are different colors amongst the groups and subsidiaries. sUA ramp is blue; sCO ramp is green. Makes no sense to me and could be a lawsuit involved due to a vote rig (especially if this garbage passes.) What is this District trying to do?
Not sure what this district is trying to do either... but unless I'm missing something... I'm very concerned about the direction their trying to take us. I see it as DL 141 descending not rising.
wings i cant believe they would vote themselves out of a job as you mentioned in an earlier post on this ua would not waste a moment notice to outsource all of those cities from some of my fellow friends at ua n co in my current station they have said they are turning it down bec of the outsourcing issues make no mistake that US is watching it closely
as a side note the mechanics for us turning down 3% raise
This is why the district should not have even brought this TA back to the membership for a vote. Not sure who is displaying more irrational thinking... members or the district leadership.
Orgac today frank is to meet yet again in phx regarding my grievance case but as in the past few weeks months n yrs i dont think i should expect an answer but ill keep you posted i sure hope your coming along better than me regarding your grievance anytime you wish just pm me too and let me know how that is goind if you want
I will PM you soon. There are notes we need to compare. Specifics regarding the history and handling of this grievance by the district leadership I would not want to put on this forum.
Anyone explain to them that the first "yes" basically cancels out the second one?

In a way it's smart, if they'd keep their mouth shut. Once the furloughs start they'll be able to honestly say "Hey, I voted to strike." It'll make them look like they voted the TA down.

You're right though. These guys are 'tards for the most part, voting for it, but if it doens't pass voting for the strike. Of course, who says they told the truth?
I included these because I was trying to say that it was ONLY arbitration. It took place over SEVERAL days and involved a LOT of testimony. The idea that arbitrations are held several in one day is at best not guaranteed, at worst, just flat out wrong.
May I ask... who implied several arbitrations are held in one day? This has never been the case. I would prefer an arbitration hearing that took several days if necessary. This would ensure the case was given it's due consideration, review and process before a decision is rendered.
This has to be the most dim-witted ideas I have heard
And yet the district agrees to a TA that sells out members' jobs, no part time cap, drastic increases to medical contributions, a modest pay increase and a 6 year agreement to a carrier who is going to be the second biggest global carrier going forward. Add that to the dim-witted ideas. This reasoning, as unfortunate as it may be, has been a historic pattern with the membership. Apparently, the district shares this same reasoning by agreeing to and endorsing this TA. Subsequently, with their endorsement, it brings it to the membership with a recommendation for ratification. The blind leading the blind so to speak. I don't understand the reasoning of both parties... some members and more importantly this district leadership.
And yet the district agrees to a TA that sells out members' jobs, no part time cap, drastic increases to medical contributions, a modest pay increase and a 6 year agreement to a carrier who is going to be the second biggest global carrier going forward. Add that to the dim-witted ideas. This reasoning, as unfortunate as it may be, has been a historic pattern with the membership. Apparently, the district shares this same reasoning by agreeing to and endorsing this TA. Subsequently, with their endorsement, it brings it to the membership with a recommendation for ratification. The blind leading the blind so to speak. I don't understand the reasoning of both parties... some members and more importantly this district leadership.

To get as much while it lasts....

The mechanic and related are still getting the 3% raise in July.
You ALWAYS vote yes to strike. Say that person votes yes and the cba is turned down and you vote no to strike, you know what happens?

You get stuck the cba that was voted down.
JOSH with the merger with aa i would think that they would hold off and possibl see about a buyout plan... but time will tell

orgac frank told me today that apparently my case is not being argued as had been told to me in text from frank.. but they are at critical stages of negogiations with our contracts.... i responded by tellin him it probably be about 5 yrs at the slow snails pace its going at

josh how much do you know they cut back in bos? i worked there from june 99 to june 00 and it was a large station i workd the shuttle and metrojet
Robbed again, the company has been blowing the negotiators off. I'm not sure anyone in their right mind could call it a critical stage. They did the same thing at United, i.e., tell everyone for 4 years that something big was brewing and progress was being made. Look what happened, after 5 years they get a TA that has the IAM stamped to the old PPG. No scope, no nothing. Bottom line was that Delaney put that together over a 15 minute phone call. All these guys do is bull*&^%. They haven't done a damn thing other than destroy jobs at both US AIRWAYS and United. And they tossed BUF under the bus after promising arbitration. Company punks is all they are at this point. regards,
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