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Feb / Mar 2013 IAM Fleet Service Discussions

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Regarding the decision on New Livery-

"Most of our customers don't care what the outside of the airplane looks like," Parker said. "It doesn't affect their purchase decisions. (But) it's really important to employees, who care a lot about it, and I care about that."

Lets hope there is a lot of care in him in a couple of weeks in PHX when we get back to the table.

I'm not holding my breath but hopefully I'm wrong. IMO... based on past history, the only care DP has, is profitability and return to the shareholders. The company agrees to contracts only when it is in their own best interests. Do you really believe care for the employees' best interests are at the top of their agenda?
I foresee a lot of stall tactics, from their point of view what's the hurry
Agree 100%. There is no payoff in hurrying. Time is on their side. IMO... They will continue to stall until they see the results of a possible merger related representation election.
my shop steward told me this past weekend that when i asked directly he told me that the agc told him that the union is in a better position to get a better contract given that US has already made back room deals with twu n aa employees not to mention the merger has also been announced. the quest is are they truly in a better position and my shop steward also said he was told by the agc that they should be able to get a good deal..... we will see about that
Not sure what station you work in or who your shop steward and AGC are but this feedback seems to me to be a lot of speculative smoke and mirrors. Shop Stewards, AGCs and even the NC are not certain what the company's true intentions are regarding our contract negotiations. Their guess is as good as anyone's at this point. Time will tell.
I'm not holding my breath but hopefully I'm wrong. IMO... based on past history, the only care DP has, is profitability and return to the shareholders. The company agrees to contracts only when it is in their own best interests. Do you really believe care for the employees' best interests are at the top of their agenda?

Cargo as much as I like you to be wrong also I don't think you are. I wish all of you still working the best.
Agree 100%. There is no payoff in hurrying. Time is on their side. IMO... They will continue to stall until they see the results of a possible merger related representation election.
If anyone watched the INTL's Ira Levy talk about the American/US AIRWAYS deal, he mentioned a representational election. The IAM will have to get about 4,000 cards. Given the present organizing department, I don't believe that is likely to be accomplished. I myself am in favor of an election and not just an accretion by the TWU but if an election happens then anyone but the TWU needs to win since the TWU would then be free to impose its internal union policy and the MBA will not apply. A side note, I would suspect that the IBT would make a strong run, or at least that's my 'gut feeling'. regards,
orgac we only have one shop steward 530a to 2p so once he goes home that it we dont have any for the nite shift but the info he gave me came directly from frank from what he told me. as far as stallin i think it might be safe to say may be its time for the iam to ratchet up the pressure may be the nmb to come on board may be a strike authorization may be that would help but then again thats asking too much.. but i think if the fsa and mtr should up the pressure on the company
orgac we only have one shop steward 530a to 2p so once he goes home that it we dont have any for the nite shift but the info he gave me came directly from frank from what he told me. as far as stallin i think it might be safe to say may be its time for the iam to ratchet up the pressure may be the nmb to come on board may be a strike authorization may be that would help but then again thats asking too much.. but i think if the fsa and mtr should up the pressure on the company
The same Frank who's been handling your grievance going to arbitration? It's been how many years now? He's taken the same amount of time for a grievance out of my station to be heard in front of an Arbitrator. In order to ratchet up the pressure you have to have leverage and a sense of urgency. Wheather it's representing grievances or negotiating contracts. Then again... I would prefer they take their time and not hurry back with an agreement similar to the UA TA.
Hopefully he'll get something productive done. Who's he discussing the case with? It seems to me discussions with the company, on a case that has been through the 3 steps of the grievance procedure, are pretty much exhausted. The only discussions at this point would be the process of an agreed to Arbitrator. Anyway... best of luck and let me know what comes out of today's discussions.
ill keep you posted. from what frank told me in a text is its either a settlement or arb he told me he was discussin it with company mgmt but did not reveal names...but i did not ask either. im hoping something. the way the grievance was wrttn i think may be the settlement might be the best way to go but i shall see what he says thanks for the luck need it same to you pal
Let me re-phrase the question... now that the pilots at US have a MOU and the F/As have a new contract what union represented work groups remain without MOUs or new contracts on US property? Besides the IAM represented MTC. and related and the Fleet Service?

Why would you possibly make this comparison? Everyone EXCEPT the pilots and FAs (and I think Dispatch) now has a US TA. I don't believe anyone has completed full Section 6 except for the FAs and (possibly) Dispatch. Oh, and maybe the simulator guys. The progress made by the pilots is not even remotely comparable to anyone else on property.
ORGAC fyi my case is now being debated by the company n lawyers accrdng to frank
Flight attendants werent in Section 6 negotiations, it was their first Joint CBA.

Pilots dont have a TA, they have an MOU which outlines the procedures for a JCBA with APA and AA.
Why would you possibly make this comparison? Everyone EXCEPT the pilots and FAs (and I think Dispatch) now has a US TA. I don't believe anyone has completed full Section 6 except for the FAs and (possibly) Dispatch. Oh, and maybe the simulator guys. The progress made by the pilots is not even remotely comparable to anyone else on property.
Just trying to get an idea of how many labor groups on US property remain in contractual limbo while the company pursues a merger with AA. Seems to me... they are not interested in taking care of in house business. Seems to me... they feel confident they will get this merger done with or without the IAM's support, as implied by the IAM. Their blatant disregard for settling contracts with labor on their own property speaks volumes. They will proceed with total disregard for labor on their property. Again... how many labor groups on US property remain without TAs, MOUs or Section 6 contracts besides the Pilots and FAs? It's not a comparison as much as a testimony where US's priorities lie.
ORGAC fyi my case is now being debated by the company n lawyers accrdng to frank
This is the same thing Frank told my grievant months ago. We're still waiting. Frank is begining to sound like a broken record. So at the end of the day... stand by, wait and we'll get back to you. My grievant wants to know if this type of representation is all that can be expected from the District, concerning grievance resolution, for the dues being paid. As Chairperson I'm not sure how to answer that. This grievant has over 30 years; has seen multiple AGCs come and go. The said grievant's opinion on how this one is being handled is not favorable for the current Rising Team.
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