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Feb / Mar 2013 IAM Fleet Service Discussions

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John John, actually the IAM bosses said otherwise when on the political trail. The video below shows Bartz and Delaney telling members that seniority would be done by a group of members from both airlines and then when they complete that, they would bring it out for a vote. Follow the video and especially at the 3:00 mark. Of course, the exact opposite happened where Delaney opted to restrict the membership from the question of seniority and shift it to a law firm and have a 3rd party determine it with an arbitrator. "Bring it out for a vote" [his words, not mine] . Yet all of the US AIRWAYS AGC"s and their supporters still support Delaney. regards,
ok, it took them 5 minutes to remove the video after I posted the video on facebook and here. The video was recorded so I'll email my file to those interested to see it, and I'll try having someone post it on youtube. regards,
PJ, where are you???? I thought you said the entire Eboard didn't support the United contract? Now we know what NH and FO think about you and how they blow smoke up your butt. Watch the video up on the district webpage and how Delaney says the "Entire eboard" supported this. Or, I guess your pride will still have you believe what NH or FO blow up your way. regards,

So it's your contention that every single US E-Board member voted? Is that what I am to understand?
Orgac the simple fact is people need to read the entire t/a i dont want to speculate on the strike thing but i think a strike vote should be held and if done right way a loud vote for strike should truly send the message enough is enough the company is making money we should too no more outsourcing.. ive been in a station that was mainline... mainline express back to mainline... then outsourced.... i think if most of them folks been in the same boat or similar may be they would understand.... rest assure i will always turn down any contract offer that has outsourcing in it esp to the tune of what ual has.. and as you said its going to be a wait n see approach if the newly co folks run for the hills or else
It's my understanding when the ballots come out members will be voting on both the TA and a strike vote. You know as well as I... if it gets rejected and sent back with a weak strike vote thats not good. Although it would still be better than the membership ratifing this job killing TA.
Tell me Tim what do NH and FO think about me? And still waiting for an answer to my post #274.
orgac i agree with you it will def be devestatin with a weak turn out but on the other hand a strong vote no on the T/A and a strong strike vote would send a clear signal to the company and the union. question is what kind of turn out would it be
I have to vote NO for his TA. A lot of people hat I know do not like this contract. I think that the people on the sCO side do not like the question about the seniority lists. There are too many unknowns in this, especially the Lead Agent issue.

I do not like this TA for several reasons. Lack of scope and the job protections are questionable at best. Plus I will be taking a 160.00 a month pay cut. For junior members who aren't topped out, they added another year to top out (11 years now instead of 10) Plus there are no job protections for most after 4/06. I know that they will try to sell this as we will lose jobs and the company won't negotiate again. The company also needs this done before the May flight schedule. But some won't vote because they have nothing to vote for, especially if they are let go anyway.

As far as a strike vote. Our side needs to be educated in the issue of the strike vote. People don't understand how the Railway Act works. And of course no one will tell them. I for one knows and will vote to strike. But I can't see some of my coworkers doing the same.
Plus we have a strong anti union contingent ATW that feel they are losing out in this as well. We don't know how they will vote.

I for one hope that is a strong NO vote. They haven't started to sell this yet (no roadshows or station/hub visits yet, but they will happen soon). But time will tell. We have a very apathetic bunch at sCO.

So it's your contention that every single US E-Board member voted? Is that what I am to understand?
Nope. I have no contention. I just posted where you are lying at that's all. And I used your boy Delaney's own video saying the entire eboard supports this. I'm not sure why we have to keep discussing this? I'm glad at least Delaney was honest about that because in about 11 months I'm sure many United and US AIRWAYS eboard members will be saying they had nothing to do with it. PJ, you are naïve but you didn't work with these guys and you have no idea. I know you don't believe me so I at least thought that maybe if I could put your boy Delaney's tape in front of your eyes that you would at least believe him when he makes a point that the entire eboard supported this. Again, not even Delaney disagrees with me so I'm not sure why we are discussing this. NH is on this site so he can come on here and say he does not support it if he wants. Right? regards,

What exactly have I lied about?
Were ALL the US E-Board members present for the "vote"? Yes or No?
What do NH and FO think about me?
And if I worked at UA/CO my votes would be no for the T/A and yes to strike.

What exactly have I lied about?
Were ALL the US E-Board members present for the "vote"? Yes or No?
What do NH and FO think about me?
And if I worked at UA/CO my votes would be no for the T/A and yes to strike.
You are furthering a lie that the US AIRWAYS AGC"s didn't issue their full support for the UA contract. Even Delaney said otherwise. Do you think Delaney went mad and that he doesn't talk to the US AIRWAYS AGC"S? Who said they even had to be present? What we do know is that they all supported the TA, the entire eboard. That is a fact. Thanks for voicing your expression over the ta. Not sure why you ask me what FO or NH thinks of you? regards,
I have to vote NO for his TA. A lot of people hat I know do not like this contract. I think that the people on the sCO side do not like the question about the seniority lists. There are too many unknowns in this, especially the Lead Agent issue.

I do not like this TA for several reasons. Lack of scope and the job protections are questionable at best. Plus I will be taking a 160.00 a month pay cut. For junior members who aren't topped out, they added another year to top out (11 years now instead of 10) Plus there are no job protections for most after 4/06. I know that they will try to sell this as we will lose jobs and the company won't negotiate again. The company also needs this done before the May flight schedule. But some won't vote because they have nothing to vote for, especially if they are let go anyway.

As far as a strike vote. Our side needs to be educated in the issue of the strike vote. People don't understand how the Railway Act works. And of course no one will tell them. I for one knows and will vote to strike. But I can't see some of my coworkers doing the same.
Please be advised... the District desperately wants this TA to pass. If it doesn't it's an embarrasment to them in front of the company and the International. Do not let your fellow members be mislead with the road shows. The district will not educate, or explain in depth, the meaning of the strike vote or how the negotiations process works under the RLA and the National Mediation Board to the sCO employees. The sUA members know better. They will play on the sCO members' inexperience with the negotiating process. They will instill fear, among the new members, that if this TA gets voted down they will be out of a job. Nothing could be further from the truth. If you, for one, knows the RLA and how the process works it's critical YOU educate your fellow members. You already know the district isn't going to do it. The district is leading many to an impending doom of their careers with this TA. You must educate your fellow members that it's in their best interest to vote NO to the TA and YES to a strike vote.
Does anyone know if any of the current "Rising" AGCs were on the NC for the Transition Agreement reached under the Canali Leadership Team? Way back when... I believe some members of the NC were on record of opposing the terms of the agreement. I may be wrong... but at the time the NC was not made up exclusively of current AGCs of the Canali Team. Could someone please refresh my memory?
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