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Feb / Mar 2013 IAM Fleet Service Discussions

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How could the "entire" E-Board vote unanimously is the entire E-Board was not present. So again, were ALL of the US E-Board member present when the "vote" happened. Yes or No please. For that metter, were ANY of the US E-Board members present? Again Yes or No please. You post these "half-truths" to put yourself in a better political light. Shameful. So how did I lie, and you did not, again? BTW, you brought up what NH and FO thought about me in your post #273, I just wanted you to elaborate on that comment. And again, why hasn't the UA NC been called out for this T/A? Why is it just the US guys you are attacking here? But I suppose I shouldn't be surprised, it's typical narcissistic political half-truths to show only your side, especially when the other side wont even acknowledge you exist. And that has to really get under your skin.
Please be advised... the District desperately wants this TA to pass. If it doesn't it's an embarrasment to them in front of the company and the International. Do not let your fellow members be mislead with the road shows. The district will not educate, or explain in depth, the meaning of the strike vote or how the negotiations process works under the RLA and the National Mediation Board to the sCO employees. The sUA members know better. They will play on the sCO members' inexperience with the negotiating process. They will instill fear, among the new members, that if this TA gets voted down they will be out of a job. Nothing could be further from the truth. If you, for one, knows the RLA and how the process works it's critical YOU educate your fellow members. You already know the district isn't going to do it. The district is leading many to an impending doom of their careers with this TA. You must educate your fellow members that it's in their best interest to vote NO to the TA and YES to a strike vote.
Did I post the ta yet? Not sure , I don't remember but if anyone needs to see it just let me know. It's terrible and the exact sorta contract I warned folks about when Delaney refused to involve the membership. BTW, Why don't the US AIRWAYS AGC's organize a picket? What's the fuss against that? Can't they do better than putting out a flimsy letter? IMO, it is an abomination that your company signed labor deals with unions at AMR but left you guys high and dry. Not right man, not right. So are we good with just a dopey letter? PJ, since you have the ear of the AGC's, why not tell them to make their pay and organize pickets? regards,

How could the "entire" E-Board vote unanimously is the entire E-Board was not present. So again, were ALL of the US E-Board member present when the "vote" happened. Yes or No please. For that metter, were ANY of the US E-Board members present? Again Yes or No please. You post these "half-truths" to put yourself in a better political light. Shameful. So how did I lie, and you did not, again? BTW, you brought up what NH and FO thought about me in your post #273, I just wanted you to elaborate on that comment. And again, why hasn't the UA NC been called out for this T/A? Why is it just the US guys you are attacking here? But I suppose I shouldn't be surprised, it's typical narcissistic political half-truths to show only your side, especially when the other side wont even acknowledge you exist. And that has to really get under your skin.
PJ, nobody said they were all present. Look, don't pull a Mitt Romney on me and not recognize the use of cell phones, conference calls etc. Is Frank telling you he didn't support it? Yes or No? When I was in office with them, they always had conference calls and very few times actually could everyone meet so not sure why you would think everyone had to be 'present' in a building. I don't follow you on that brother. Listen to the tape and quit arguing with me. Pay attention to what Delaney says NOT what I say. K? Some day you will buy me a beer and realize that I'm not your enemy. I've been as upfront with you guys as I know how. regards,
You are furthering a lie that the US AIRWAYS AGC"s didn't issue their full support for the UA contract. Even Delaney said otherwise. Do you think Delaney went mad and that he doesn't talk to the US AIRWAYS AGC"S? Who said they even had to be present? What we do know is that they all supported the TA, the entire eboard. That is a fact. Thanks for voicing your expression over the ta. Not sure why you ask me what FO or NH thinks of you? regards,
Not sure who on the US side was present and who was not at the E Board meeting. But if RD made the statement "the entire E Board" supported the TA it would lead one to believe he spoke with those not in attendance (specifically the US AGCs) and they endorsed the TA. Then again.. in defense of our current AGCs and based on past history who can believe a word RD says? IMO... no matter what opinions our AGCs did or did not voice RD and his Leadership Team were going to put a positive spin on the TA from an E Board perspective. You know the current AGCs at US are not going to jeapordize their positions by "rocking the boat". In private though... I believe many of them were not comfortable at all with the TA. For they know the precarious impact this TA could have on US negotiations. They know what they campaigned against when they ran against Canali. They know this TA represented "business as usual" squared with the District. They find themselves now as hypocritical and in contrast to the core issues they campaigned on when they ran against Canali's Leadership Team.. Not an easy thing to personally accept or explain to the membership. Bottom line... it's business as usual and the worst TA I've seen agreed to by this district in all my years.
Please be advised... the District desperately wants this TA to pass. If it doesn't it's an embarrasment to them in front of the company and the International. Do not let your fellow members be mislead with the road shows. The district will not educate, or explain in depth, the meaning of the strike vote or how the negotiations process works under the RLA and the National Mediation Board to the sCO employees. The sUA members know better. They will play on the sCO members' inexperience with the negotiating process. They will instill fear, among the new members, that if this TA gets voted down they will be out of a job. Nothing could be further from the truth. If you, for one, knows the RLA and how the process works it's critical YOU educate your fellow members. You already know the district isn't going to do it. The district is leading many to an impending doom of their careers with this TA. You must educate your fellow members that it's in their best interest to vote NO to the TA and YES to a strike vote.

I WILL be doing my best to inform others on the importance of the strike vote. There are some I know (who were and are instrumental in trying to bring sCO a union) who are trying to spread the word to as many as possible. I'm trying to spread this information as best as possible especially to our younger (in length of service) members on the importance of voting this down and YES to the strike vote. They think that we would go on strike. Nothing is farther than the truth. WE can't strike, and the President won't let us because the importance of air travel to the economy as a whole. (AA set that prescedent a few years back) The company will HAVE to go back to the table and mediators (provided this budget sequester won't happen) will expedite the process to come up with some remedy to solve this. But this will be hard because we still have the situation with cargo to deal with and some may lose their jobs anyway. (see LOA #4). So they feel as though why vote? I try to tell them that you will not necessarily will lose your job. IAH cargo got blended into the ramp. They can do somewhat the same thing to EWR. I commend the people down in IAH, because they picketed last summer about the "harmonization" without the support from the District. They just recently picketed again. We have some good Union people here at sCO on the ramp side. But ATW will be a problem. A lot are anti-union and didn't suffer like we did on the ramp with the cuts we took in '05. But even they don't like the contract because most will be taking a loss as well.

Bottom line. Hopefully this won't pass and I hope that people will give them an earful at the roadshows. Send them back to the table. The company needs and wants the integration to be done when the summer flight schedule hits.
I WILL be doing my best to inform others on the importance of the strike vote. There are some I know (who were and are instrumental in trying to bring sCO a union) who are trying to spread the word to as many as possible. I'm trying to spread this information as best as possible especially to our younger (in length of service) members on the importance of voting this down and YES to the strike vote. They think that we would go on strike. Nothing is farther than the truth. WE can't strike, and the President won't let us because the importance of air travel to the economy as a whole. (AA set that prescedent a few years back) The company will HAVE to go back to the table and mediators (provided this budget sequester won't happen) will expedite the process to come up with some remedy to solve this. But this will be hard because we still have the situation with cargo to deal with and some may lose their jobs anyway. (see LOA #4). So they feel as though why vote? I try to tell them that you will not necessarily will lose your job. IAH cargo got blended into the ramp. They can do somewhat the same thing to EWR. I commend the people down in IAH, because they picketed last summer about the "harmonization" without the support from the District. They just recently picketed again. We have some good Union people here at sCO on the ramp side. But ATW will be a problem. A lot are anti-union and didn't suffer like we did on the ramp with the cuts we took in '05. But even they don't like the contract because most will be taking a loss as well.

Bottom line. Hopefully this won't pass and I hope that people will give them an earful at the roadshows. Send them back to the table. The company needs and wants the integration to be done when the summer flight schedule hits.
Glad to hear you're putting the word out. Keep up the good work. Members, especially new ones, are often mislead by their elected leaders of the District. Bottom line... this agreement should have never left the table to be brought for a vote. Let's hope the membership over rides the District, votes no, and sends them back to negotiate a respectable agreement. In the weeks leading up to the vote educating and communicating with your fellow members is CRITICAL. Send them back!
Well I guess tim is the new IAM IP.

"Too often we have seen airline executives promise that mergers will benefit workers only to see the opposite occur: lay-offs, outsourcing and de-hubbing. The IAM is prepared to mobilize the extensive national, state and local resources of our union to ensure that your wages, healthcare, employment and retirement security is not diminished but, in fact, is vastly improved by the merger."
Quote from the GL - Transportation dated February 14, 2013. Signed by Sito Pantoja - General VP, Tom Higginbotham - President/Dir. General Chairperson DL 142 and Rich Delaney - President/Dir. General Chairperson DL 141.
Based on the TA reached with DL 141 at the merged UA/CO... are their actions true to their written promises?
I seriously doubt it, talk and a few tough words in print are meaningless. As the song goes....
"A little less talk, and a lot more action".
Now that the Pilots and F/As are under contracts at US which work groups and their respective unions are currently without new contracts? I know the IAM represented groups of MTC. and Related and the IAM Fleet Service fall into this category... but are there any others?
The pilots are not under a new cba, they are under an MOU which shows the path to a joint cba with the apa and aa.
The pilots are not under a new cba, they are under an MOU which shows the path to a joint cba with the apa and aa.
Let me re-phrase the question... now that the pilots at US have a MOU and the F/As have a new contract what union represented work groups remain without MOUs or new contracts on US property? Besides the IAM represented MTC. and related and the Fleet Service?
Regarding the decision on New Livery-

"Most of our customers don't care what the outside of the airplane looks like," Parker said. "It doesn't affect their purchase decisions. (But) it's really important to employees, who care a lot about it, and I care about that."

Lets hope there is a lot of care in him in a couple of weeks in PHX when we get back to the table.
Regarding the decision on New Livery-

"Most of our customers don't care what the outside of the airplane looks like," Parker said. "It doesn't affect their purchase decisions. (But) it's really important to employees, who care a lot about it, and I care about that."

Lets hope there is a lot of care in him in a couple of weeks in PHX when we get back to the table.

I foresee a lot of stall tactics, from their point of view what's the hurry
my shop steward told me this past weekend that when i asked directly he told me that the agc told him that the union is in a better position to get a better contract given that US has already made back room deals with twu n aa employees not to mention the merger has also been announced. the quest is are they truly in a better position and my shop steward also said he was told by the agc that they should be able to get a good deal..... we will see about that
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