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Feb / Mar 2013 IAM Fleet Service Discussions

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you are absolutely correct about that pal. grievance should also be handled a lot faster than the way its going now... for ex my grievance is now over 3 and a half yrs and was to have a mediation last month but suddenly the company cancelled it... at least thats what frank o donnell told me., secondly i do know a lot of ua folks and they do not want the t/a and they have said they would turn it down now a large loud rejection of the t/a should send a very strong signal to both the union and the company and if they pass it i think its almost a guarantee they would put that type of thing to us i would be one to shoot it down period. a lot does need to change but some how i dont see it happening
Believe me... US has reviewed the TA DL 141 agreed to at UA. If passed... US will be putting a proposal on the table similar to the UA / DL 141 ageement. 10% unprotected from outsourcing from day one and 23 stations after 3 years. Once ratified at UA... what do you think the International and DL 141 would say to a similar proposal at US? I'll give you three guesses. This kind of negotiations and TAs has to change. If it doesn't we'll all be on the unemployment line before too long. All, except of course the union leadership, who will continue to remain unaffected and fat.
Believe me... US has reviewed the TA DL 141 agreed to at UA. If passed... US will be putting a proposal on the table similar to the UA / DL 141 ageement. 10% unprotected from outsourcing from day one and 23 stations after 3 years. Once ratified at UA... what do you think the International and DL 141 would say to a similar proposal at US? I'll give you three guesses. This kind of negotiations and TAs has to change. If it doesn't we'll all be on the unemployment line before too long. All, except of course the union leadership, who will continue to remain unaffected and fat.
FWIW: the eboard was unanimous in support of the UA agreement. No US AIRWAYS AGC even voiced any concern although such agreement necessarily affects US negotiations. Again, NONE OF THEM, NOTTA complained about the unlimited part time, unlimited split shifts for full timers; 3 year wage freeze; health care contribution rates that make US rates look fantastic; scope for only 7 stations. The only good thing about the contract is that it provides '50 ways to leave your station'. regards,
if it came our way right now id be a loud no vote and will continue to vote no its pathetic pos that they have at ual and yes you orgac and tim are most right that in all likely hood its been viewd by us and im not going to be shocked to see a crap like this show up... pathetic indeed
FWIW: the eboard was unanimous in support of the UA agreement. No US AIRWAYS AGC even voiced any concern although such agreement necessarily affects US negotiations. Again, NONE OF THEM, NOTTA complained about the unlimited part time, unlimited split shifts for full timers; 3 year wage freeze; health care contribution rates that make US rates look fantastic; scope for only 7 stations. The only good thing about the contract is that it provides '50 ways to leave your station'. regards,
So what does this say about our IAM District Leadership, Executive Board and the current US AGCs? IMO... complacent! With complacency things will not change. It demonstrates a District Leadership team and their AGCs who have lost their connection to the true expectations and wishes of the membership. If in fact, US AGCs did not express any concerns about the language in the UA TA, then by their inaction they have undermined any true intent the US NC was hoping to gain. Based on this inaction... if this UA TA passes... it is most certainly coming to the US negotiations table. If it gets there... and puts our NC behind the eight ball... I'm going to be sending "thanks a lot" notes to the E Board.
I was for a time unsure of my yes vote , but after talking to a person who was displayed by my yes vote I am content that I made the right decision . That west worker told me that they would have voted yes again even with them being displaced .

Where was this worker from? I ask because if it was from LAS (and I think a couple of other cities) the contract had nothing to due with their displacement. I've heard a lot of people blaming the TA for LAS, yet the TA didn't change anything in regards to that.
you seem to think that walking down the concourse yelling you want a contract now had some bearing on this crappy contract you have. well got news for you it didn't. also might want to bring something to your attention if a rally was planned in PHL would you have taken time off work and fly to PHL to participate and if so then what your saying is you were ok with putting your job in jeopardy for using your flying privalages to demonstrate against your employer. Im thinking US would have loved to have suspended your travel benefits and then terminate you once you bought your one way ticket back to phx.
Robbed again,
just how long have you been waiting for your day in court over your pay dispute 3 or 4 years now I don't PJ would think so Highly of his AGC if it was his grievance that seems to keep being put on the back burner.

one question no need for any long explanation about how great RD is .. What union man/women would even entertain CONTRACTING OUT all but your hub cities. UA is not
in BK but yet over 50 of there stations are set to go bye bye by 2016.

How many US AGC's were at the E-Board meeting on Feb 13th? Were you there? Do you know that the PDGC released ALL US AGC's to go and be ready to answer any questions that may arise from the merger announcement? So you can't say what you accused the US AGC's of for certain now can you? They were not present for any discussions that may have or may not have taken place regarding the US T/A. And FWIW I have spoken to a few of the US AGC's personally and you are way off base with what and how they think of the UA T/A. You just can't stop bashing the current leadership, and your friends because of your hatred for RD. Have you spoken with MM? He was there. Did you ask him what he thought? You truely are a piece of work.

All of the grievances that I have filed with my current AGC were handled in a timely manner. And I have none outstanding with him. Now I do have a few that I filed with MC that got lost in transition, and it is certainly is not the fault of my current AGC. ALL OF THEM. Nuff said on that. And I believe that Robbed's grievance was originally filed with the canoli misfits, so robbed please correct me if I am wrong here. Again, the current leadership is still trying to clean up the mess that the canoli misfits left when they were booted out of office.

Now, lets get to the UA T/A. Didn't the UA NC have to sign off on the T/A prior to the leadership giving the ok also? Why is it that none of you are blaming the NC for this atrocity? Are they not culpable also? Also, are/were you privy to any discussions that RD may have had with the UA NC about this T/A? And to answer your question about "what union man/woman would entertain contracting out all but your hub cities"?, well my first answer would be canoli. It all started with him did it not? And without having any other information regarding the PDGC of 141 and his thoughts of the UA/T/A, other than what you claim to be true, I will respectfully ask you to wait for my answer on that, until I can research it a little further.

How many US AGC's were at the E-Board meeting on Feb 13th? Were you there? Do you know that the PDGC released ALL US AGC's to go and be ready to answer any questions that may arise from the merger announcement? So you can't say what you accused the US AGC's of for certain now can you? They were not present for any discussions that may have or may not have taken place regarding the US T/A. And FWIW I have spoken to a few of the US AGC's personally and you are way off base with what and how they think of the UA T/A. You just can't stop bashing the current leadership, and your friends because of your hatred for RD. Have you spoken with MM? He was there. Did you ask him what he thought? You truely are a piece of work.
I can believe that many of the US AGCs were released from attending the E Board meeting to be dispatched throughout the system on the heels of the merger announcement. Makes perfect sense. I have known many of our AGCs for quite awhile. That being said... I would have to believe they are not too comfortable with the position our NC will be in if the UA TA is ratified. It's disappointing the UA NC and the District didn't consider this. IMO... They may be different carriers but US/AA will want every competitive advantage that UA was afforded by the district. Especially the subcontracting language. Let's hope, for our sake, the UA membership sends it back for much needed improvements. If it passes... I do not envy the position our NC will be put in.

How many US AGC's were at the E-Board meeting on Feb 13th? Were you there? Do you know that the PDGC released ALL US AGC's to go and be ready to answer any questions that may arise from the merger announcement? So you can't say what you accused the US AGC's of for certain now can you? They were not present for any discussions that may have or may not have taken place regarding the US T/A. And FWIW I have spoken to a few of the US AGC's personally and you are way off base with what and how they think of the UA T/A. You just can't stop bashing the current leadership, and your friends because of your hatred for RD. Have you spoken with MM? He was there. Did you ask him what he thought? You truely are a piece of work.
PJ, my statements are accurate. The eboard voted unanimously. Did someone vote against? Also, none of our agc's have voiced against it to Rich. That doesn't mean they don't talk about it with you in other ways. That said, as our elected officials they had a duty to voice against that terrible contract since it will have a direct impact on US AIRWAYS negotiations. Look, I can explain to you till I'm blue in the face but when I worked with them, NONE of them ever crossed Delaney. NEVER. Ironically, only MC for the 101 contract changes and the systemwide attendance grievance. MC was upset when Delaney told him that he wanted to handle the attendance grievances one at a time instead of grieving a complete policy shift. No agc's supported MC on that and imo that is when MC went south. I was there, you weren't. At any rate, kindly review everything I said about 141 rising and what was going to take place with negotiations. regards,

Can you explain how exactly it wil directly affect US negotiations? And I wish I had your crystal ball, I sure wouldnt be working here if I did.
pj iaminformer i filed my grievance in july 2009 with frank o donnell. i met him after talkin to one of my coworkers who knows him and he told frank my situation and when frank came in july 09 i met with him in person told him everything and he filed it. the sta mgr rejected it, then had a meeting in the office on january 5 2011 and shortly there after it was turned down so frank put it to mediation and arbitration... was to have a mediation for week of jan 21 2013 but the company rejected that.... then the merger announced on feb 14 and i still have no flippin clue as to when or if i will ever get a hearing... plain n simple i would love to have my pay issue settled its unbelievable how long these things frank did text me yesterday and he told me he believes it will be soon but ive heard that same tune repeatedly so ill believe it when i actually have some actual dates
pj iaminformer i filed my grievance in july 2009 with frank o donnell. i met him after talkin to one of my coworkers who knows him and he told frank my situation and when frank came in july 09 i met with him in person told him everything and he filed it. the sta mgr rejected it, then had a meeting in the office on january 5 2011 and shortly there after it was turned down so frank put it to mediation and arbitration... was to have a mediation for week of jan 21 2013 but the company rejected that.... then the merger announced on feb 14 and i still have no flippin clue as to when or if i will ever get a hearing... plain n simple i would love to have my pay issue settled its unbelievable how long these things frank did text me yesterday and he told me he believes it will be soon but ive heard that same tune repeatedly so ill believe it when i actually have some actual dates
The grievance I, as Chairman, and Gil Simmons as acting AGC, represented at step 3 occurred 02/15/11. It was turned down at Step 3 and forwarded to Frank for further pursuit with a strong recommendation by Gil to arbitrate. Frank agreed. He has assurred my grievant it will be soon also. Over two years have passed between Step3 and mediation or arbitration. We still don't have a date nailed down. It's my understanding Frank is also on the NC. I think he's overloaded and been assigned too much on the plate myself. A two year wait is tough to justify to a grievant who is owed thousands in remedial action and has been a strong union man his whole career. The grievant's patience is running thin. I might add the grievant is senior, well respected and influential in the station.
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