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Feb / Mar 2013 IAM Fleet Service Discussions

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Did all of you seriously expect this company to give you a better contract simply because you said no to the first ?

Really , out of the goodness of their hearts they would have offered more compensation ?

How many of you reading this did ANYTHING during talks ? We picketted once a week at least , we had mini rallies here in PHX , we got the word out that we were not happy .

Meanwhile a great many of you sat at home waiting for your union reps to bring you a contract that would make you happy without doing a single thing , and 700 your not even a ramper which means you didn't come to a single protest march .

If you all wanted a better contact then you should have shown up when it was time to fight.
FREEDOM its not just about compensation period its about everything else too... you west people the majority voted for it simply for that dam pay raise you chose to throw your coworkers out the window of the bus just for the pay and then you cried foul when the company closed up shop at a number of cities primarily out west... of course if you were not happy and had to turn the ta down yes the company would have had to make a better offer 700 may not be a ramper but he sure knows the union contract very well.
I could be wrong... but I was under the impression contract negotiations were scheduled for the week of February 11th for DL 141 US Fleet Service employees. Haven't seen any updates on the website. Did they meet last week?
I have not heard anything but with the DFW/AA lovefest going on I doubt it
I could be wrong... but I was under the impression contract negotiations were scheduled for the week of February 11th for DL 141 US Fleet Service employees. Haven't seen any updates on the website. Did they meet last week?

I'm reasonably certain that they did from things that I heard. I did not, however, hear "We were in negotiations last week" or "This is how things went". I also know that the NC is composed of members that would be VERY vocal if the company cancelled the negotiations. You've got to remember that the merger wasn't announced until Thursady, the last planned day of negotiations for the week. I've no idea why there isn't an update; they've been rather consistant about getting updates up by Sunday.
It's time the membership starts giving this issue urgent consideration. Let's turn our focus on a union that would agree to such concessions. In defense of past agreements, negotiated under bankruptcy, I believe the membership has been understanding and patient. The most recent UA TA however was negotiated under Section 6 negotiations. What does this say about our IAM union leadership who unanimously accepted the terms and are about to spin, and push it with station road shows? If you're a US or AA Fleet Service agent... what does it say about a union that willingly agrees to the elimination of countless members' jobs? IMO... this is the ROOT of the problem.
actually, Delaney balked on section 6. He will enter section 6 provided a vote no though. Hopefully, if he is still in office, he will keep US AIRWAYS in section 6 and agree that he needs to finish these talks before dicking around in transition talks. If UA turns down that contract then maybe Delaney will be once bitten to make the same dopey mistake at US AIRWAYS. regards,
I'm reasonably certain that they did from things that I heard. I did not, however, hear "We were in negotiations last week" or "This is how things went". I also know that the NC is composed of members that would be VERY vocal if the company cancelled the negotiations. You've got to remember that the merger wasn't announced until Thursady, the last planned day of negotiations for the week. I've no idea why there isn't an update; they've been rather consistant about getting updates up by Sunday.
They have been consistent with the updates... that's what struck me as odd. Maybe not too much progress to report or all of the District's resources are being devoted to the UA TA.
They have been consistent with the updates... that's what struck me as odd. Maybe not too much progress to report or all of the District's resources are being devoted to the UA TA.

either way US labor gets the bastard child treatment
thats my point exact too kev but people like freedom dont see it that way they dont read the fine print in particular the outsourcing issues they just care for the measly pay raise but its my belief that the company would had had to come up with a better offer had that one been turned down
If the other stations and workers had gotten off their collective asses and fought harder perhaps we would have had a better TA , unless you expected this company to GIVE us a better contract .

It's easy to nag me for what we have today but at least I FOUGHT for what we have today whereas many of our members sat on their asses at home .

Ah, yes. The "Disgruntled YES Voter".

I work with them everyday. 142 is filled with them.
thats my point exact too kev but people like freedom dont see it that way they dont read the fine print in particular the outsourcing issues they just care for the measly pay raise but its my belief that the company would had had to come up with a better offer had that one been turned down
Our group is saturated with mentalities such as freedom's. Just review the compensation Article and vote accordingly. Because of this narrow minded mentality countless members are displaced to another station or part time, commuting to retain full time or have lost their jobs entirely. Until our members learn to review the whole agreement we are destined for the same outcome. Additionally, as long as union leadership and NCs tentatively agree to these type of contract terms and bring them to the membership for a vote, the company will continue with this strategy. The strategy has been very effective so far. UA is using the same strategy with the TA the IAM has agreed to. Let's see what the members at UA do. What's disturbing is the IAM Leadership is going to be promoting it.
orgac i could not agree more with you pal... if i were the iam i sure as hell would not be promoting a pos contract like that
orgac i could not agree more with you pal... if i were the iam i sure as hell would not be promoting a pos contract like that
But they will be... and you know it. The way I see it... a lot has to change before we can expect improvement. Both with the membership and the leadership of this union. With the US/AA merger and subsequent representation elections we could be at a crossroads. If we get there... accountability is at hand. Let's watch the developments at UA with the TA agreed to by the IAM. If the membership votes it down the message sent is the Leadership and NC is out of touch with the members. If it's ratified... the members at US can expect the same. At that time... if rejected or accepted we must consider our options going forward. The IAM and TWU have already shown they are comfortable, as a labor organization, with agreeing to language that outsources members' jobs. The root of the problem!
I was for a time unsure of my yes vote , but after talking to a person who was displayed by my yes vote I am content that I made the right decision . That west worker told me that they would have voted yes again even with them being displaced .

I don't want any of you who didn't picket or take any physical action to achieve our contract to to say a single WORD to me about what we did . If you didn't come out from behind your keyboard then you don't have the right to say $%@& to me about anything , I only respect the fighters .

Going forwards I no longer support economic gains in liue of workers .

We will get our just due this next go round and it will not be at the expense of hard working honest Americans .

How can the US members expect the same? Aren't there two (2) different NC's. Did the US NC negotiate the UA T/A and vise versa? You are throwing our NC under the bus before we even have anything to look at. Now correct me if I am wrong here. Didn't canoli and his merry band of misfits negotiate out current agreement? It was not our current NC, nor current leadership right? So how do you presume to already know the outcome of our negotiations? I get that you are not happy with the current leadership, but come on, seriously? I bet you are going to try and run for office again aren't you?
orgac i could not agree more with you pal... if i were the iam i sure as hell would not be promoting a pos contract like that
Don't forget the golden parachute where the union bosses can take $75,000 and retire, and finish out the next 3 years of their term increasing their two IAM pension accounts with free medical and a $20,000 annual pay raise too boot. Otherwise, I'm sure Ira, Delaney and group will have a hard time wanting to sell a contract that guts 25 stations out of scope, throws away free family health care to settle on $300 month avg, throws away part time cap and replaces with unlimited part time and unlimited part time start times; agrees to split shifts and eliminates the 5% cap on them from sCO; And guarantees a 3 year wage freeze at the world's biggest airline. And what did they get in return? Oh yeah, they got all these poor souls a job in ORD or EWR when they outsource stations. Of course it is the golden parachute. regards,
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