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Feb / Mar 2013 IAM Fleet Service Discussions

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I really hate even chiming in here anymore-----but, I still can't figure out why anyone-(Union/Negotiating Team) would in their right mind agree to the amount of outsourcing of jobs while getting nothing in return that the IAM has, and it seems they just did it yet again at UA----It's so overwhelmingly obvious what this company exploited from the US/AWA transition Agreement over the last several years in terms of job losses--- what good is making any kind of $$$$ if none of us have jobs in the end!!!!
I'm with you Ograc----and have felt this way for a long time-----there are no good feelings with the IAM and or the merger here !!!!
It's encouraging you and hopefully others see the shortcomings, many labor organizations, have demonstrated regarding this issue. Historically, the paramount issue of labor, has been the preservation of members' jobs. Unfortunately, many unions have failed in achieving this recently. Agreeing to contractual language that allows companies, such as UA and US, to carry out their anti-union agendas. I have my own opinions concerning what has derailed some unions from this fundamental duty... but more on that later. IMO... if unions continue to agree, and be party to, eliminating their members' jobs they have pretty much sealed their long term fate. As stated before... It's getting hard to determine which party, the company or the union, has less regard for the members' interests and livelihoods.
there are no good feelings with the IAM and or the merger here !!!!

And there is a good reason to feel that way, there are likely to be many RIFs to produce the "synergies" from this combination. Given the IAM's track record on seniority integration they'll be more than happy to abandon their members especially if another union prevails in the election. Besides isn't the US fleet service group more junior to AA overall? Leading upto the merger announcement the IAM has dragged USAIR negotiations out, effectively collaborating with management to ensure labor costs for USAIR remain near the bottom of the industry.

I would be very happy to have this proven to be merely a rumor...

That's what I heard. So it's only conjecture and accusations. But the IAM did not endorse or support the first nformational picket at iAH. But the second one was supported by the local lodge. Not sure if the District 141 did. Bottom line was IAH was pissed and decided to do something.
Rich Delaney signed a LOA prohibiting anything other than kumbuya with the company. Read the LOA that incorporated the "Contract by Nov 15" date. It's in there. I actually have the mass text where he put out for the IAH folks to stand down and abolish their picket immediately. Another thing is the 'interest based negotiations" that Delaney defined prohibited any concerted picketing or otherwise, but working together with management. It's all there. I told folks he was pure management. Now folks know. Another thing is that the entire negotiation team and all Eboard voted unanimously for your crappy contract. All Bums. Trust me I dont' walk away from a high paying job unless the guy has exhibited full blown treason against management. regards,
Bumping to openings or junior agent in the system will create hardship for many. Many will end up being displaced to another station, furloughed to the street or forced to be reduced to part time. Especially if the TA includes no cap on the percentage of part timers. Much uncertainty and eventual hardship ahead for countless members.
Unfortunately, after reading the actual TA, it is even worse than the highlight. Canale's bankrupt contract was better than this contract by 141 rising and their dwindling supporters. I'm not too confident in the US AIRWAYS negotiation team and US AIRWAYS AGC's since they have supported Delaney and management over the members regarding this merger. It does nothing when Delaney becomes a media blowhard like he did in the media last week about the US AIRWAYS merger and did likewise a few years ago about the United merger, but no 'legal solidarity action' to get the memberships voice heard. regards,
Come visit the M&R Vote for Union thread, a poster named Travis, who is an ibt supporter, says his maintenance pay subsidizes your ramp pay.

All the unions outsource MX work, and that is what they use as a Negotiation’s Chip to get the wage’s up at each Airline. This does not change anything on the ramp boys as the aircraft come and go no matter if outsourced or not, only in MX who take the loss of jobs to support the ramp pay and hold the AMT’s back in wages because the union uses outsourcing to let the ramp hold on to the shirt tails of AMT’s to get pay higher. This may not look good coming from a union man but you have a person that has to remember a 3 letter city code, 4 number flight and can tell time makes 3 or $4.00 less than a AMT with all the responsibilities required of the AMT. The ramp and AMT’s should never have the same union just like the Pilots. Thanks for the Pay info. Guess I will see what AA does, looks like a fun ride.
Come visit the M&R Vote for Union thread, a poster named Travis, who is an ibt supporter, says his maintenance pay subsidizes your ramp pay.
What's Travis going to do if both maintenance and fleet choose the IBT over the IAM? He may need to be placed on suicide watch.
Eh , sometimes I feel the same way . I look at the stations they out source and wonder why the upstairs people get to stay and the below wing people get out sourced .
bec people like you freedom dont read the entire t/a if you had read it and turned it down instead of just the money right up front the company would have had to come up with a better t/a instead you voted to toss your fellow workers right down the river without the life jackets and the anchors
If the other stations and workers had gotten off their collective asses and fought harder perhaps we would have had a better TA , unless you expected this company to GIVE us a better contract .

It's easy to nag me for what we have today but at least I FOUGHT for what we have today whereas many of our members sat on their asses at home .
You didnt fight for crap, you jumped at the company's offer, bet you even voted for the first TA that was voted down.

You threw your coworkers under the bus, plain and simple, and you even posted your sob story.
You didnt fight for crap, you jumped at the company's offer, bet you even voted for the first TA that was voted down.

You threw your coworkers under the bus, plain and simple, and you even posted your sob story.
If he threw his coworkers under the bus because he voted for the contract then what does that say about the IAM who pushed it and unanimously supported it? regards,
If the other stations and workers had gotten off their collective asses and fought harder perhaps we would have had a better TA , unless you expected this company to GIVE us a better contract .

It's easy to nag me for what we have today but at least I FOUGHT for what we have today whereas many of our members sat on their asses at home .
if i remember correctly the west voted it in.... the east shot it down or most of the east shot it down ive always heard from number of folks that a better contract would have been the next one in line if this current one had not been shot down i know a lot fo folks and they all shot it down all are on the east but you chose to take the one time lump pay and say adios amigos to the coworkers and then you had the balls to cry foul when the company followed thru on closing the cities on the west so dont come on here crying like a baby
Did all of you seriously expect this company to give you a better contract simply because you said no to the first ?

Really , out of the goodness of their hearts they would have offered more compensation ?

How many of you reading this did ANYTHING during talks ? We picketted once a week at least , we had mini rallies here in PHX , we got the word out that we were not happy .

Meanwhile a great many of you sat at home waiting for your union reps to bring you a contract that would make you happy without doing a single thing , and 700 your not even a ramper which means you didn't come to a single protest march .

If you all wanted a better contact then you should have shown up when it was time to fight.
If he threw his coworkers under the bus because he voted for the contract then what does that say about the IAM who pushed it and unanimously supported it? regards,
It's time the membership starts giving this issue urgent consideration. Let's turn our focus on a union that would agree to such concessions. In defense of past agreements, negotiated under bankruptcy, I believe the membership has been understanding and patient. The most recent UA TA however was negotiated under Section 6 negotiations. What does this say about our IAM union leadership who unanimously accepted the terms and are about to spin, and push it with station road shows? If you're a US or AA Fleet Service agent... what does it say about a union that willingly agrees to the elimination of countless members' jobs? IMO... this is the ROOT of the problem.
I could be wrong... but I was under the impression contract negotiations were scheduled for the week of February 11th for DL 141 US Fleet Service employees. Haven't seen any updates on the website. Did they meet last week?
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