Not to pick on you Informed, but the prefbid system would result in layoffs thats why AFA put the brakes on it. Its also the reason why the company wants PrefBid in the new agreement to reduce the # of F/A's and AFA is saying NO.Oh, and one more thing. Don't forget, those who did vote yes, voted yes for the entire contract! Remember that little section of the contract called Preferential Bidding? That was supposed to replace the current system for the blockholders. Basically, what you bid for is what you fly. The AIL was to go away. That system was to be implemented at the same time as LTO. Doing so would have left trips for the reserves to fly. But have you seen that happen? Absolutely not! And is anyone in the union pushing to implement it? Nope! Why, because it would change the quality of life for blockholders. No longer would they be able to work 40 hours a month and have full time benefits...