F/A union bashing has got to stop...

Oh, and one more thing. Don't forget, those who did vote yes, voted yes for the entire contract! Remember that little section of the contract called Preferential Bidding? That was supposed to replace the current system for the blockholders. Basically, what you bid for is what you fly. The AIL was to go away. That system was to be implemented at the same time as LTO. Doing so would have left trips for the reserves to fly. But have you seen that happen? Absolutely not! And is anyone in the union pushing to implement it? Nope! Why, because it would change the quality of life for blockholders. No longer would they be able to work 40 hours a month and have full time benefits...
Not to pick on you Informed, but the prefbid system would result in layoffs thats why AFA put the brakes on it. Its also the reason why the company wants PrefBid in the new agreement to reduce the # of F/A's and AFA is saying NO.
Not to pick on you Informed, but the prefbid system would result in layoffs thats why AFA put the brakes on it. Its also the reason why the company wants PrefBid in the new agreement to reduce the # of F/A's and AFA is saying NO.
But we do not want the whole story, Andy! We'd much rather blindly blame the BH's for everything! It's much easier! Do not confuse us with logic, or perhaps, truths! No fair! :blink: :lol:
Not to pick on you Informed, but the prefbid system would result in layoffs thats why AFA put the brakes on it. Its also the reason why the company wants PrefBid in the new agreement to reduce the # of F/A's and AFA is saying NO.

Had it been implemented the way it was supposed to be then there would have been no reason for recalls. Thanks for the information, but I don't believe for one minute that is the true reason. If the company could implement a section of the contract, which it has a right to do because it was voted in, and reduce head counts, it would do it.
Agreed. This company has no hard feelings about implementing something that would be worsen the quality of life for a reserve. We don't need to pit blockholder against reserve. A blockholder is living by the system in place as a reserve is. It doesn't make the system right. It is a one sided contract. That is FACT. Pref bidding supposedly had difficulty in agreeing to a vendor and cost. Wasn't that what we were told? I do believe so. So in order not to furlough we keep a system that is severely broken? Where is the balance?
Allow me a question Andy,

If you "right size" using a different bid method doesn't that get the reserves off the sofa and onto a plane? Granted it would be at the expense of some workers which unions hate as it lowers their revenue stream.

So I guess it's that age old question then "Is it better to have 1,000 people working with the bottom 20% barely making it or is it better to have 900 workers making a decent living?"

Or is it just dues for AFA national that drive this bus?
well said.
But we do not want the whole story, Andy! We'd much rather blindly blame the BH's for everything! It's much easier! Do not confuse us with logic, or perhaps, truths! No fair! :blink: :lol:


Actually what is your position on the reserve situation? I know you, yourself, are on reserve. But, since you are running for LEC Pres I would like to know how you feel. I have narrowed my choices down to two candidates and you are one of them.
Not to pick on you Informed, but the prefbid system would result in layoffs thats why AFA put the brakes on it. Its also the reason why the company wants PrefBid in the new agreement to reduce the # of F/A's and AFA is saying NO.

As usual, you are 100% correct.
Allow me a question Andy,

If you "right size" using a different bid method doesn't that get the reserves off the sofa and onto a plane? Granted it would be at the expense of some workers which unions hate as it lowers their revenue stream.

So I guess it's that age old question then "Is it better to have 1,000 people working with the bottom 20% barely making it or is it better to have 900 workers making a decent living?"

Or is it just dues for AFA national that drive this bus?
There is no “feel goodâ€￾ answer here.

That is the difficulty I am sure our negotiators felt when they were in the midst of hammering out the agreement and eventually gave the flight attendants the opportunity to choose. The company’s proposal was outrageous and I remember them wanting among other things the Bucket System (having no choice of trips). I am relieved that we did not end up with that language; we enjoy having some flexibility in choosing.

To answer you honestly, I believe it’s better to have 900 workers making a decent living and providing for their families. It’s better for the economy and its better for the country. We are talented people who can re-create ourselves easily. Many flight attendants currently have second careers (who can manage the scheduling) and enjoy keeping the airline “thingâ€￾ just for the travel benefits. So it’s a tough call. No one wants to be responsible for someone loosing their job, I am glad that we were able to keep as many as we did on the property.
Had it been implemented the way it was supposed to be then there would have been no reason for recalls. Thanks for the information, but I don't believe for one minute that is the true reason. If the company could implement a section of the contract, which it has a right to do because it was voted in, and reduce head counts, it would do it.

The company reason for pref bid was to create less f/as on the property. After much research, the cost for implementation outweighed any benefits to the company, therefore the company scratched it.
There is no “feel goodâ€￾ answer here.

That is the difficulty I am sure our negotiators felt when they were in the midst of hammering out the agreement and eventually gave the flight attendants the opportunity to choose. The company’s proposal was outrageous and I remember them wanting among other things the Bucket System (having no choice of trips). I am relieved that we did not end up with that language; we enjoy having some flexibility in choosing.

To answer you honestly, I believe it’s better to have 900 workers making a decent living and providing for their families. It’s better for the economy and its better for the country. We are talented people who can re-create ourselves easily. Many flight attendants currently have second careers (who can manage the scheduling) and enjoy keeping the airline “thingâ€￾ just for the travel benefits. So it’s a tough call. No one wants to be responsible for someone loosing their job, I am glad that we were able to keep as many as we did on the property.

SWIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIISSSSSSSSSSSSHHHHHHHH The flushing sound of the votes from reserves who actually bother.... the junior ones who were recently recalled or have been furloughed/MDA/outsourced in the past.... those are the ones that have been screwed enough times to vote... I hope you're not supporting layoffs???

Here;s an idea. Create blocks out of all that flying left over instead of giving the blockholders flexibility that no other carriers enjoy!

Heres another one- stop letting the company give away our flying! They want mergers? Bring back the flying we already had! Those 60 E170/175s would sure create a lot of blocks!!!

United, Continental, even crappy old Northwest... HIRING F/As.... US Airways, wanting to buy airlines but still shrinking its workforce away in cahoots with a union that only cares about the most senior members.
Pref bidding aside I don't think that it has to be either or with the new contract. We shouldn't have to lay off workers to improve our reserve system. What that balance is I don't know but something needs to change. MANY reserves are mad and I bet the turnout will be bigger than expected as far as reserve vote count anyway.

Actually what is your position on the reserve situation? I know you, yourself, are on reserve. But, since you are running for LEC Pres I would like to know how you feel. I have narrowed my choices down to two candidates and you are one of them.

Our reserve system was designed to work with a small number of reserves, a group that could rotate through and level the time between everyone. It was not designed to meet the demand of, what is it now? 18% of the workforce. I was shocked that our membership would accept language that stripped them of their seniority. But that’s what we did. That’s what we live with.

I’m lucky; I live in base, so the system is not so bad for me in that regard. I know everyone that commutes into base has a horrid time with this system and it cost them a fortune not to mention the frustration. We need more lines of time, but with the pilot scheduling creating the lines to meet their needs, the F/A group suffers. Add to the mix the # of people that ILLEGALLY OVERFLY and there is just no time running downstream for reserves.
I believe,
1. We need a system that is seniority driven.
2. Reserves that have ETB trips should be able to trip improve just like lineholders.
3. NO ONE should be allowed to OVERFLY.

Thanks for asking, its going to be interesting to see what we get out of these negotiations with AWA…I pray we elect Local leadership that will be vocal and give the negotiators direction they can take to the company.
I believe,
1. We need a system that is seniority driven.
2. Reserves that have ETB trips should be able to trip improve just like lineholders.
3. NO ONE should be allowed to OVERFLY.

Right on Andy. I like your position on reserves. Being a reserve is rough. I'm in base now so it works better for me but the $$ is still bad. I DO believe in change hopefully for the good. Definately an Andy supporter here. :up:
So what if you've been flying for 25 years AND sitting reserve in PIT? Just because a person has been around for a long time doesn't mean that he doesn't understand the current reserve system.
First off, we are soooooo overstaffed. They need to offer a VSIP. It does not cost the company ANYTHING! There are probably about 100 = or - that would leave.

Second, we need to have our OWN growth. Merging with others only compounds the fact that we have far too many, TOO SENIOR flight attendants.

Now, if the company were smart (which they obviously aren't) they would offer buy outs NOW while we are doing great.

It only makes mathematical sense to get rid off a senior f/a making $50K plus and replace them with a new hire that would barely make $20K. Offer a $20K buyout with benefits for a longer period and you would break even for the year and save alot the following years.

But hey, who I am.