F/A union bashing has got to stop...

SWIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIISSSSSSSSSSSSHHHHHHHH The flushing sound of the votes from reserves who actually bother.... the junior ones who were recently recalled or have been furloughed/MDA/outsourced in the past.... those are the ones that have been screwed enough times to vote... I hope you're not supporting layoffs???

Here;s an idea. Create blocks out of all that flying left over instead of giving the blockholders flexibility that no other carriers enjoy!

Heres another one- stop letting the company give away our flying! They want mergers? Bring back the flying we already had! Those 60 E170/175s would sure create a lot of blocks!!!

United, Continental, even crappy old Northwest... HIRING F/As.... US Airways, wanting to buy airlines but still shrinking its workforce away in cahoots with a union that only cares about the most senior members.

I did not say I support layoffs at all. The recalls are getting screwed especially the MDA people having to come back at nineteen dollars an hour? Why our AFA isn’t talking to every media group to get there message out is baffling!

There are many things we can talk about that would make life better here at U, but nothing will be done if we all cant get together and have a loud commutative voice. That’s what I hope to change.
So what if you've been flying for 25 years AND sitting reserve in PIT? Just because a person has been around for a long time doesn't mean that he doesn't understand the current reserve system.
I've done extra trips with those "new" PIT RSV f/a's. All they could say was, " I am so sorry, I never knew it was this bad. I take everything I have ever said to a RSV back. This needs to change". That is a quote. PIT is also the exception to the standard. The other bases don't come close to PIT's situation. That stems from PIT being just a focus city. I guess they are still lucky that base is even open. I fly with plenty of displaced PIT f/a's.
I did not say I support layoffs at all. The recalls are getting screwed especially the MDA people having to come back at nineteen dollars an hour? Why our AFA isn’t talking to every media group to get there message out is baffling!

There are many things we can talk about that would make live better here at U, but nothing will be done if we all cant get together and have a loud commutative voice. That’s what I hope to change.

Sounds good to me.
The company reason for pref bid was to create less f/as on the property. After much research, the cost for implementation outweighed any benefits to the company, therefore the company scratched it.

Okay, so by that rationale, the cost basis of an LTO reserve system where 18% of the workforce does not break guarantee can't be helping the company either. So let's get rid of LTO.
Okay, so by that rationale, the cost basis of an LTO reserve system where 18% of the workforce does not break guarantee can't be helping the company either. So let's get rid of LTO.
The LTO system should have been tied to Pref. Bid, just like RSV override was tied to Sec. lines and SAP. Remember RSV override? That was where a RSV(who had 5 yrs+) got an extra $1.00 per flight hour extra. That was supposed to be implemented in May and we didn't get it until Oct. A 5 month delay. Imagine the money the company saved by not putting it in place. At least $400,000. Do you think we ever got the back pay? Hell no, we didn't. And remember this, on the next go aound, they got rid of RSV override. But don't fret, we kept SAP. Now, who did SAP benefit? You guessed it.
The LTO system should have been tied to Pref. Bid, just like RSV override was tied to Sec. lines and SAP. Remember RSV override? That was where a RSV(who had 5 yrs+) got an extra $1.00 per flight hour extra. That was supposed to be implemented in May and we didn't get it until Oct. A 5 month delay. Imagine the money the company saved by not putting it in place. At least $400,000. Do you think we ever got the back pay? Hell no, we didn't. And remember this, on the next go aound, they got rid of RSV override. But don't fret, we kept SAP. Now, who did SAP benefit? You guessed it.

Okay, so you get it, I get it, travelpro seems to get it. what the hell is wrong with everyone else? We can't be the only three people that sees the disproportionate favortism.
The LTO system should have been tied to Pref. Bid, just like RSV override was tied to Sec. lines and SAP. Remember RSV override? That was where a RSV(who had 5 yrs+) got an extra $1.00 per flight hour extra. That was supposed to be implemented in May and we didn't get it until Oct. A 5 month delay.

WHAT? :shock: We get an extra dollar for being on reserve over five years? This is the first I've heard of it ?? So we should all be getting right? I need to inspect my stubs because I don't thik I'm getting that... sad but a dollar more an hour would make a big difference in my life...
The company reason for pref bid was to create less f/as on the property. After much research, the cost for implementation outweighed any benefits to the company, therefore the company scratched it.

Can you tell us what the incremental decrease in FAs the company thought they would get with preferential bidding vs the "old" system?

The airlines that have preferential bidding really have the same number of FAs to block hour as USAir. I am not certain I see how this would decrease the FA count. I hear you have a lot of FAs overflying their obligations which would tend to skew any calculations. Perhaps by enforcing a cap, one could stabilize the FA count and really get a feel what is required.
First off, we are soooooo overstaffed. They need to offer a VSIP. It does not cost the company ANYTHING! There are probably about 100 = or - that would leave.

Second, we need to have our OWN growth. Merging with others only compounds the fact that we have far too many, TOO SENIOR flight attendants.

Now, if the company were smart (which they obviously aren't) they would offer buy outs NOW while we are doing great.

It only makes mathematical sense to get rid off a senior f/a making $50K plus and replace them with a new hire that would barely make $20K. Offer a $20K buyout with benefits for a longer period and you would break even for the year and save alot the following years.

But hey, who I am.

First off,VSIP is not just for senior f/as. When there is an offering it is provided for all f/as.

Second, you won't have many fa/s be incentivized to leave with just a VSIP.

Lastly, the company who thinks it still has a staffing issue has the VFLR they can offer. Its contractual and its a much better incentive for those who might want to leave.

Personally, the folks who have left via VF or retirement from 2002 through 2006 are the ones who wanted to do something else. Those who are left, obviously, want to stay. Since there are no pension credits anymore, those folks who reach age 55 will continue to work, IMO.

Senior in the industry means f/as who are "topped out"...14 years.
If I'm not mistaken, in just a few years, that will include you...have any other plans? B)
WHAT? :shock: We get an extra dollar for being on reserve over five years? This is the first I've heard of it ?? So we should all be getting right? I need to inspect my stubs because I don't thik I'm getting that... sad but a dollar more an hour would make a big difference in my life...
We used to get it. It only lasted about 7 months, if I am correct. It was given up in the next concession. If I am correct, it was for only actual flown flight hours also, so if you only flew 40 hours that month, you got $40. Half a tank of gas for my truck. I still think we should have gotten back pay for it, but the union wouldn't grieve it, du rto the fact it was tied to SAP. I still can'y figure out why Pref. Bid and LTO were nor tied together. That is how it was sold to us. In CLT, we were all under the impression that they would be implemented at the same time. What fools are we?
I did not say I support layoffs at all. The recalls are getting screwed especially the MDA people having to come back at nineteen dollars an hour? Why our AFA isn’t talking to every media group to get there message out is baffling!

There are many things we can talk about that would make life better here at U, but nothing will be done if we all cant get together and have a loud commutative voice. That’s what I hope to change.
Hey Andy,
Who do you support for the other positions? LECVP, SEC/TRES,
and COUNCIL REP, and why?
PS I like your :up: way of thinking, group thinking
Hey Andy,
Who do you support for the other positions? LECVP, SEC/TRES,
and COUNCIL REP, and why?
PS I like your :up: way of thinking, group thinking

Ganesha, thanks for your question.

When someone gets successfully nominated for a LEC position they get a packet from the International AFA office that has the breakdown of the results that include the names, number of votes and information in the form of an Election Handbook. In past packets we would get contact information for the candidates and I would call everyone that I didn’t know and see what their goals were for the position and open the lines of communication between nominees. This year our packets did not contain any contact information so it’s been difficult to reach out to everyone but here is what I know so far.

During the infamous LEC meeting in Philadelphia last year Grace Jones was very vocal about our quality of life to Mike and Laura and I was impressed with her knowledge and outspokenness. What caught my attention most was her professionalism while discussing her issues and her staying on topic. I spoke to Grace once I knew she was committed to serving and learned we share many ideas about what we want to accomplish for the membership and how the new office will be run. Our biggest issues are accountability to the members, and communication. We agree that there should be a way for the members to see how their LEC dues are being spent, and who is getting paid what. Grace and I both want to continue to fly and have worked out a great way to save the Local money that can be put back into the committees and a Printed Newsletter among other services for the flight attendants. We want to bring value back to the members of the Philadelphia AFA. Grace Jones is committed to doing an outstanding job for the flight attendants and we will work well together.

For the position of LEC Secretary I am supporting Janet Linton. Janet has a strong background in finance, budgeting, and her experience will be very valuable to the local membership. After she sent out her letter over the e-line I sent her a note via her website and she called me back immediately. We spoke for some time discussing our plans for the office and our understanding of how important this election is for the Philadelphia flight attendants. Janet, like me, has thought long and hard about running for and LEC Officer Position and we share a strong belief in being honest and telling it like it is. Janet brings 17+ years of experience as a flight attendant at US to the office and will be a great asset to the new team.

For the position of LEC Rep I can’t suggest anyone at the moment. I know a couple of the people running but haven’t had the chance to talk to any of the nominees. I know what will make the new Local successful is to change the entire way we do business…and we are in the business of taking care of all 2056+ Flight Attendants in Philadelphia.
I have selected Microsoft Office Groove as the LEC office workgroups communication and file sharing software giving us the ability to keep the team on the same page anywhere in the world. This tool will reduce cell usage, copying/printing expenses and give the newly elected officers the ability to securely share information about case files, meeting notes and ideas giving you a well informed powerful team.

Another thing that I want to do differently is the way the office staff is scheduled and flight loss is paid. To use previous LEC practice as an example, our LECP would claim about 105 hours of base pay at their respective work agreement rates. If they had 14+ years they were collecting about $3986.00 monthly-this doesn’t include any meal expenses, parking, tolls, lead pay or international pay if they could hold that bid line. My plan is to split the month in half, take one officer and put them in the office to cover the business, while the other flies the line keeping in touch with the members and our working conditions. This two-week rotation will alternate between the officers so each has the opportunity to be out on the line accessible to you. By doing this I will only be collecting 50 hours of FPL each month costing the Local $1737.00 at my rate under our current agreement. My base pay alone saves the local $2249.00 each month. This is money we can spread to the other officers/support staff and the new member services like a newsletter that I spoke of earlier.

Building a team that is dedicated, professional and represent all the different groups that make up our flight attendant family is the key and I hope we can count on your support.
Again, thanks for your question and fly safe.