It has nothing to do with loyalty, what I said is FACT-why don't you people get it/MiAAmi said:TWA was on its way out way before 9/11. I respect everyones loyalty to their ex-company but it wasn't AA that killed it. AA tried to pull it in and unfortunatly world evernts and an economy that went south. As always I wish everyone luck and hopefully a speedy call back.woztwa said:MiAAmi--respectfully, we would have been around. AA/TWA arranged this deal.
TWA was bought in the bargain basement, while our executives got out with their golden parachutes. May I run this by you?....Sometimes the Mother corp. needs to hide assets, funnels money with off-shore accounts...etc., and uses one of its "step-children" to show the loses. It happens time and time again. Please, we were not going out of business and were heavily courted-one being Boeing. AA ASKED that we file so the sale would be approved by the DOT-they approved by specifically telling Don Carty that it would NOT go thru unless the "employees" were guaranteed jobs. Don Carty testified before the DOT that we would be treated fairly--We were not saved by AA and we were screwed by APFA.
That is just what AA wanted-to get rid of it's highest paid employees.
AA's big intentions were to show big losses,hide profits elsewhere-IMO
If I am leaving anything out, guys, let me know.
And I thank you for your kind reply explaining your post about the "5 yrs".
That was very nice, my apologies for jumping on that.
FACT, MiAAmi, FACT. For once, think outside the box, this is BIG business, not seniority issues. AA is LAUGHING at us.