Every man has his price.


I usually don't reply to people too cowardly to use their real names while throwin BS around, but in your case I will make an exception one time, kinda like a TWU SELLOUT DEAL that I was officially notified to be removed because I made it too hard for my fellow officers and e-board members to conduct their "business" with management. Furthermore, Mark Easton was one of the loudest proponents to have me removed. He is now a Managing Director of AO in Tulsa. Another good twu rep. Charlie Clark, then VP helped out the International twu team in gettin me out of office and was rewarded by gettin his son hired off the street in front of several hundred upgrades in 1995. He hired into the seat shop while John Orlando Jr. was being placed into an SRP job in front of several hundred upgrades with more seniority and skills. Yes, I guess one is incompetent if they don't bow before the porceline chalice and drink from the kup of kings and become Bubbalievers in the might twu. Heading us to the bottom of the industry as usual. Thats all I'll have for you reaaliachick.

Bob, I'll be glad to refresh your memory, you had been babblin with your old buddy Iago/Prospero/Treekiller/Santos about gettin a special deal cut for JFK with a special presentation to Sunny Hall and he reversed course and showed you how the twu backdoor works.

As for your, It was brought up in 2010, I know it was brought up about the Fleet Service M&R negotiators, but you and the Bootlicken 565 never reduced the thoughts to writing so that the membership could sink their teeth into it like you just did your TWU Change From Within Apologia. Pathetic.

Wish you the best in your newest morph outfit, Bob. And I believe it safe to say, I am still the highest paid CC/AMT at AA, so I do feel SPECIAL! Glad I'm not tied to LBO2, like you. Kinda rhymes, don't it?

Cheers, Dan Cunningham
Dan Cunninghan: I was officially notified to be removed because I made it too hard for my fellow officers and e-board members to conduct their "business" with management

The reason for your removal was incompetence, and you must have set a new world record for removal from the office of Local President by your fellow officers. You sound like wrong way Corrigan (On 17 July 1938, Douglas Corrigan took off from Brooklyn's Floyd Bennett airfield in a tiny single-engine plane. Corrigan had filed a flight plan for California, but 29 hours later he arrived in Ireland, claiming his compasses had failed and that he had accidentally flown the wrong way).
. You sound like wrong way Corrigan (On 17 July 1938, Douglas Corrigan took off from Brooklyn's Floyd Bennett airfield in a tiny single-engine plane. Corrigan had filed a flight plan for California, but 29 hours later he arrived in Ireland, claiming his compasses had failed and that he had accidentally flown the wrong way).

From Wiki;
Douglas Corrigan (January 22, 1907 – December 9, 1995) was an American aviator born in Galveston, Texas. He was nicknamed "Wrong Way" in 1938. After a transcontinental flight from Long Beach, California, to New York, he flew from Floyd Bennett Field in Brooklyn, New York, to Ireland, though his flight plan was filed to return to Long Beach. He claimed his unauthorized flight was due to a navigational error, caused by heavy cloud cover that obscured landmarks and low-light conditions, causing him to misread his compass. However, he was a skilled aircraft mechanic (he was one of the builders of Charles Lindbergh's Spirit of St. Louis) and had made several modifications to his own plane, preparing it for his transatlantic flight. He had been denied permission to make a nonstop flight from New York to Ireland, and his "navigational error" was seen as deliberate. Nevertheless, he never publicly admitted to having flown to Ireland intentionally.
From Wiki;
Douglas Corrigan (January 22, 1907 – December 9, 1995) was an American aviator born in Galveston, Texas. He was nicknamed "Wrong Way" in 1938. After a transcontinental flight from Long Beach, California, to New York, he flew from Floyd Bennett Field in Brooklyn, New York, to Ireland, though his flight plan was filed to return to Long Beach. He claimed his unauthorized flight was due to a navigational error, caused by heavy cloud cover that obscured landmarks and low-light conditions, causing him to misread his compass. However, he was a skilled aircraft mechanic (he was one of the builders of Charles Lindbergh's Spirit of St. Louis) and had made several modifications to his own plane, preparing it for his transatlantic flight. He had been denied permission to make a nonstop flight from New York to Ireland, and his "navigational error" was seen as deliberate. Nevertheless, he never publicly admitted to having flown to Ireland intentionally.

Never know what you may learn in airline forum. Thanks for the read Bob. I enjoyed it.

Another interesting tidbit "Wrongway Feldman" was able to leave Gilligan's Island and find his way back to the mainland.
From Wiki;
Douglas Corrigan (January 22, 1907 – December 9, 1995) was an American aviator born in Galveston, Texas. He was nicknamed "Wrong Way" in 1938. After a transcontinental flight from Long Beach, California, to New York, he flew from Floyd Bennett Field in Brooklyn, New York, to Ireland, though his flight plan was filed to return to Long Beach. He claimed his unauthorized flight was due to a navigational error, caused by heavy cloud cover that obscured landmarks and low-light conditions, causing him to misread his compass. However, he was a skilled aircraft mechanic (he was one of the builders of Charles Lindbergh's Spirit of St. Louis) and had made several modifications to his own plane, preparing it for his transatlantic flight. He had been denied permission to make a nonstop flight from New York to Ireland, and his "navigational error" was seen as deliberate. Nevertheless, he never publicly admitted to having flown to Ireland intentionally.
That's when Mechanics were more than just parts changers too!
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Dan Cunninghan: I was officially notified to be removed because I made it too hard for my fellow officers and e-board members to conduct their "business" with management

The reason for your removal was incompetence, and you must have set a new world record for removal from the office of Local President by your fellow officers. .....

Sounds like realityck has its panties in a bunch. I wonder if its been slapped around by Dan before?
From Wiki;
Douglas Corrigan (January 22, 1907 – December 9, 1995) was an American aviator born in Galveston, Texas. He was nicknamed "Wrong Way" in 1938. After a transcontinental flight from Long Beach, California, to New York, he flew from Floyd Bennett Field in Brooklyn, New York, to Ireland, though his flight plan was filed to return to Long Beach. He claimed his unauthorized flight was due to a navigational error, caused by heavy cloud cover that obscured landmarks and low-light conditions, causing him to misread his compass. However, he was a skilled aircraft mechanic (he was one of the builders of Charles Lindbergh's Spirit of St. Louis) and had made several modifications to his own plane, preparing it for his transatlantic flight. He had been denied permission to make a nonstop flight from New York to Ireland, and his "navigational error" was seen as deliberate. Nevertheless, he never publicly admitted to having flown to Ireland intentionally.
Sorry Corrigan was a clever liar. Hmmm...who does that sound like? BOB!
[background=rgb(252, 252, 252)]

Dan Cunninghan: I was officially notified to be removed because I made it too hard for my fellow officers and e-board members to conduct their "business" with management

The reason for your removal was incompetence, and you must have set a new world record for removal from the office of Local President by your fellow officers.[/background]

Dissident: has its panties in a bunch. I wonder if its been slapped around by Dan before?

Never happened Charlie Brown. He got dumped in just a few months by his own officers for incompetence. Look the word up in the dictionary if you don't know what that means genius. Hasn't happened in a President's first term in office in any other Local that I know of.
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[background=rgb(252,252,252)]Dan Cunninghan: I was officially notified to be removed because I made it too hard for my fellow officers and e-board members to conduct their "business" with management

The reason for your removal was incompetence, and you must have set a new world record for removal from the office of Local President by your fellow officers.[/background]

Dissident: has its panties in a bunch. I wonder if its been slapped around by Dan before?

Never happened Charlie Brown. He got dumped i
n just a few months by his own officers for incompetence. Look the word up in the dictionary if you don't know what that means genius. Hasn't happened in a President's first term in office in any other Local that I know of.

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This just in!! A contact at twu headquarters just sent this pic in of realityck and jimmy little.


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