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Clue Me In

I think we may have scared her away.

Swagalleyhag, have your questions been answered?
Whatever became of these demands and the demand by Little regarding "SHARED SACRIFICED"?

This "informer" is March 2003....

Where are the results?

How's amfa negotiating at Alakan Air, anyone you care to blame on the 100% outsourcing of their heavy maintenance? Come on now, surely you can blame it on someone else , AS USUAL.
I think we may have scared her away.

Swagalleyhag, have your questions been answered?

No, you didn't scare me away. Takes more than a message board to do that. I'm a tough gal.

Although it's hard for me to see the side of TWU that you guys have seen - as I stated before, we run our own show over at Local 556 and we just ratified an awesome contract - I do understand more about your position.

As a FA, I wouldn't want my contract (including work rules, pay, etc) negotiated by a non-FA. So I can see where you're coming from on that standpoint. However, there are quite a few mechanics here at SW who aren't happy with AMFA, and it was so strange that after our mechanics ratified a contract by over 80%, that they then voted out the Teamsters (who negotiated that contract). From an outsider's point of view it appeared pretty predatory on AMFA's part over here, and being a very pro-labor, pro-union kind of gal, it's something I wanted to learn more about. But I didn't see the whole saga play out since I'm obviously not a mechanic, so what do I know?

Anyway, I thank you for answering my questions. Best of luck.
swagalleyhag said:
As a FA, I wouldn't want my contract (including work rules, pay, etc) negotiated by a non-FA. So I can see where you're coming from on that standpoint. However, there are quite a few mechanics here at SW who aren't happy with AMFA, and it was so strange that after our mechanics ratified a contract by over 80%, that they then voted out the Teamsters (who negotiated that contract). From an outsider's point of view it appeared pretty predatory on AMFA's part over here, and being a very pro-labor, pro-union kind of gal, it's something I wanted to learn more about. But I didn't see the whole saga play out since I'm obviously not a mechanic, so what do I know?

Anyway, I thank you for answering my questions. Best of luck.

WOW, an independent level headed industry co-worker can grasp the concept, I wonder why the skilled overhaul technician struggles with the simple idea of Craft or Class Unionism?
swagalleyhag,Sep 13 2004, 05:00 AM]
No, you didn't scare me away. Takes more than a message board to do that. I'm a tough gal.

I believe you. The SWA union reps I've met seemed to be good people. Even your President Thom McDanirel, who signed a letter calling me "The Enemy of Labor" seemed OK, although I have to question why he would sign onto something like that without checking the facts. However while I was in office they all responded favorably to democratic reform.

Although it's hard for me to see the side of TWU that you guys have seen - as I stated before, we run our own show over at Local 556 and we just ratified an awesome contract - I do understand more about your position.

Great, thats all we can expect.

As a FA, I wouldn't want my contract (including work rules, pay, etc) negotiated by a non-FA. So I can see where you're coming from on that standpoint. However, there are quite a few mechanics here at SW who aren't happy with AMFA, and it was so strange that after our mechanics ratified a contract by over 80%, that they then voted out the Teamsters (who negotiated that contract).

Well there will always be a few. I'm sure there are a few FAs that are unhappy with the TWU also. But when 10,000 out of 16000 sign cards trying to get in a new union, thats more than just a few. Obviously the TWU is not the right union for us.

From an outsider's point of view it appeared pretty predatory on AMFA's part over here, and being a very pro-labor, pro-union kind of gal, it's something I wanted to learn more about.

Well maybe thats because you were given one sided information. The fact is that AMFA does not go out and seek new members. They never had the resources to devote to organizing and for years survived as an organization through voluntary associate dues. When an organization with hardly any resources can oust one of the largest richest unions in the country, right after an industry leading contract it tells you something about the mechanics desire to be recognized as a skilled profession.

Many people feel that if they blindly follw their leaders thats makes them union people, it doesnt, its being an adherant to the ideals of unionism that makes one a true unionist. The fact that you have reached out to us here is encouraging, another true unionist exists.

While I dont question your claim to be pro-labor and pro-union can you tell me who the following people were?

Mary Harris (Mother) Jones
Elizabeth Gurly Flynn
Eugine Debs
Joe Hill
Jock Yablonski

The fact is that most of the labor leaders out there know almost nothing about these people, nor do they care.
The hypocrisy of todays leaders is that they are more concerned about their own little empires than the condition of working people. While they spew rhetoric they fail to act. If you dont know the past then you dont know really what the labor movement is all about. If you choose to ignore our history, the workers history, then unionism is nothing more than an escape from your present job. Its just another business, and that is the cruxt of the problem with unionism today-it has become a business, and instead of members being the union, they are its commodity.

But I didn't see the whole saga play out since I'm obviously not a mechanic, so what do I know?

Well hopefully you know more now than before. Want to see more, read CIOs posts. Read how he continually uses fear in order to try and keep the TWU in and AMFA out. Read "Confessions of a Union Buster" by Martin Levitt (Crown publishers, Inc New YorkISBN 0-517-58330-5). Notice that Cio, and other TWU supporters use, and have used for a long time here at AA, the same fear tactics that union busters use. These tactics are specifically designed to cause fear within the workforce and prevent the workers from asserting themselves for improvements in pay and conditions. They are not designed to stengthen unions but rather to break down unionism one member at a time by causing fear.

There are those in the TWU who are true unionists. Those who truly believe in the ideals of unionism and dont see being an officer as a way to a six figure salary with the added bonuses of getting off the shop floor and weekends and holidays off. Those who encourage and empower their members. Those who do not blindly follow the dictates of a corrupt, management friendly,unelected (by the members) International. Most of these Leaders are in Local 100. I would urge you to encourage more dialogue between your leaders and the leadership of Local 100 so that during the next Convention you can reform this union. But unfortunately your leadership feels that their militantcy is un-American. They blindly follow the dictates of the International without checking the facts on issues outside of their particular union. Perhaps if members such as yourself pushed for more inquiry the TWU could becxome a union that did not have to scheme with the company and threaten and lie to their members in order to keep them from going to another union.

Anyway, I thank you for answering my questions. Best of luck.

Thank YOU!


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