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Support The Flight Attendants

Drippy was a bit harsh on you Bob...family does come first...consider this an apology from someone very close to the Dripster....HAHAHA!!!
Nightwatch said:
I did not see you in DC on Tuesday...the Labor Movement was there and you were the "no show". I see, your "stand and fight" occurs after the fight is over. You are also "all hat and no cattle".

Oh yeah, that's right, and the TWU saved 12,000 jobs and THREE Maintenance Bases. and has the lowest outousrce percentage in the industry. Sorry, I forgot the facts there for a minute.
Oh yeah, that's right, and the TWU saved 12,000 jobs and THREE Maintenance Bases. and has the lowest outousrce percentage in the industry. Sorry, I forgot the facts there for a minute.

I think through most of your posts you have proven that fact!....HAHAHA!!!
You are way to harsh on Decision "what year". This is a thread on support of the flight attendants and he wants to make it something else. His lack of support shows his true colors...he represents AMFA well.

If I ever thought my local TWU was not my choice of union, I certainly wouldn't entertain the idea of promoting one with the likes of Decision involved. AMFA's lack of leadership qualifications are strikingly obvious with him.

I was there in DC, I supported the APFA. Where were you Decision?
I attended the vigil at DC in support of the APFA, I did not see one AMFA supporter/organizer/member in attendance. It was a union function.
Steve Connell said:
I attended the vigil at DC in support of the APFA, I did not see one AMFA supporter/organizer/member in attendance. It was a union function.

I think you forgot who you were supposed to be supporting.

The vigil was in support of the AFL-CIO affiliated AFA. The APFA represents the F/As at AA, they split off from the TWU thirty years ago.

The APFA and TWU Local 556 (SWA Flight Attendants) both pledged support to the AFA. Neither is facing iminent abrogation of their contracts like the AFA represented FAs at USAIR or UAL.

Do you know what the whole thing was about or did you just go for the hell of it?
Bob, unlike yourself, I attend functions for a purpose, unionism. You seem to enjoy being the history major with unions , yet you run a bit shy in actual support.

BTW, how's the -28k/yr feel? I bet you were the type of rep that turned in OT for work accomplished at home.
Steve Connell said:
Bob, unlike yourself, I attend functions for a purpose, unionism. You seem to enjoy being the history major with unions , yet you run a bit shy in actual support.

BTW, how's the -28k/yr feel? I bet you were the type of rep that turned in OT for work accomplished at home.

Well once again you contradict yourself. On the one hand you point out that my decision to stand up and fight for my members cost me $28k (your figure), then you claim that I'm a bit shy on actual support.

Your claim is one that I've never heard before and its obviously because you dont know me.

Over the years I've attended varous functions on my own time including but not limited to participating in the 91 Labor Rally in DC, Participating in multiple Labor Day Parades in NYC, walking the picket lines with the APFA Flight attendants, participating in meetings of the AUD, participating in a post 9-11 AFL-CIO march from Trinity Church to the WTC site, participating in various TWU Local 100 marches and rallies and meetings, including the one during the contract negotiations where Sonny Hall was saying to the press that if Local 100 strikes he may remove their officers and send the workers back to work. (Your boy Gless would never give his own time, thats why he makes a perfect International puppet)

I suspect your only reason for attending was to check out the flight attendants, since there probably isn't much opportunity to do so at the hangar in MCI.
With Local 530 being the only TWU local to support this event I am wondering just how much of a union is the TWU. This doesn't affect just the flight attendants, it affects us all. This administration is going to demolish unions unless you stand up and fight. My support for the TWU is eroding.
My World said:
With Local 530 being the only TWU local to support this event I am wondering just how much of a union is the TWU. This doesn't affect just the flight attendants, it affects us all. This administration is going to demolish unions unless you stand up and fight. My support for the TWU is eroding.

Your Local understands the situation more than most, because you are still under direct threat of job loss. Everyone else in the TWU appears to believe the concessions and the defeat of the AMFA vs. TWU vote left them plenty cozy.

I wonder where the AFL-CIO is. I wonder where the TWU leadership is. I even wonder where the AMFA leadership is.

I agree with you on this one as far as affecting all of us, but I don't think a candle light vigil followed by a tentative concession agreement is worth a darn to us all. I think the only thing that will stop the bleeding is a National effort to disrupt air travel. And frankly, it is everyone for themselves and those that have will not risk anything for those that have not. We are not in union's anymore, we are in political dues collection machines that do not understand the first thing about Labor History and how gains are made or direct threats challenged.

Good Luck to you and your fellow workers, because you are the have nots, and your union brothers that still have don't seem to give a damn.
Decision 2004 said:
Your Local understands the situation more than most, because you are still under direct threat of job loss. Everyone else in the TWU appears to believe the concessions and the defeat of the AMFA vs. TWU vote left them plenty cozy.

I wonder where the AFL-CIO is. I wonder where the TWU leadership is. I even wonder where the AMFA leadership is.

I agree with you on this one as far as affecting all of us, but I don't think a candle light vigil followed by a tentative concession agreement is worth a darn to us all. I think the only thing that will stop the bleeding is a National effort to disrupt air travel. And frankly, it is everyone for themselves and those that have will not risk anything for those that have not. We are not in union's anymore, we are in political dues collection machines that do not understand the first thing about Labor History and how gains are made or direct threats challenged.

Good Luck to you and your fellow workers, because you are the have nots, and your union brothers that still have don't seem to give a damn.

Local 556 was not there?

I agree that there is only one fix for this- A complete shutdown. Lets "share the pain" with everyone that counts on the service we provide.

The problem is that those who we count on to lead have not experienced any pain either, they recieved raises on top of their six figure salaries as they imposed paycuts on us.
Decision 2004 said:
Your Local understands the situation more than most, because you are still under direct threat of job loss. Everyone else in the TWU appears to believe the concessions and the defeat of the AMFA vs. TWU vote left them plenty cozy.

I wonder where the AFL-CIO is. I wonder where the TWU leadership is. I even wonder where the AMFA leadership is.

I agree with you on this one as far as affecting all of us, but I don't think a candle light vigil followed by a tentative concession agreement is worth a darn to us all. I think the only thing that will stop the bleeding is a National effort to disrupt air travel. And frankly, it is everyone for themselves and those that have will not risk anything for those that have not. We are not in union's anymore, we are in political dues collection machines that do not understand the first thing about Labor History and how gains are made or direct threats challenged.

Good Luck to you and your fellow workers, because you are the have nots, and your union brothers that still have don't seem to give a damn.

The flight attendants called for Chaos throughout the system. That is what we all have to do. They, the airline industry and the government, have created chaos on us and now we have to create chaos on them. ALL OF US.
Solidarity March and Candlelight Vigil – Washingto - Thursday, December 02, 2004 at 11:02
December 2, 2004


TO: All ATD Local Presidents, Officers, and Members

RE: Solidarity March and Candlelight Vigil – Washington D.C.

Dear Sisters & Brothers:

We need your support for our AFA-CWA Sisters and Brothers at United and USAir in their struggle to preserve their contracts and hard earned pension plans.

The Vigil will be held in Washington, D.C. on Tuesday, December 14, 2004 at Lafayette Park across from the White House.

Let’s stand together and send a message that we will never stand idle and allow any Court, Bankruptcy Judge, or Government Agency to set aside union contracts.

I have assigned Bobby Gless, International Representative, to coordinate our efforts, and he will be providing follow-up information. If you are able to attend, or your Local can provide travel assistance, please contact our ATD office as soon as possible.

Remember, this is not an individual issue unique to just United or USAir. It is the survival of all of our collective bargaining agreements.

United Invincible.


James C. Little
Director Air Transport Division
Intl. Executive Vice President

JCL:cjw opeiu 153 afl-cio

P. Friend
G. Yingst
ATD Staff Assigned


Decision 2004 said:


You know what..it's "union members" like yourself that makes me sick. You depend on the International? You, for one, are a known amfa organizer. You wonder why you did not get a paid invitation, from the TWU, to attend a union activity? Surely, even you, are not that ignorant, well maybe.

I was disappointed not to see more TWU locals present. This fight is our fight, yet no one showed from other locals except for a handful. Hey Decision, had you been present then you would have known the International was present...You're the type of supporter to scream from your dinner table as others are in the trenches...great guy you are.

By your statement"DO AS WE SAY, NOT AS WE DO!" shows you are truly a sheep...and you claim to be VP of a non existent amfa local? Figures.
Steve Connell said:
You know what..it's "union members" like yourself that makes me sick. You depend on the International? You, for one, are a known amfa organizer. You wonder why you did not get a paid invitation, from the TWU, to attend a union activity? Surely, even you, are not that ignorant, well maybe.

I was disappointed not to see more TWU locals present. This fight is our fight, yet no one showed from other locals except for a handful. Hey Decision, had you been present then you would have known the International was present...You're the type of supporter to scream from your dinner table as others are in the trenches...great guy you are.

By your statement"DO AS WE SAY, NOT AS WE DO!" shows you are truly a sheep...and you claim to be VP of a non existent amfa local? Figures.

Welcome to the TWU - Steve!

I believe you should look to the rest of the TWU membership to find the answers you are looking for, after all they are the ones who wanted you stapled to the bottom of the seniority list. Local 514 is the local who would have preferred you become stapled . You argue on this board with those who would have had you "dovetailed" and when the stews make a stand you expect those who you believe screwed you over to make a stand. You should really look who you have been supporting.

It is a shame that the moderator has banned name calling! The eighth letter of the alphabet comes to mind.

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