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Ethnic Profiling?


Thanks...you have shown me the way. If you want to bring "faith" into this, don't preach to me b/c I am involved in the Church and don't need lectures.

I have not shown you anything except maybe your very closed minded attitude to spiritual truth.

Humans are intelligent creatures. We can think, we can reason, we can form opinions. But physical humans are flesh. Our minds are naturally carnal. Human reasoning is self-serving. No matter how hard we may try, no matter how hard we may think that we may want to try, we cannot understand the Spiritual Truth of God without The Holy Spirit of God. It's the key that unlocks the Scriptures.

The Holy Spirit makes it possible for us to "hear" what God is actually saying. Without it, we may read the Bible, and become great "experts" of the Bible, and still not really understand what it says. And, as amazing as it may seem, that's exactly how God wants it.
I have not shown you anything except maybe your very closed minded attitude to spiritual truth.

Humans are intelligent creatures. We can think, we can reason, we can form opinions. But physical humans are flesh. Our minds are naturally carnal. Human reasoning is self-serving. No matter how hard we may try, no matter how hard we may think that we may want to try, we cannot understand the Spiritual Truth of God without The Holy Spirit of God. It's the key that unlocks the Scriptures.

The Holy Spirit makes it possible for us to "hear" what God is actually saying. Without it, we may read the Bible, and become great "experts" of the Bible, and still not really understand what it says. And, as amazing as it may seem, that's exactly how God wants it.

So you hear voices in your head too huh? What do they tel you to do? I try and not listen to my voices ... they are scary.
So you hear voices in your head too huh? What do they tel you to do? I try and not listen to my voices ... they are scary.
As hard as it is, as a mere human, I shall pray for your very lost and confused soul. You are not mocking me, but the word, and I pray you find the way before your last breathe least you will live in eternal regret.
As hard as it is, as a mere human, I shall pray for your very lost and confused soul. You are not mocking me, but the word, and I pray you find the way before your last breathe least you will live in eternal regret.

You know 700, just like those that make fun of people with other sexual preferences or those of other ethnicities, it sounds like you have a real religious insecurity. Buying a sportier car won't get you to heaven and your insecurity is obvious in your posts to we "poor lost sheep." I'm secure in my faith...get a grip on yours.

Excuse me now, I've got a lunch with the Devil in a few minutes and he doesn't like it when I'm late.
You know 700, just like those that make fun of people with other sexual preferences or those of other ethnicities, it sounds like you have a real religious insecurity. Buying a sportier car won't get you to heaven and your insecurity is obvious in your posts to we "poor lost sheep." I'm secure in my faith...get a grip on yours.

Excuse me now, I've got a lunch with the Devil in a few minutes and he doesn't like it when I'm late.
Your liberal dribble may amuse fellow lost souls, but I find it pathetic but very typical and the reason the road is very narrow.
That's why I have GPS. Never get lost anymore. Confused? Yea, I have a hard time understanding how some people make it past the guard at the gene pool. I think Darwin needs to get a move on. He is slacking off in his old age.

Never knew I was mocking "the" word. Hmmmm need to find a new word to mock. I know .... "knife". Why do we put a "k" in front of knife when we don't even use it? mock mock mock.

Hey Ch 12. Save a seat for me. Check his hand before you shake it. Last time he had one of those hand buzzer things and his packs a wholop.
Your liberal dribble may amuse fellow lost souls, but I find it pathetic but very typical and the reason the road is very narrow.

It is so sad to me how God has chosen only to represent republicans and US citizens. Who would have thought he chose teams? Next thing you will tell me is that God is a Clippers fan. Something has to explain their turnaround.

Look in your mirrow for narrow-mindedness. "conservative" means that you don't welcome change therefore don't open your mind to what else is out there.
It is so sad to me how God has chosen only to represent republicans and US citizens. Who would have thought he chose teams? Next thing you will tell me is that God is a Clippers fan. Something has to explain their turnaround.

Look in your mirrow for narrow-mindedness. "conservative" means that you don't welcome change therefore don't open your mind to what else is out there.
You mean like Promiscuity, Gays, Transsexuals, and everything thing else immoral and vile, is that your idea of an open mind. Open your mind up my friend and let the boiling sewage pour into it till overflowing. Is this world worth your eternal soul! This very short life is like a fleeting vapor and in the short time period you would open your mind to the devils funnel willingly and mock others who choose not to, whose the wise one, whose the fool……
You mean like Promiscuity, Gays, Transsexuals, and everything thing else immoral and vile, is that your idea of an open mind.

Are you going to tell Cheney his daughter is vile and immoral? I sure as hell don't want to get a visit from the FBI or IRS.

Let me know how that works out for you.

BTW, I have no interest in letting a fairy tale that advocates the stoning of children, gives guidlines for the treatment of slaves... etc be the guide for how I live my life. Talk about imooral and depraved. When do we get to start putting adulteres to death? How are we going to deal with all those heathens that work on the sabath?
Are you going to tell Cheney his daughter is vile and immoral?

I sure as hell don't want to get a visit from the FBI or IRS.

Sure you don't, you're part of the system, the world and the immorality that is running amuck and will continue to only grow worse. Laugh it up while you can, mock the God fearing believers, spit on them and curse them. You are playing with white hot fire that will lick at your essence that is your spirit never to be extinguished along with the anguish and utter torment you will bear for eternity. Whose the fool.....
700, you dont happen to share an IP with any other posters on the board, do you?
Amazing...4 pages later, I drop in to read all of this. Interesting points and ideas by some. Thank you... and I respeact all of you views. I started this thread to point out 1 simple thing. Ethnic profiling should be re-considered 'Terrorists' profiling when considering Muslim males between the ages of 17 and 40. Of course now we have to be 'Politically Correct' and include some 'Women', and maybe even 'Children' as well, since they seem "Hell Bent" on blowing up anyone who does not follow Allah, in their own fanatical way. Now we have come to the Revival Tent and "Thank God" Billy Graham is not there, I have the utmost respect for him.
People of all 'Walks of Life' will always have different ways to worship their 'Higher Power', but when it comes to killing innocent people in OUR Country, or ANY Country in the world, just for the chance of 72 virgins, in Muslim heaven, one should consider... is this acceptable? I find that hard to grasp as being realistic. Then again, are they? Let's consider a few things. Most Religions are based on written or etched material from thousands of years ago. Do you really think that what was written, say 2K ago, has been transposed in the initial intent to modern day times? I doubt it. To me it has been re-worked better than Walt Disney/Steven Spielberg could have imagined. I can't read the Torah or Koran but I have read the Bible many times so I can't speak for those I have not read. I'm sure there are a few other religious 'Scriptures' out there as well. Point is, Interpretion may have been lost and we are guided now on how we read it, and that is the problem, for the Jewish, Christian, and from the Muslim side. I doubt Allah the Prophet had any idea the Red, White & Blue good old USA would be around after 1776 AD. I doubt Jesus did too. Well we are and we will survive and I will do what I can to defend my Country and our ability to believe how we want without persuasion. I'm still trying to grasp that "Jonah and the Whale" weekend thing....or maybe it was a tuesday-wednesday? Thank you for your time.
Sure you don't, you're part of the system, the world and the immorality that is running amuck and will continue to only grow worse. Laugh it up while you can, mock the God fearing believers, spit on them and curse them. You are playing with white hot fire that will lick at your essence that is your spirit never to be extinguished along with the anguish and utter torment you will bear for eternity. Whose the fool.....

You're hilarious. You believe some book written over a period of time hundreds of years ago, by old white men who belived slavery was ok, as truth yet if someone told you pigs fly, you would want some sort of empirical evidence that it was true.

The same scientists that developed the technology you are using to write on the site are the same ones that are telling you that the earth is somewhere in the neighborhood of 5 billion years old, that the plane you fly on that weighs several hundred thousand pounds will not fall out of the sky, that the fancy machines at the hospital can actually see though your skin and tissue to see what’s inside you ... they can do all that but hey, if your bible says the world is 6,000 years old and that man and dinosaurs lived at the same time .. it must be true. And I’m the fool? What ever you say sparky.

BTW, when do we start to kill adulterers and stone children for being disobedient to their parents?

Got Heavens coordinates preprogramed do ya? :lol:

Yep, the really funny thing is, the Garmin thinks it's at Baby Dolls. Who am I to argue? 😛
Becoming Disillusioned

In present-day usage, becoming "disillusioned" with someone or something is usually regarded as something negative. But what does "disillusioned" literally mean? According to the dictionary, it means "becoming free from illusion or enchantment; to become enlightened." Is becoming free of an illusion a bad thing? Certainly not. Illusion means "an erroneous mental representation; something false that many people believe." Becoming disillusioned is a very good thing because it means coming to see reality, the Truth.

"Truth will make you free"

Carnal-minded humans reject God's Truth and God's Law, sometimes to the extreme that they knowingly demand lies and illusions in place of the Truth, as in this example of the ancient Israelites, who were very modern in their rebellion toward God. "Prophesy not to us what is right; speak to us smooth things, prophesy illusions" is as prevalent today as when Isaiah recorded this centuries ago:

"For they are a rebellious people, lying sons, sons who will not hear the instruction of The Lord; who say to the seers, "See not"; and to the Prophets, "Prophesy not to us what is right; speak to us smooth things, prophesy illusions, leave the way, turn aside from the path, let us hear no more of the Holy One of Israel." (Isaiah 30:9-11 RSV)

Repentant people are no longer shackled by illusions. God's people have been set free.

"If you continue in My Word, you are truly My disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will make you free" (John 8:31-32 RSV)

"Therefore, having this ministry by the mercy of God, we do not lose heart. We have renounced disgraceful, underhanded ways; we refuse to practice cunning or to tamper with God's Word, but by the open statement of the truth we would commend ourselves to every man's conscience in the sight of God." (2 Corinthians 4:1-2 RSV)

The carnal-minded people of the world in the time just prior to The Return of Jesus are going to be deceived by many powerful illusions. On the other hand, those who read, and live by, the Word of God already know that they're going to happen and will not be fooled by them when they do. Examples of the many great Satanic deceptions that are coming:

"For False Christs and False Prophets will arise and show great signs and wonders, so as to lead astray, if possible, even the elect. Lo, I have told you beforehand." (Matthew 24:24-25 RSV)

"It works great signs, even making fire come down from heaven to earth in the sight of men; and by the signs which it is allowed to work in the presence of the beast, it deceives those who dwell on earth, bidding them make an image for the beast which was wounded by the sword and yet lived; and it was allowed to give breath to the image of the beast so that the image of the beast should even speak, and to cause those who would not worship the image of the beast to be slain . Also it causes all, both small and great, both rich and poor, both free and slave, to be marked on the right hand or the forehead, so that no one can buy or sell unless he has the mark, that is, the name of the beast or the number of its name. This calls for wisdom: let him who has understanding reckon the number of the beast, for it is a human number, its number is six hundred and sixty-six." (Revelation 13:13-18 RSV)

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