Dog Wonder
The Progressive movement works best when the population is uneducated.
Given your posts lean to the 'interesting', even if they aren't true, I have to ask.
Where did you come up with that gem?
The Progressive movement works best when the population is uneducated.
If all decided to start buying deep green, you would be buying "Sliver Metallic" [sic].Deviant is NOT a dirty word. I'm a deviant. My taste in music is preferred by one half of one percent of listeners. People deviate from a great many norms. Another deviant pattern on my part is that 66.2% of all Audi TT's sold in the US are painted a Sliver Metallic color, while mine in a deep green favored by 2.3% of Audi Buyers. So once again I deviate from the norm, which also makes me a discriminating buyer.
Words mean things it's unfortunate that thanks to the Government run schools we're a nation of illiterates. The purpose of language is to illuminate not obfuscate not that you'd know that given the current political climate. We now have words like "Mediscare" thanks to our Progressives who should really be called Regressives as if we continue to follow their policies we'll be back in loin cloths with caves for home, but hey Little Billy's self esteem will be intact and Tarzan can take it in the seat legally.
If all decided to start buying deep green, you would be buying "Sliver Metallic" [sic].
Anti-establishment is your cause/belief.
If your view of establishment became the norm, you would still be anti-establishment.
If all decided to start buying deep green, you would be buying "Sliver Metallic" [sic].
Anti-establishment is your cause/belief.
If your view of establishment became the norm, you would still be anti-establishment.
And yet .....I am for Freedom and Liberty of the INDIVIDUAL, every time,
And yet ...A Libertarian POV doesn't yield to popular culture,
So if being a Libertarian was popular culture, you would be against it. :unsure:I decided to revise and extend my remarks.
I am for Freedom and Liberty of the INDIVIDUAL, every time, all the time and that means that I'm anti-establishment by default!
A Libertarian POV doesn't yield to popular culture, it adheres to the words and deeds of the Founding Fathers. Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, Ben Franklin are the basis for these beliefs!
I yield back the rest of my time
Borderline anarchist? Isn't that like being a little pregnant?Perhaps, but I sincerely doubt it. Truth is I'm a Borderline Anarchist
So if being a Libertarian was popular culture, you would be against it. :unsure:
They are dam near the same thing.
I must have missed the part where something clearly (according to libertarians) states that it is the states rights.