Local 12-
So nice to see you again. Perhaps if you go back and view in context where 700 tied the "mexicans taking over the southwest" with doomsday for this country.
I agree with 700 on the massive
illegal migration that is flooding our borders down south. You truly have your head in the sand if you think its not having an adverse effect on not only our medical services, but our already strained social services, and it is hurting the jobs sector as well by lowering wages. The
illegals PAY NO TAXES! many have no legal I.D, carry no insurance, auto or health and our prison system is being overwhelmed with hispanic gang members, who not only come from mexico, but from central and south america as well.
Allow me to give an example that is on a very personal level. A very good friend of mine was hit head on several years ago by a hit and run drunk driver, he survived but with life long disabilities. The driver of the car that hit him was caught, he had no drivers license, no valid I.D, no insurance. when the police arrested him they had to send out a bilingual officer because the man spoke no english, he was hispanic. The man was given a court date and posted bail under a false alias, he has not been seen since. The low life did'nt even go to see the man he had put in the hospital for three weeks and destroyed his life. NO the
illegal bastad vanished back into society with no recourse available to my friend. My friend had to pay his own medical, his car was totaled which was paid off by his Insurance, but since he was unable to work he could not afford another vehicle for some time, luckily a close network of friends stepped in and helped pay his bills or he would have lost everything.
Another example: A van load of
illegals between 15 or 20 were stopped in my home town by state troopers for suspicious behavior and erratic driving. none, not one had a valid I.D., all claimed stupidity "NO SPEAKY ENGLISH". after being detained for several hours they were released out of frustration because the INS which was 100 miles away, instructed the state troopers they did'nt have the resources available to handle the situaition...(Homeland security my ARSE)!!!
What these
illegals are doing is breaking our laws that you and I have to obey, they simply disappear back into society and move on, and you liberals want to throw out the welcome mat because they are already here. Giving them the same rights as Naturalized Citizens. Its totally outrageous and America is getting fed up with it!
Where would this country be had we not let the Chinese, Irish, Germans, English, Africans, etc in the doors?? The funny thing is that the US has ALWAYS faced an influx of immigrants but the only thing that changes are the countries of origin.
Yes indeed and in fact my family immigrated several generations back, but they also assimilated into American society, learned the language, and most importantly became sworn
LEGAL Citizens thru due process.
it is kind of funny that you preach dislike towards immigrants.
More typical left wing spin ch. 12?
I never once said I was against Immigration. I said im against
illegal immigration. For those who wish to come here and make this their home, they need to follow the legal process of becoming citizens, pay their taxes, and obey our laws. They need to assimilate into our society, The U.S.A. Way of life! sure they should cherish their heritage, and culture but if you wish to have The rights of American citizens, you need to be an American first and foremost.
I challenge you to go live in any foreign country and demand to have the same rights as their citizens without becoming naturalized....
Not gonna happen!