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Ethnic Profiling?

lol. If you are right, I'm just glad you and I won't be stuck in the same place. I could not bear to hang out with a judgmental, self rightious individual such as your self.

My sincerist belief is that if there is something after this, judgement will be based on deed verses religious affiliation. If that's the case, I hope you bring lots of ice.
The funny thing is I am not nor did I ever judge you or any another individual. I simply state what was spoken and accomplished a long time ago. All thru history your kind of mind set has been the norm and why I pointed out the passage about the narrow road.

Don't invent things in your mind to ease your conscience which is precisely what you are doing. The fact that you are upset or have enough emotion to even respond shows your conscience has not been seared which means there is still hope for your soul, that's the good news, the bad news is that your continued path will totally sear your conscience at which point, you will no longer have any hope at all and forever. Do you know how long forever its? Do you want me to explain it?

I am only stating basic spiritual truths here, when unbelievers see these truths it sets them on fire which either burnishes their souls or destroys them completely. Scary huh, especially since you now have less of an excuse to continue turning your back on truth. Being luke warm doesn't make it, might as well worship Satan, it's the same reward.
My sincerist belief is that if there is something after this, judgement will be based on deed verses religious affiliation.
So how good do your deeds have to be to make it???? Is it based on a scale of 1-10? Do 10's make it and 9's don't. Is it an average of the whole population of Earth? Are we grading on the curve? 🙄
So how good do your deeds have to be to make it???? Is it based on a scale of 1-10? Do 10's make it and 9's don't. Is it an average of the whole population of Earth? Are we grading on the curve? 🙄

Do Republicans make it and not Democrats? Do White men make it and not Arab women? Are U.S. citizens preferential to Mexicans?

Only the zealots think they know for certain...even the most pious of leaders will not try to define it in black and white b/c that is where religious fanatacism comes into play. And 700...you sound just as fanatic as those evil Arabs that you despise. Mentality like yours is just as bad as the terrorists b/c you believe you have it all figured out and that everyone that doesn't deserves not to live. Open your eyes. I'm religious but I'm not fanatical. Danger lurks where one's fanaticism takes all precedent to kindness, tact, acceptance, and knowledge. Build your stockpiles and damn those that don't think the same as you but when you serve up your kool-aid, don't expect everyone to drink your poison.
Do Republicans make it and not Democrats? Do White men make it and not Arab women? Are U.S. citizens preferential to Mexicans?

hey... don't ask me. I am just trying to figure out how this "deeds" thing works.

you believe you have it all figured out and that everyone that doesn't deserves not to live.

I don't believe 700 said that or believes that. It's the Islamo facists who think non-believers deserve to die.
Do Republicans make it and not Democrats? Do White men make it and not Arab women? Are U.S. citizens preferential to Mexicans?

Nope only the Good Irish catholics who can still recite The Lords Prayer from memory ater consuming a wee bit to much liquid spirits, all the rest are damned to eternal hell fire. 😛

Now back on topic, why is it that those who wish to finish the task at hand in Iraq are called 'war mongers', or those who believe we need secure border's and stop illegal immigration are racist against the 'mexicans'etc..?

I get really annoyed with this same old rhetoric coming from the left all the time.

(JMHO) If the Democratic Party does'nt come back to the mainstream conservative side, I believe the white house is Lost in 2008 to the Republicans.
Do Republicans make it and not Democrats? Do White men make it and not Arab women? Are U.S. citizens preferential to Mexicans?

Only the zealots think they know for certain...even the most pious of leaders will not try to define it in black and white b/c that is where religious fanatacism comes into play. And 700...you sound just as fanatic as those evil Arabs that you despise. Mentality like yours is just as bad as the terrorists b/c you believe you have it all figured out and that everyone that doesn't deserves not to live. Open your eyes. I'm religious but I'm not fanatical. Danger lurks where one's fanaticism takes all precedent to kindness, tact, acceptance, and knowledge. Build your stockpiles and damn those that don't think the same as you but when you serve up your kool-aid, don't expect everyone to drink your poison.
Your words clearly show you are lost and know it and angry because of it.

I am not here to tell you or anybody they are going to hell. All of that information is there for anyone to see, if they read it, pray over it and use an open mind it’s available to the masses, and has been for two thousand years.

I am also not telling people to blow themselves up so they can lose their virginity. I would say you are the one who has it all figured out since you are convinced I am fanatically insane.

You know deep down in that quiet place of your very being there is something tugging at you, if there wasn't you wouldn't have paid my words a seconds glance but you did and even responded with that hidden anger because you are confused and not at peace with yourself. That is the first step, lets just pray it doesn't go awry and you end up chanting to some man made God who lost his breath when his head was cut off. Yes, your read that right. It’s in a religion study manual which is very strong in Utah. Grown people dedicate their live and resources to this kind of madness. That’s just one of many examples where people are worshipping nothing but evil with a dressing.

As far as being religious, I am not religious at all. Legalism is what you’re referring to which is as deadly as the demons over in the middle east. Legalism is in many churches and what you are confused about because having a personal relationship with the creator is simply knowing the truth and nothing else.

When you come to terms that there is nothing but two opposing forces and that you have a choice which side to choose, then you begin to find peace in your heart soul and mind, until then you will spew your angry venom at people like myself.

The holy spirit guides me thru this world of constant turmoil, keeps me from going insane and shouting at others about something I can't comprehend, because I “do†understand. That same spirit is also waiting for you to follow and reap the same benefits and eternal outcome.

Universal Law: Everything has two sides, is balanced, Black, White, Good, Evil on and on. You are either with one or the other, there is no going in-between. You decide what end of the scale you jump on. It’s easy to see where the other guy is, it’s only two sided with nothing to figure out.

Thanks...you have shown me the way. If you want to bring "faith" into this, don't preach to me b/c I am involved in the Church and don't need lectures. HOWEVER...I am open-minded and know that no matter how much your or I think we've got it figured out, there are others that "have it figured out" and their players are far different from ours. For you to try to claim to be such and independent "faithful one" rather than subscribing to a religion but then going ahead and preaching what sounds oddly like evangelical Christianity (all of your views happen to coincide with Christian's views) is funny. YOU are NOT objective NOR are you open-minded in this. You have chosen your horse to bet on and you are trying to get all others to bet on the same horse. I happen to bet on the same horse but don't feel that anyone that is not as fanatical as me or that has bet on another horse is a worthless human being (or "lost soul" as your codeword goes). Remember that the bible are mere mortals' interpretations of the foundation of Christianity and you can't hang on every word like there is no free interpretation. The Bible is more poetic than encyclopedia and it takes deeper thought and understanding than just reading it at face value. Those that don't understand that are the ones that are truly "lost". Do I care? No. We are humans and can choose our own ways. I can't stand fanatics in any religion b/c they are dangerous. They challenge life and thought and that is not what ANY god would want.

Local 12-
So nice to see you again. Perhaps if you go back and view in context where 700 tied the "mexicans taking over the southwest" with doomsday for this country. Where would this country be had we not let the Chinese, Irish, Germans, English, Africans, etc in the doors?? The funny thing is that the US has ALWAYS faced an influx of immigrants but the only thing that changes are the countries of origin. Without any of the groups I mentioned and hundreds of others, this great nation would not have had the arms to fight the Revolutionary War, the railroads that were so important in the Civil War, the weapons and strategy necessary to win both World Wars, and the great forces that have served. So when you realize what these immigrants mean to your poem, it is kind of funny that you preach dislike towards immigrants. They are who made this country. Unless you're a native american, you have no room to dislike immigrants.
Thanks...you have shown me the way. If you want to bring "faith" into this, don't preach to me b/c I am involved in the Church and don't need lectures. HOWEVER...I am open-minded and know that no matter how much your or I think we've got it figured out, there are others that "have it figured out" and their players are far different from ours.

Why all the anger? Peace must be alien to your faith, chaos the norm. That's ok, the direction you're headed chaos and confusion will be yours to enjoy for eternity which should make you happy being that’s familiar.

Your comment on Mexico: What about the super highway they are absolutely building to accommodate Mexico only to bypass every USA law. The first step in making one big north America with a new coinage too boot, is that all fantasy? Of course this is all following thru with what has been written long ago. Thing is, that super highway won’t be a narrow one, you know, the one few people take to eternal life. The savoir doesn’t live in a church and going to one doesn’t assure your salvation by proxy simply attending.
Local 12-
So nice to see you again. Perhaps if you go back and view in context where 700 tied the "mexicans taking over the southwest" with doomsday for this country.

I agree with 700 on the massive illegal migration that is flooding our borders down south. You truly have your head in the sand if you think its not having an adverse effect on not only our medical services, but our already strained social services, and it is hurting the jobs sector as well by lowering wages. The illegals PAY NO TAXES! many have no legal I.D, carry no insurance, auto or health and our prison system is being overwhelmed with hispanic gang members, who not only come from mexico, but from central and south america as well.

Allow me to give an example that is on a very personal level. A very good friend of mine was hit head on several years ago by a hit and run drunk driver, he survived but with life long disabilities. The driver of the car that hit him was caught, he had no drivers license, no valid I.D, no insurance. when the police arrested him they had to send out a bilingual officer because the man spoke no english, he was hispanic. The man was given a court date and posted bail under a false alias, he has not been seen since. The low life did'nt even go to see the man he had put in the hospital for three weeks and destroyed his life. NO the illegal bastad vanished back into society with no recourse available to my friend. My friend had to pay his own medical, his car was totaled which was paid off by his Insurance, but since he was unable to work he could not afford another vehicle for some time, luckily a close network of friends stepped in and helped pay his bills or he would have lost everything.

Another example: A van load of illegals between 15 or 20 were stopped in my home town by state troopers for suspicious behavior and erratic driving. none, not one had a valid I.D., all claimed stupidity "NO SPEAKY ENGLISH". after being detained for several hours they were released out of frustration because the INS which was 100 miles away, instructed the state troopers they did'nt have the resources available to handle the situaition...(Homeland security my ARSE)!!!

What these illegals are doing is breaking our laws that you and I have to obey, they simply disappear back into society and move on, and you liberals want to throw out the welcome mat because they are already here. Giving them the same rights as Naturalized Citizens. Its totally outrageous and America is getting fed up with it!

Where would this country be had we not let the Chinese, Irish, Germans, English, Africans, etc in the doors?? The funny thing is that the US has ALWAYS faced an influx of immigrants but the only thing that changes are the countries of origin.

Yes indeed and in fact my family immigrated several generations back, but they also assimilated into American society, learned the language, and most importantly became sworn LEGAL Citizens thru due process.

it is kind of funny that you preach dislike towards immigrants.

More typical left wing spin ch. 12?

I never once said I was against Immigration. I said im against illegal immigration. For those who wish to come here and make this their home, they need to follow the legal process of becoming citizens, pay their taxes, and obey our laws. They need to assimilate into our society, The U.S.A. Way of life! sure they should cherish their heritage, and culture but if you wish to have The rights of American citizens, you need to be an American first and foremost.

I challenge you to go live in any foreign country and demand to have the same rights as their citizens without becoming naturalized.... :lol: Not gonna happen!
So how good do your deeds have to be to make it???? Is it based on a scale of 1-10? Do 10's make it and 9's don't. Is it an average of the whole population of Earth? Are we grading on the curve? 🙄

Not sure on the scale thing. Just a hunch on my part. May it will be like school 60% and above you get in and below that you get to do a retake or you get held back a grade. OR... maybe it will be like applying to college. You want to go to Prinston/stanford/USC/Duke... but your grades and SAT say state or JCC. Then again, the Greeek and Romas could have been right in which case we have been sucking up to the wrong god and we are all hosed. Isis was hot. I'm liking her team more and more.

As for the curve. All I can say is look around you. If we are not graded on a curve, heaven or what ever you want to call it will be a very lonely place. They will be the ones calling the cops on Hell complaining that the music is to loud and they are ruining the neighborhood.
Why all the anger? Peace must be alien to your faith, chaos the norm.

Don't be obtuse and pretend that cynicism is anger. Peace is what I call for...not bombing countries half a world away. Why does your peaceful, superior faith lead you to view these things as right?

I'll debate politics 'til I'm blue in the face but religious debate with zealots is never going to end good. What's funny is that we are both on the "same side" it's just that I don't condemn and damn others that don't have the same faith as you and I. I don't feel that it is my place to convert them, either. A person's belief structure is a powerful thing...one that causes hatred and discrimination if you let it overwhelm you.

And please don't tell me about "hate" b/c you don't hide very well behind your veil of "faith" that preaches against other groups and beliefs. Such hateful zealousy leads to genocide and discrimination. Such is the road that so many tyrants have gone down. As in anything...the "lost" are the extremists and zealots...not the people that are peaceful and humble in their beliefs. Where as I am peaceful and humble in my beliefs, you are spewing extremist zealousy. I know which side I'd want to be on.

And what does religion have to do with race-based profiling? I would say that we should profile the extremists...not just one race. Just think...McVeigh, Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot, and so many more would have walked right past your security lines b/c they aren't "terrorist arabs". It is an extremist thing...not just religioin or ethnicity. Your over-the-top, book burning, with all of your passion zealousy is just as dangerous as any other zealout. So try to hind behind your veil but you are the most angry on here talking about Mexicans and the lowly "educated" people that are ruining things and don't seem to fit into your version of God. THAT is hateful and angry...not me who is just the person getting frustrated with such ignorant, narrow, and deadly viewpoints.

No...my faith is about peace and acceptance. Why can't you say the same even though you pretend? Pretty hypocritical if you ask me.
Pretty hypocritical if you ask me.

Police officers in many parts of the world now routinely wear a bullet-proof vest as part of their standard uniform. Troops of a number of nations are regularly equipped with "flak jackets" when they go into combat. But what about Christians? What do we have that helps to protect us from the endless barrage of evil influences that Satan fires in our direction?

"Finally, be strong in The Lord and in His mighty power. Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil's schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand."

"Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the Gospel of peace. In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of The Spirit, which is The Word of God. And pray in The Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the saints."

So what do we have to protect us?
The belt of truth.
The breastplate of righteousness.
Feet fitted with the readiness of the Gospel of peace.
The shield of faith.
The helmet of salvation
The sword of The Spirit.

God did not "draft" us into His Christian Church and then send us off into spiritual battle without the equipment that we need to win the war. If we use what God has given us, eternal victory is a choice, not a chance.
That's it...I'm checking out of this one now. I can get this when the revival comes to town.
Wow, I was just hoping to get a pair of cool bracelets like Wonder Woman’s.

So is the belt of truth like Wonder Woman’s lasso? Not sure if her breast were righteous but they were damn fine.

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