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Vatican Study

Here is a thought I had last night. Kind of of topic but not really.

In Christianity there has been a running debate for centuries, "Can a Rich Man enter Heaven"? So that made me ask:

Can an Atheist be a Libertarian?
Pretty sure the answer on this is a resounding NO! Not if they're intellectually honest. How could you support Individual Liberty when according to Libertarian thinking that those individual Freedoms and Liberties are conferred not by Government but by our creator which is an explicit admission of a supreme being which according to atheists doesn't exist.

Can an Atheist be a Conservative?
No Idea actually that's why I asked.

Is an atheist automatically Liberal/Progressive?
I think the answer is a resounding YES. Liberal/Progressives put their faith in science and government since they have no Godhead to follow. This leads to situational ethics or what I like to call "Flexible Ethics". See in my little Christian, Jesus loving pea brain there is a whole lot more Black and white than there is shades of Grey.

I have never really been to concerned with labels. If being a libertarian (what ever that is) requires faith in god then I cannot be one. Who cares. What is the label for one who believes in individual liberties that were bestowed upon man by man?

I am fairly comfortable with your basic description of liberal/progressive. I do not believe in a one size fits all approach to much of anything.

I tend to believe that I am socially liberal and fiscally conservative.

I really wish you would stop quoting the BS that Dapoes spews as then I have to read it as part of your quote. Any way. The idea that someone without children cannot be concerned about the welfare of children is beyond ignorant and stupid. Children are going to be the leaders of tomorrow and I have a vested interest in their well being just as we all do. I do have nieces not that it matters. I get very defensive about the elderly, children and animals. They are the weakest in our society and need the most care.
Let's spell this out a bit more clearly. The Pope was involved in covering up the rapes of children and he was involved in the shuffling and protection of rapists.

Pedophilia is cool....Obama has a wack job NAMBLA fan iin DOE.

You didn't get the memo?
Disturbing to say the least. I'm thinking he's not going to make my Christmas Card list
Disturbing to say the least. I'm thinking he's not going to make my Christmas Card list
Of course it is. But in the anything goes world of liberals this is to be considered normal and perfectly acceptable.

Which begs the question, would this degenerate be where he is today under Republican administartion? Nope. But he got a hail Mary pass and a blessing from the MSM.
OH Lord Dell that's gonna leave a mark!

Hey, progressive's are into the "if it feels good, do it" gig.

I see a lot of defense on here of gay rights......two consenting adults living together blah blah blah. Love and all that.....There's a very fine line in gayness that involves all kinds of sexual manifestations that are quite off the wall. I have a friend who lives in the Frisco area and sees these bizarre things all the time. Defend gay rights, but where does one draw the line between sexual deviation and 'love and equal rights'?

Maybe the Pope knows.
Hey, progressive's are into the "if it feels good, do it" gig.

I see a lot of defense on here of gay rights......two consenting adults living together blah blah blah. Love and all that.....There's a very fine line in gayness that involves all kinds of sexual manifestations that are quite off the wall. I have a friend who lives in the Frisco area and sees these bizarre things all the time. Defend gay rights, but where does one draw the line between sexual deviation and 'love and equal rights'?

Maybe the Pope knows.

IF those involved are consenting adults of the same species do we have to draw a line?
Hey, progressive's are into the "if it feels good, do it" gig.

I see a lot of defense on here of gay rights......two consenting adults living together blah blah blah. Love and all that.....There's a very fine line in gayness that involves all kinds of sexual manifestations that are quite off the wall. I have a friend who lives in the Frisco area and sees these bizarre things all the time. Defend gay rights, but where does one draw the line between sexual deviation and 'love and equal rights'?

Maybe the Pope knows.

Conservatives are the ones who will try and ban it or condemn it if they do not agree with it. I guess individual rights are not very important to conservatives so long as it does not affect them.

Are you freaking serious? Go do a internet search for heterosexual sex and let us know what you find. The level of hypocrisy from the right is beyond ignorance. Surely you are not going to try and pretend that heteros do not participate in any type of sexual deviance are you? I hope you are not that stupid.

Make a law and pass it. It applies to everyone, not just certain people. Fourteenth amendment. Look it up since you seem to be unclear on how it works. If two connecting people want to tie each other up and spank them selves or use whips or needles or what ever else they come up with it is there business, not yours. If you don't like it don't do it. Why you have such a hard on for what other people do in their bed rooms is between you and your shrink. It has no basis in law and it's none of your damn business. There is no bloody line. Consent. Look it up in the dictionary since you do not seem to understand the legal
Oh look another "anything goes" liberal pleading guilty for deviant behavior....incest :blink:

Probably an atheist as well...since “Police say the relationship between Epstein and his daughter was consensual.” Just as advocated by our resident Tree stump. B)

Epstein, who specializes in American politics and voting rights, has taught at Harvard and Stanford and often is quoted by news organizations. He also has blogged on The Huffington Post. That explains it.... :blink:

Leave up to liberals, if they had it there way you could marry or diddle their daughters, sons, farm animals, etc...its all good to them.....ewww. :huh:
Oh look another "anything goes" liberal pleading guilty for deviant behavior....incest :blink:

Probably an atheist as well...since “Police say the relationship between Epstein and his daughter was consensual.” Just as advocated by our resident Tree stump. B)

Epstein, who specializes in American politics and voting rights, has taught at Harvard and Stanford and often is quoted by news organizations. He also has blogged on The Huffington Post. That explains it.... :blink:

Leave up to liberals, if they had it there way you could marry or diddle their daughters, sons, farm animals, etc...its all good to them.....ewww. :huh:

Put me in the corner of "Most Anything goes". There are sound SCIENTIFIC REASONS that incest is illegal. Genetically it's not good for your family tree to have no fork or turn into a stump. Folks like Epstein start procreating with their offspring and pretty soon we as a nation will have the same Gene pool as Arkansas!!! 😀 :lol: 😛

Hello everyone I'd like to meet my daughter/wife! The one with the three eyes is Emily and our oldest Jeremiah is the one with 6 fingers and the web feet.

Hey don't forget that Dad Gummed 14th Amendment. Why shouldn't I marry my daughter? Especially since she is hotter than anything I could get otherwise. Hey it's like I always say, "When lust is a must, Incest is best"

I heard when Dr. Epstein applied for his gig at the Huffington Post he has to pass a test. Here are a few of the questions.

1. Guess your sex without looking
2. If a boy and girl in KY get married at the age of 16 and stay married for 25 years then get divorced are they:
-Still First Cousins?
-Brother & Sister
-Don't care is he/she hot?
-Don't know
3. What does a 14 years old in Arkansas say after sex? A: Get off me Dad you're crushing my smokes.
4. True or False, The only 14 yr old virgins in WV are those that can out run their big brother

My understanding is Dr. Epstein got a 100, plus the job and a hummer from Ariana.

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