We love our airline and want to provide the safest. most pleasant experience possible. We can do this by carefully following the procedures laid out for us by our great union and company.
Just some ideas!
* When scheduling calls you, you have 15 minutes to respond. Use them. You have 90 minutes to get to the airport. Use them. If you get there early, have a brownie at Au Bon Pain until the 90 minutes is up. It's the shortest call out in the industry- use it to it's full advantage!
* On time departures and quick turns are not as important as checking your equiptment. Check it thouroughly, maybe at the same pace as contract negotiations.
* Same for briefings. Read the entire card. Don't hurry through, it's important. Practice monitor and challenge while the agent awaits permission to board.
* Broken galley equiptment is dangerous to crew and passengers. Do not take off with dangerous equiptment.
* A healthy crew is a safe crew. You needs three meals a day, as close to meal times as possible. 30 minute turns are immaterial compared to your personal health. Each of you should get your own food, how are you to know what your co-workers want to eat.
* Even if you are just going from PHL to DCA, you do need potable water. What if you get stuck on the taxiway? Don't leave without it.
* Same for waste. Get it dumped, it is unpleasant and unsanitary.
* Seat dupes are not your problem. SHARES needs to figure it out. Have the captain call customer service. Understaffed? Not your fault. Remember you are not allowed to step off the aircraft.
* Families that are not seated together should be resolved in the boarding area, not onboard. Call customer service.
* You do not need to call scheduling and advise them you're going to go illegal in a few hours. They should be proactive and know this, and already be looking for a replacement crew.
* OPR stands for On Premise Reserve. You don't have to fly the saucer in the crew room, hang out in the airport, A-West is really pretty, or people watch in F. They can call you if they need you, and can wait as you safely make your way back from one part of the premise to another.
* If you are a reserve, if at all possible, don't pick up ETB unless totally necessary. These are your few off days. Tend bar somewhere, get a part time job at a Hallmark store, something easy, any will pay the same or better than ETB trips. Every time you pick one up you are telling the union and the company that the present system is fine, and you are okay with being the blockholder's b*tch. How fun would it be if all reserves refused to pick up ETB for a month.
* Every time you are quick called in the middle of the night for a transatlantic trip, call your union to double check that you are legal. Doesn't have to be your LEC, call the MEC or any member of the negotiating commitee. Your $40 pays for them to be available to you. Call them each and every time. On particularly boring days, call them and have them explain the reserve system in great detail. Call again for a refresher a week later. Be sure they understand the system in and out, and can recite things back to you without looking it up- make sure they are constantly aware of the reserves and the system.
* Be sure to make all announcements in your announcement booklet, regardless of time of day, from Buy In The Sky to whatever other advertising they want you to do. Have your announcement book ready to show upset customers, as well as the email address they can complain to.
* In your arrival announcement, don't say "If you're connecting to a US Airways Express flight..." and direct customers to terminal F. This is a fallacy. Republic Airlines is US Airways Express and those planes are parked at B and C. They should know that thier Express flight could be out of anywhere. The company made it complicated, not you.
* Don't forget to put claims in even if you won't get your guarantee. Someone is being paid to process them rather than upgrade the computer sytem to automatically update itself.
* Always show the boarding video, complete with blue men banging on garbage cans, at an audible volume, regardless of time of day. Again, have email address ready.
* Be sure to do your exit row briefing, verbatim, to every exit customer individually, and demand a verbal response. Rules are rules! Be sure to explain that this is not done on every carrier, but US Airways is requiring us to.
* If you are working A on the Airbus family, be sure to face the customers while preparing thier first class meals. The partition should be more than enough to block the view.
* If you are on a closet/galley disabled aircraft, be sure to put any extra catering supplies on the jetway. Extra is defined as in space meant for customers and thier luggage such as overhead bins and under seats. If you don't have enough snacks, water, or whatnot, simply explain that the storage space is gone because the company wanted to add more seats to the cabin.
* Remind customers that US Airways is a low cost business casual airline, even full fare Envoy Class customers.
Anyone else have any other helpful reminders?