You want to know why you get a witty, insulting retort back?
BECAUSE YOU CANNOT READ. The caps are just for you dear.
Let's go through your post one, well, I guess they are paragraphs, at a time.
Worldview is an outlook, or a rather a framework of ideas and beliefs that form an outlook. It's not looking out of your window and seeing Dubai. I too have lived abroad, and while that is something that might have helped form one's worldview, the term itself has nothing to do with international travel or even your sight. I believe that's about fourth grade vocab.
MidAtlantic was loads of fun, paid more than what I make now (as a F/A) and was fantastic for my career. Absolutely. Thank you for asking.
Okay next. I don't hate Pittsburgh, I just don't have a sentimental attachment to it that overrides common sense and industry realities. If that means 'hating' it, then yes, I loathe it. I also 'hate' VCRs, 8-tracks, and rotary phones. The union is useless (maybe not for you?) Pitbull- is she even still posting? I don't remember really talking to her, I'm sure you are PMing her for ideas on how to 'get me' though lol. I would be interested in seeing your examples of me being wrong however.
My negative attitude... it must really show next to you, who's obviously sh*tting rainbows. Your posts are filed with sunshine and light, and must be very inspiring. Too bad we can't find your positive posts... maybe we just can't read them?
Now... let's just do a little review of our conversation here, shall we?
SKY HIGH said: Fact is, young people dont give a crap. They have NO work ethic.
EMBFA said: It has nothing to do with age, it has to do with the company and the attitude of the employees.
EMBFA said: Now, my point was that quality of service delivery has nothing to do with age or seniority. Yours, from what I gather from your muddled post, is that is does? How so?
SKY HIGH said: Many F/A's came to this company in the late 70's and early 80's because of it's reputation of "taking care of it's employees". That's gone now, that's why many workers are jaded. Pay me less, I'll work less
EMBFA said: While I understand not wanting to go 'above and beyond' for a company that disregards us, I am also not lazy and take pride in my own service, appearance, demeanor, and work ethic. That's for EMBFA, not for US Airways. I'm sorry that you and many of my co-workers don't feel the same way.
SKY HIGH said: That you constantly point fingers at the senior group is insulting, ignorant and prior for the course with you.
Uh... what?
The reason you get my witty and insulting retorts (I would add condescending) is because your posts are so off the wall it's too hard to resist. You can't pick an opinion and stick with it for a 24 hour period. I sincerely hope you are just poorly written or type under the influence (sunshine service?) Do you or don't you feel that age or seniority is a factor in service attitude? It's a simple debate in which you've expressed several, varying opinions.
When you continuously post bizarre rants void of reason, fact, or meaning, retorts are par for the course. I shudder at the American public school system, but that's another topic altogether.